Let’s Continue: Part II (Signs 7-12)

Libra: the Scales, a very balance oriented symbol for a very harmonious seeking individual, symbolizes the 7th sign of the Zodiac. Libra is an Air sign and is ruled by the planet Venus. This lends itself to an individual who is very thoughtful about relating with others. People who are Libra Sun individuals or who have a strong Libra influence in their charts can be mediators, partners, peacekeepers or justices of the peace. They tend to be relationship oriented, culturally aware, considerate of others and have strong diplomatic skills. They can also be indecisive, unable to commit, passive and sit on the fence a lot. They build relationship and enter into partnership with our Wanderer.

Scorpio: the Scorpion, a very mysterious symbol for a very transformational individual, symbolizes the 8th sign of the Zodiac. Scorpio is a Water sign and is ruled by the “planet” Pluto. This lends itself to an individual who is emotionally transformational. People who are Scorpio Sun individuals or who have a strong Scorpio influence in their charts can be therapists, undertakers, dark and mysterious or interested in the occult. They tend to be powerful, intense, magnetic and potent transformers. They can also be manipulative, resentful, controlling and strategically exact revenge! They emotionally deepen the relationship that the Wanderer began in Libra.

Sagittarius: the Archer, a very lofty symbol for a very idealistic individual, symbolizes the 9th sign of the Zodiac. Sagittarius is a Fire sign and is ruled by the planet Jupiter. This lends itself to an individual who is enthusiastically adventurous. People who are Sagittarius Sun individuals or who have a strong Sagittarius influence in their charts can be storytellers, politicians, horsemen/horsewomen or lovers of adventure and freedom. They tend to be truth seekers, justice defenders, pursuers of higher education and philosophers. The can also be exaggerators, aimless wanderers, gamblers or just never grow up. They seek spirituality on the Wanderer’s journey and long to make meaning.

Capricorn: the Goat, a very high climbing symbol for a very success determined individual, symbolizes the 10th sign of the Zodiac. Capricorn is an Earth sign and is ruled by the planet Saturn. This lends itself to an individual who is serious about accomplishing something important on the material plane. People who are Capricorn Sun individuals or who have a strong Capricorn influence in their charts can be CEOs, the one at the top, responsibility personified and he/she who can be counted on to get it done. They tend to be in positions of authority, prominent in the community, serious about life but may have a wicked sense of self-deprecating humor. They can also be controlling, restricted, bossy and withdrawn. They attain material success along the Wanderer’s journey.

Aquarius: the Water Bearer, a very life-giving symbol for a very humanitarian individual, symbolizes the 11th sign of the Zodiac. Aquarius is an Air sign and is ruled by the planet Uranus. This lends itself to an individual who is uniquely intelligent. People who are Aquarius Sun individuals or who have a strong Aquarius influence in their charts can be inventors, community organizers, revolutionaries and progressives. They tend to express themselves freely, be tech savvy, concern themselves with the rights/freedoms of others and think in terms of the group. They can also be detached and aloof, distant and removed, stubbornly right or righteously arrogant. They share with the community what the Wanderer has successfully materialized in Capricorn.

Pisces: the Fish, a very slippery symbol for a very elusive individual, symbolizes the 12th sign of the Zodiac. Pisces is a Water sign and is ruled by the planet Neptune. This lends itself to an individual who is nebulously fluid. People who are Pisces Sun individuals or who have a strong Pisces influence in their charts can be jacks-of-all-trades, pacifists, musicians or spiritualists. They tend to be tuned into a different frequency, placid, easy going and accommodating and have their finger on the pulse of the collective unconscious. They can also be victims, martyrs, substance abusers/alcoholics and/or dubious charmers. They dissolve the Wanderer’s ego/personality that was curated along the journey and return it back into the void from which it came, thus completing the cycle.

The journey through the Zodiac consists of one coming into the Self via development of an individual ego personality, grounded life values, learned self-expression, creation of a foundational home, unfurling creativity and doing our work to maintain personal health. The work that is done in the first portion of the Hero’s journey is work done on the inside.

When we move out into the world we learn how to balance Self and Other. The second half of the journey travels through marriage and relationships, deepening our bonds with others, spirituality, achieving our highest potential, exploring our relationship to the world and dissolving back into the One from which we came. The work done in the second portion of the Hero’s journey is work done externally, for both the good of the whole and our individual self. 

Paradoxically the Hero’s journey is one traversed alone, in the accompaniment of others; it is both individual and collective. It is a journey we all take; yet not all know they are on.  It is the journey of life filled with obstacles and challenges. Knowing we are on it and finding a map does not eliminate the work to be done but does aid us to not take it personal while we are doing it!

If you are on this website you are aware you are on the journey…and you have found your map. Welcome!

Mary Sutton