Eclipses: TRUST what you KNOW

Back in the day ancient Astrologers held a terrific amount of power over the people. They were employees of the royal court and were used to predict the future of the king and his kingdom. Of course, the basis of Astrology was Astronomy and there were occurrences that, when studied and recorded, could be predicted. However, to the average villager the predictions seemed supernatural and astrologers were often thought of as magicians. How could one possibly know when the sun was going to disappear, or the moon turn red, unless they possess special skills or powers? Such was the thinking that surrounded much astronomical phenomena, including eclipses and their appearances. Now we know better, or do we?

There are two types of eclipses, Solar and Lunar. Both eclipses occur when the Earth, Sun and Moon align at the Moon’s nodal axis during New and Full moons respectively (Solar eclipse = New Moon; Lunar eclipse = Full Moon). Solar eclipses occur usually twice a year but can take place as many as five times, although that is a rare happening. Lunar eclipses present less often than solar eclipses and while sometimes there are none at all throughout a year, there are never more than three in a single year.


Then, there are varying degrees of totality with eclipses. Solar eclipses are designated as being either partial, annular or total and lunar eclipses penumbral, partial or total. Both the partial Solar and penumbral Lunar eclipses may go by unnoticed. Annular Solar and partial Lunar eclipses are more noticeable, with their missing pieces very evident; while Solar and Lunar total eclipses are unmistakable and the most dramatic, provided you are within the path of totality. Total eclipses are the rarest, as that alignment is more direct and precise, and generally the type we associate when speaking of eclipses. And while most eclipses are spectacular to observe, in Astrology they hold a special meaning.

Eclipses are events that astrologers take note of when they fall on a sensitive point in a given chart. They can be indicators of a major change occurring that has long lasting effects. When an eclipse falls on a sensitive point or planet within a chart, the stimulation of that area is heightened and usually correlates with the ushering in of a new direction for the person. The effects of an eclipse usually unfold over the following 6 months’ time.

This June 2020 we are going to have one of each type of eclipse occurring and another Lunar eclipse occurring in the beginning of July. The first eclipse will occur on June 5th at 15 degree Sagittarius; this is a penumbral Lunar eclipse, as it will be occurring at the Full Moon. As we know, Sagittarius is represented by the centaur Archer who aims his arrow toward Truth in the cosmos and the Full Moon is the time to release things that no longer serve. A fitting affirmation for this particular eclipse would be to easily release that which stands in the way of higher Truth. Where are we zealous about what we believe to be true and how can we release whatever exaggerations we hold that keep us from knowing/seeing Truth clearly?

The second eclipse occurs on the June 20th Summer Solstice New Moon, at 0 degree Cancer; it is an annular Solar eclipse. Cancer is the sign of emotions and nurturing; it is a feminine sign and its symbol, the Moon, represents our Mother (physical, inner and Divine). At the New Moon we seed what we want to harvest later in the month (and, because of the eclipse, for the next 6 months!). When the degree is 0 there is more significance, what unfolds is a completely new beginning, a brand-new cycle. This Lunar eclipse is time to consider what we do to truly nurture ourselves, to uproot whatever feelings that prevent us from nurturing ourselves, and to leave hurt feelings behind in order to keep moving forward. It is time to let go of the past and plant anew, sowing different, more nourishing, emotions that feed our Souls.

The final summer eclipse occurs in July on the 4th, the national birthday of the United States of America. This particular eclipse occurs at 13 degree Capricorn and falls on the cusp of the 2nd house (values and self-esteem) and is directly opposite the 8th house (transformation) Cancer Sun in the US chart. This occurs at the Full Moon and is another penumbral Lunar eclipse. It asks us to release those things which no longer work for us, which are no longer productive. The sign of Capricorn rules institutions and traditions. This particular eclipse suggests 2020 is an important choice making time in the United States, let’s not forget the US is having a Pluto in Capricorn return. Along with the US, those who are personally affected at this time are being asked to examine rules/regulations and/or habits they have outgrown and easily release them.

Chart of the United States of America

Chart of the United States of America

Taken in succession, the eclipses this summer encourage and support the following: 1) release all that we exaggerate or doggedly cling to, erroneous beliefs which stand between us and true KNOWING, so we may quest for Higher Truth; 2) reflect upon any stagnant, stuck feelings/emotions that keep us in the past then flood our fields and wash away that which no longer serves, embrace and nourish new feelings which better soothe and care for our Souls; and 3) release all that keeps us from serving our highest potential, outdated restrictions that keep us habitually stuck, unable to move forward, climb higher, and BE our very best.

There is a LOT of hype out there. There is a LOT of misdirection and MANY half-truths. Far be it from me, someone who believes in the unseen and uses Astrology to gain insight, to tell anyone what to believe and what to doubt. Much damage has been done over the centuries by Astrologers who used their wisdom to mislead and control others. Much damage is still being done by misinformation and the desire for power over another. AT this time though it is very important to speak up and share in the hope that light may be shed, and remembrance of our true GRACE be nudged; therefore, I will close with this challenge:

Does what you believe feed your SOUL? Does it resonate with higher TRUTH? Does it make you feel at PEACE? Does it vibrate in HARMONY to the core of your being? Is it aligned with the GREATER GOOD? Is it INCLUSIVE? Does it RESPECT both yourself and others? Is it JUST? Does it allow for HOPE? Is it LOVE?

ALL of these are GRACES of the SOUL…consider yourself nudged!

Heart and Soul Nebula

Heart and Soul Nebula

“Trust your heart if the seas catch fire, live by love though the stars walk backward.”

E.E. Cummings

Mary Sutton