Let's Begin: Part I (Signs 1-6)

The best way to understand astrology is to start at the beginning. Astrology is an ancient art based on the movement of the cosmos in relation to our position on Earth. It was revered in ancient times for its ability to peer into spaces and reveal knowing that was otherwise unseen. Kings and paupers alike, to portend life’s events and give meaning to lives, consulted it. There are many variations of astrology, specific to regions and cultures around the world. There are many specialties in astrology, specific to varied interests and needs. There is much debate over astrology and whether it is truth or hokum, something individuals must decide for themselves. BUT, the potential of astrology lies in its ability to provide us a template for understanding those who are different from ourselves without prejudice or judgment; this no small order. One of my teachers utilizes astrology as a common language so we can understand each other’s differences.

In allowing each individual to express themselves as they are meant to, in their own way, through their own lens, in their own colors we learn to develop deeper respect for individuality and sincere appreciation for the richness of diversity; to co-exist in a very big world on a relatively small planet with 7.4 billion others, in compassion and kindness. Of course we ALL have free will and choice to do or not do that based on our understandings and our designated paths. It’s just so much easier to co-create WITH the cosmic design!

So let’s start by exploring the Astrological Signs and see how they differ, how they are the same, and how they all blend together to make one heroic journey for us ALL.

Aries: the Ram, a very headstrong symbol for a very headstrong individual, symbolizes the 1st sign of the Zodiac. Aries is a Fire sign and is ruled by the planet Mars. This leads to an individual who is very passionate about taking action. People who are Aries Sun individuals or who have a strong Aries influence in their charts can be leaders, pioneers, people who create their own pathways and blaze their own trails. They tend to be activists, doers, and have strong leadership abilities. They can also be hot tempered, rash, impatient and self-concerned. They begin the journey around the Zodiac, so they are starters, Wanderers who journey forward into the unknown territory of the Self.

Taurus:  the Bull, a very sturdy symbol for a very solid individual, symbolizes the 2nd sign of the Zodiac. Taurus is an Earth sign and is ruled by the planet Venus. This lends itself to an individual who is very stable about relating. People who are Taurus Sun individuals or who have a strong Taurus influence in their charts can be artists, bankers, people who manage money and those who are rich in their senses. They tend to have melodic voices, love beauty and art and are really grounded. They can also be stubborn, fixed, stingy and stuck. They stake out land so the Wanderer can settle down and determine what they want and value along their journey.

Gemini:  the Twins, a very human symbol for a very personable individual, symbolizes the 3rd sign of the Zodiac. Gemini is an Air sign and is ruled by the planet Mercury. This lends itself to an individual who likes to communicate, albeit in an ever-changing fashion. People who are Gemini Sun individuals or who have a strong Gemini influence in their charts can be teachers, communication experts, announcers, people who take short trips for a living and those who are good neighbors. They tend to be social butterflies, chatter boxes and often have something to say. They can also be flighty, hard to pin down, talk out of both sides of their mouths and fibbers. They strike up conversations in the neighborhood our Wanderer has landed.

Cancer:  the Crab, a very watery symbol for a very emotionally feeling individual, symbolizes the 4th sign of the Zodiac. Cancer is a Water sign and is ruled by our planet’s satellite, the Moon. This lends itself to an individual who is affected by the ebb and flow of emotions. People who are Cancer Sun individuals or who have a strong Cancer influence in their charts can be natural born mothers/parents, bosses, nurses/caregivers, people who provide emotional support for others and those who are sensitive. They tend to be supportive, caring and nurturing. They can also be crabby, hold onto resentment easily, clingy and have a hard time letting go. They create a home that our Wanderer can use as a foundational base from which to come and go.

Leo:  the Lion, a very proud symbol for a very regal individual, symbolizes the 5th sign of the Zodiac. Leo is a Fire sign and is ruled by our planet’s center, the Sun. This lends itself to an individual who passionately believes they are the center of the Universe! People who are Leo Sun individuals or who have a strong Leo influence in their charts are natural born leaders, proud individuals, creative types and artists. They tend to be the center of attention, loving, fierce and protective. They can also be arrogant, prideful, insecure and self-centered. They bring laughter, fun and childlike play into the home of our Wanderer.

Virgo:  the Virgin, a very superhuman symbol for a very perfectionistic individual, symbolizes the 6th sign of the Zodiac. Virgo is an Earth sign and is ruled by the planet Mercury. This lends itself to an individual who is practically logical. People who are Virgo Sun individuals or who have a strong Virgo influence in their charts are analytical, practical, systemic administrators and very good at creating order out of chaos. They tend to be organized, orderly, pay attention to detail and are grounded. They can also be particular, critical, demanding and over-focused on the small details to the point of missing the overall picture. They bring daily ritual and routine into the Wanderer’s life.

Mary Sutton