Libra New Moon Healing Rituals


Because the world is a bit HOT right now, working consciously with the energies that the Universe provides is really important. We do not want to make matters worse and add more toxicity to the collective. Here are a few ideas to get you started so you can get through these tumultuous times with greater PEACE and LOVE.

As the New Moon appears it is the beginning of a new emotional cycle. Libra is an Air sign, ruled by Venus, the Goddess of Love and Beauty, and its scales represent balance and harmony.

The energy in the air is intensifying and in order to consciously co-create with the Universe at this time we focus on finding the Beauty in our lives and coming into right relationship with ourselves.

Because Libra is an AIR sign, BREATH will be important this cycle. So, healing rituals include: a pranayama practice, monitor your breath throughout the day, slow deep breaths if you are upset and before you speak, and speak using words (air) that convey beauty, justice, harmony, love and balance. Kindness and social graces are in order; use the AIR element to change the direction that the fires are burning or to blow out the flames entirely!

The Libra New Moon creates a T-square pattern in the sky (by elements) with Aries Mars and Capricorn Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto. This is a tension producing aspect. To alleviate the tension, we look to the “empty” space and utilize the energy of Cancer to help release the strain.

Cancer is a WATER sign, ruled by the Moon, Celestial Mother to us all, and its light represents nurturing and emotional nourishment.

Because Cancer is a WATER sign, CLEANSING rituals will also help this cycle. This includes soaking in the tub, staying hydrated, using blessed/holy water on your altar, showering with the intention of cleansing your auric field (washing the detritus down the drain) or maybe taking one last brisk swim. Nourish and nurture yourself at this time to better get into right relationship with your higher Self; use the WATER element to cool you down or put out the fires completely!

Be CREATIVE! Enjoy this New Moon in Libra and take care of yourself.

Here are a few recipes courtesy of my dear friend Donna to get you started:

Sweet Bath Soak

1 c. Epsom Salts w/magnesium (promotes sleep and soothes the muscles)
1 T dried rose petals
1 T dried chamomile blossoms
1 T dried lavendar
1 T dried lemon balm leaves
Few drops of thyme flower essence (quiets and stills the body

Mix everything together and either place in bath or use a tea bag to keep items from clogging the drain in your tub. This will make one application. If you wish to make more then use 1/2 Pounds of Epsom salts and one cup of all dried flowers. Store in tightly closed container.

Dream Milk:

1 cup any milk (almond, oat, cashew, cow, goat)
Pinch of cinnamon
Pinch of nutmeg
Pinch of powered rose petals
Pinch of ground cardamom
Pinch of clove

Simmer in pan for 5-10 minutes until warmed through.

{Recipes from Sacred Medicine Cupboard}



Mary Sutton