The Power of LOVE

Pluto is the planet associated with upheaval and deep, ever-changing transformation. It is the planet of elimination and regeneration, it seems to mark both endings and new beginnings. Before we had this beautiful image of the planet Pluto we thought of it as dark, cold and distant. But on July 13, 2015 the Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) aboard NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft shared visual contact and sent back this lovely image, Pluto’s big heart! Who knew?

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When we talk of LOVE we generally speak in terms of idealized Neptunian love, merging with another, two becoming one or losing oneself in love. Modern psychology would dare to suggest that may be codependent love. The inability to be oneself without another. But what of Plutonian love? Generally we do not associate Pluto with love, we associate his story with abuse and dominance.

In mythology, Pluto abducted Persephone from the Earth to drag her into the Underworld where he tricked her into becoming his Queen. Her mother, Demeter, was so bereft that she refused to preside over her charge, which was keeping the Earth rich and abundant, green and lively. The Earth fell into a deep winter and all things stopped growing in her bereavement. Eventually her mourning ended when there was an agreement struck so her daughter could come back and be with her for part of the year. That is how humanity was gifted with the seasons. Or so the story goes…

Fall and Winter are the times of year when Persephone resides in the Underworld and the Earth is fallow and appears lifeless. It is a time when the growing season stops and the Earth pauses. Then as Spring arrives and the Earth wakes up we know that Demeter and Persephone are reunited. With Spring and Summer comes abundance and nourishment, Mother and daughter are together and the Earth flourishes.

This love story is a bit more gritty and dismal then the love stories with which we usually associate Love, Cupid, hearts, flowers and Valentine’s Day. It is a story of transformation and growth. It is definitely a different kind of “love” story. But what if this type of love has it’s merits too?

There are other versions of this myth which suggest Persephone had more choice in being part of the Underworld. That the love between her and her Mother was possessive and codependent, a jealous sort, and that she longed to be her own woman so she willingly left with Pluto to explore the Underworld, far away from her Mother. The beauty of mythology is that it is written to inform us about the archetypes and transitions of life, the stories evolve over time as needed. It is easy to see that both stories are plausible. Whatever the details, the overarching elements in this story concern transformation and change; something happens and someone is forever different and all things moving forward are altered, changed for good.

On that fateful day in July 2015 when the world anxiously awaited the long unknown face of Pluto how interesting is it that this planet, named after the Lord of the Underworld, showed its beautiful heart? Maybe transforming our ideas about relationships that aren’t all airy-fairy and including ones that have a challenging storyline might be in order. I would not and I am NOT advocating abusive relationships in any way. But what if the story that Persephone voluntarily left with the bad boy her mom hated was the truer version? What if she left to separate from her mom and become her own woman? And in doing so, what if she grew up and became her Self and followed her own destiny, walking her own path, not her Mother’s? What if the tale of Persephone is one of individuation and Self love? What if Self love is necessary in order to fully step into ourselves and grow?

I don’t know the answer…but I do know its worth contemplating.

Happy Valentine’s Day!


Move from the love of power to the POWER OF LOVE!

Mary Sutton