October...Find the Time to Breathe

As summer winds down and the pace slows we take a moment to sit in stillness, reflect and BREATHE!

I encourage you to contemplate where you have been thus far, where you are right now, in which direction you are currently headed, what is yet to be done, what must be kept, and what can be released as you wind down this year’s journey; then, remember to BREATHE.

Once October comes it feels as if the New Year is upon us…time moves quickly and it is up to us to slow it down. Take a moment and sit with this image…allow your mind to wander along your journey’s path…and BREATHE.

Following the breath allows us to center within, to know the next steps along our way, and to discover if there are course corrections yet to be acknowledged. By grounding within we recalibrate and are most productive without.

Use this space to catch your breath, focus within, center yourself and, when you are ready, strike out to finish the rest of the year in mindfulness. BREATHE in life, strive for peace, pace yourself and…


Mary Sutton