Emotional Healing 2020

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There is no doubt about it, 2020 has been one tough year! It has been difficult for so many of us that we cannot wait to turn the page to 2021, in the hopes that it will be better. But what if it is not? What if the road remains rocky? What do we do then? The Scorpio New Moon occurs on November 14, 2020. It is a time to plant new seeds, to sow a new emotional beginning. The energy of this New Moon affords us the opportunity to do some deep, emotionally transformational work, to heal emotional wounds, and to transform our grief into hope for a changed tomorrow. Scorpio rules the life-death-rebirth cycle. It is an intense time of darkness that ultimately yields to the return of the light. It is the Phoenix that rises out of the ashes; the gold that lies within the shadow. It is a time to dive deeply into the depths, to retrieve our gravitas so that we may become integrated and whole, and re-emerge changed, empowered to better function.

Journeys of personal empowerment and human evolution are long and hard; they require much attention and work. They ask us to remember our TRUE selves, the Divinity within our humanness. At our core we vibrate with powerfully seismic waves of unconditional LOVE, it is important both that we remember and reclaim this. Throughout this year we have talked a LOT about the transformational cosmic changes that are fighting to get our attention. Now that they have our attention what do we do?

First and foremost, it is imperative that we all remember who we are at our core; as within, so without. What is happening in the world is happening within us all as well. This Scorpio New Moon supports our efforts to look within and do some digging until we hit paydirt, until we uncover our gold. We are being asked to shift our personal tectonic plates and rebirth anew, to rise out of our own ashes and heal, to be more authentic.

So, in an attempt to apply healing balm to our battle-weary selves, I have decided to feature other women I know, healers of various types, and provide their wisdom as we bind ourselves up and attempt to keep moving forward. I will post their words of wisdom, staples to restock our spiritual rucksack, nourishment to help us heal and to keep us going. Let’s get started. First up is Lou Sutton, Transformational Life Coach, with a guided meditation for emotional healing.

1. Get comfortable, eyes open or closed

2. Name what is happening in the moment

3. Begin to breathe slowly at a 10 second rhythm – 5 breaths in and 5 breaths out

4. Use self-awareness to notice physical body sensations – energy, tingling, coolness, pain, relaxation, discomfort, tension, heaviness, etc.

5. Breathe into that physical sensation until you notice a shift in that sensation, often accompanied by emotion

6. Notice the effect that focusing your attention on physical sensations has on you and your emotion

7. Stay with your breath and awareness of your emotion or sensation until you feel an energy shift or the initial emotion changes (this could bring you to awareness of an unmet need)

8. Now bring attention to your heart. Focus on the center of your chest and the heart space around it

9. Imagine that your breathing is coming in and out of your heart space*

10. When the rhythm begins to feel automatic, remember a time when you were with someone you love(d), or doing something that filled you with joy, excitement, happiness, peace or gratitude

11. Relive the memory through your SENSES as you continue to breathe through your heart

12. Continue to do heart breathing until you notice that your emotion has changed. How do you FEEL about the initial feeling or sensation now?

*For additional information about heart breathing go to www.HeartMath.com

Lou’s Wisdom: Healing Your Emotional Self

“You can only heal your emotional self when you discover and heal your attachment to pain, fear, and other emotions that may present in your physical body. You must explore your physical body to find the emotions you are hanging onto.” ~Lou Sutton

- What do your emotions and pain do for you?

- For each of your light or sunny emotions there is a darker counterpart, often referred to as the “shadow” side. For example, on the other side of Joy there is Grief. Both serve a purpose. If you have an emotion that isn’t shifting, explore its shadow side and see if you can move it that way.

- All parts of ourselves need to be embraced. No part is “bad” or “wrong”.

- Use focused attention to notice what is happening inside yourself. The practice of simply noticing engages self-awareness and brings you into the moment. It opens you to the ability to shine the light of awareness on an internal emotional state and ultimately transform that emotion.

- Embrace ALL of your accomplishments.

- The easiest way to shift emotional energy is through heart breathing while you remember a time when you felt love, joy, excitement, happiness, peace or gratitude.

- This heart breathing impacts your emotional (and corresponding mental and spiritual) self, and then can impact relationships and ultimately contribute to an energy shift in the collective.

- All emotions are connected to an unmet need or unlived value. The best way to discover your values is to identify a BEST experience and explore what made it so.

If you are interested in a visualization that guides you to identify your values, please contact Lou Sutton (yes, we are related) at lou@LouSutton.com or visit www.LouSutton.com


May we all find the Healing and Love we need.

And so it is.

Mary Sutton