Winter Solstice 2020

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Monday, December 21, 2020, at 6:30 am (MST) marks the winter solstice for this year in the Northern Hemisphere, the first official day of the winter season begins. The Sun moves into Cardinal Capricorn, it is exactly conjunct Mercury by degree, and both expect we will seriously reflect on what we want to build moving forward. What will we manifest in 2021 that we create in our minds now, in the quiet of winter? The Capricorn Sun and Mercury at this Winter Solstice encourage us to co-create responsibly with the Divine, bring Heaven down to Earth or “on Earth as it is in Heaven,” as the prayer goes.

At the Solstice, Jupiter and Saturn move into Aquarius and pull away from Capricorn Pluto due to their faster movement. They have danced the dance of intense recalibration and retribution this past year, which we will not soon forget. On the Solstice, Jupiter and Saturn (the Great Conjunction) are within one minute of each other, a near-exact conjunction. They are the closest they have been in nearly 400 years; the last time they were this close was the year 1623. As mentioned before, the elemental change of this duo from Earth into Air is astrologically significant. We begin to feel unstuck from the past and imagine taking flight into the future. Still, there is much work to be done. The Aquarius Jupiter/Saturn conjunction will square Taurus Uranus, indicating there are still challenges that lie ahead in 2021. Yet, the energy allows us to ground this newfound evolutionary movement IF we meet those challenges. The caution is not to get fixed in our ideas or values. The old must yield and make room for the new, as that is the nature of evolutionary change.

Traditionally the Winter Solstice is the beginning of the season of rest, quiet stillness where all lies fallow and readying deep within the Earth for rebirth in the spring. But before the Sun can return, we wait on the darkest day of the year, and in this stillness, we reflect on 2020. What has worked, what has not? What do we wish to carry forward? And what do we want to leave behind, never to touch again? This dark time is a magical, mystical place; it is good to dream wildly, knowing soon there will be a time to build our dreams into reality. But, for now, it is time to take a moment to pause and reflect.

November 30, we had a Gemini Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse, which ushered in the month of December, serving as a prelude to this Solstice. At the time of the Full Moon, we release that which no longer is necessary. The Air sign Gemini ruled by Mercury, the planet of communications and the god who traverses between the worlds, asks what communications need culling to prepare us for the Joy that New Moon Sagittarius brings? What words do we need to remove from our vocabulary to align us with our higher nature? Are there lies we tell ourselves that need to stop? What do we have to leave behind to be able to traverse lightly across the thresholds of our lives?

December 14, New Moon Sagittarius, we will have a Solar Eclipse. Eclipses can indicate abrupt changes, and the effects will color the following six months. It is important to consciously choose the words/language you want to use and reach for the highest ideals, refueling your aspirations with this New Moon. What JOY do you want to plant for future harvest? Are there horizons you hope to expand? What will bring you greater wisdom and knowledge? How can you create a brighter future?

As we work the Cosmic soil this winter season, we should dare to dream of peaceful brother/sisterhood despite the ground we traverse feeling frozen and impenetrable. As we know, the cycles forever turn and produce anew, and the days will now get longer and bring back the light. Spring will quicken to whichever crops we plan, and fall will yield the bounty of whatever we choose to plant. Stay conscious, dream lucidly, act with awareness, and tend with pure intention. Create courageously, imagine that which has never been possible before, and reach for the manifestation of your dreams, for a new day awaits. We are the co-creators of this time, the ancestors of the future. An old cycle has closed, and a new one begins; let’s create wisely.

Let the MAGIC of this season filter into your bones so you may have a sturdy, DIVINE structure to build your beautiful dreams upon, manifesting them into a reality that serves us ALL.

Blessed Be.


Keep watch after sunset on December 21 to see the conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn. The pair will be visible above the SW horizon, passing within 0.1 degree of each other in the constellation Capricorn. Some speculate this alignment was the proverbial “Star of Bethlehem.” how spectacular to see so close to Christmas Day 2020!
*For an added bonus, the Ursid meteor shower will be at peak!!!


Mary Sutton