Desert Bloom Astrology


Imagine you have a blueprint to your Soul, a roadmap to the very center of your being. Would you be brave enough to look at it, learn about it, trust it, and follow your path?

Astrology is the study of celestial movement, the relationships it creates, and the intrinsic patterns it unfolds. It is the wisdom of our ancestors, an ancient art form of archetypal interconnectedness based upon our observations of the sky above, correlated with our observations of unfolding events upon the Earth below. It shines light into the hidden places of our existence.

Our Astrology chart is that blueprint to our Soul, and Desert Bloom Astrology assists Souls who want to know more about their true nature but don’t know how to read blueprints!

We are a holistic consulting experience that utilizes Astrology as the entryway to the Soul. Welcome!

Are you ready to follow your path?

About Mary

Mary is a graduate of both esoteric and psychological Astrology schools. She has received certification in Astrology from the Centre for Psychological Astrology (CPA) in London and received Diplomas from the Mercury Internet School of Psychological Astrology (MISPA) and the White Eagle School of Astrology (WESA). She has taken courses from astrologers Lynn Bell, Demetra George, and M. Kelley Hunter and has studied extensively with astrologers John Green and Arifa Boehler. Her teachers include Alexandra Merrill, Caroline Myss, Dr. Christine Page, and Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes.

A registered nurse (RN) and a licensed professional counselor (LPC), Mary has been in the health care profession for 35+ years. In 2009 she opened a private counseling practice, the same year that she graduated from Caroline Myss’ Sacred Contracts Program. She uses Archetypal Consulting within her Astrology practice and stays current with licensure CEUs, especially Jungian-influenced studies.

On a personal note, Mary has always been interested in pursuing her individual spiritual development and living her highest good. She is a proponent of expressing Human-ness while embracing Divinity. She has learned therapeutic and healing touch, massage therapy, and hypnotherapy while navigating her Soul’s path. She embraces a holistic approach to life. Her sacred contract includes holding sacred space and shining light; she does so with an open heart.

Mary lives in Sedona, AZ, with Steve, her husband of 25+ years, and their dogs, Chloe, Zoey, and Birdie.


“Be humble, for you are made of earth. Be noble, for you are made of stars.”