Responsibility to ALL

The glyph of Saturn represents the Soul striving for expression beneath the cross of matter.

The glyph of Saturn represents the Soul striving for expression beneath the cross of matter.

Last month we discussed Pluto and its role of transformation at this time when the world is definitely changing. This month I would like to explore Saturn and its role a bit more. On March 21st, 2020 Saturn moved from the sign of Capricorn into the sign of Aquarius. In traditional Astrology Saturn rules both Capricorn and Aquarius. It wasn’t until we invented the telescope and could easily find Uranus in the sky that it was assigned rulership over Aquarius; prior to that Saturn reigned over Aquarius, thus it is comfortable in both signs.

Saturn is the planet of discipline, control, restriction and limitation; it is the Lord of Karma and the Keeper of Time. It is the planet of boundaries and boundary setting. It is the parent who sets limits, the one who says, “NO” or the proverbial “bad cop”. It is the taskmaster, the limit enforcer, the teacher of lessons and the planet of testing and initiations (think of Saturn as the Keeper of the Bridge of Death in Monty Python and the Holy Grail; the one who will NOT let you pass unless you answer correctly the riddles three lest you be cast into the Gorge of Eternal Peril) YIKES! Saturn is associated with the old man on the bridge, old age, and WISDOM (solving problems correctly and learning from your mistakes). Saturn rewards one for hard work done but does not suffer fools; if you get flung into the gorge it is your own fault and punishment for work not done.

It may very well be that Pluto found it was time for a change and Saturn issued the “time out”. Saturn slows things down so that lessons are not rushed, can duly be learned and integrated. Saturn is a very serious player in the Cosmos. When Saturn finds itself in Capricorn it is considered to be in the negative vibration of its energy, simply meaning it is concerned more with the material plane; yet, when it finds itself in Aquarius it is considered to be in the positive vibration of its energy; it is concerned with the lessons of enlightenment for humanity. Saturn in Aquarius is concerned with ALL of mankind and offers the opportunity to feel responsibility to ALL life. It is important to note here that it does not ask one to be responsible FOR all life, rather simply TO all life (a semantically small difference but a karmically significant one). Saturn in Aquarius gives us the opportunity to be socially adept and responsible with regard to participation in groups or social causes. This shift from Saturn in Capricorn to Saturn in Aquarius is the opportunity for us to see where we remain negligent in providing material support to ALL. It offers us the ability to change this discrepancy, to do our most humanitarian work to date. Saturn in Aquarius reminds us that if we want our independence and freedom (Aquarius) we must work for it (Saturn); if we do not, we will suffer the consequences. We must focus responsibly and build with enlightened purpose.

As I said last month, the United States is having a Pluto return in its 2nd house (material wealth) that will be exact February 20th, 2022; at which time Aquarius Saturn will start to be felt by the country’s Aquarius Moon in its 3rd house (perceptions). As Saturn constricts our perceived feeling of freedom and independence will it be because we have instituted levelheaded policies necessary to move our country forward for us ALL or because we have careened down the path of freedom for some but not for all? Will we have made efforts to reign in the inequalities which became very apparent under a Saturn in Capricorn transit and will we have made efforts to enforce proper and equitable adjustments? Only by harnessing our personal responsibility and enacting it for us ALL will we use this Aquarius Saturn energy well. After all, it is us individually that make up the collective.

Now that we understand the need for the responsible concentration and perseverance which Aquarius Saturn lends, we must harness our humanitarian resolve and not simply be concerned with accumulating material goods for our own success. It is important to remember that it can be AND/BOTH when it comes to our place in the world; care of the Self strengthens one to be available to care for others. If we do the enlightened work, Saturn will bestow the Cosmic rewards for ALL and justice will be best served. I suspect as we continue to awaken our consciousness, we will set an evolutionary course that rings truer to our purported ideals; but, if we waiver in our resolve, it is important to remember that we too just might get flung into the Gorge of Eternal Peril!



Stay safe and healthy…continue to social distance!

Mary Sutton