Let There Be Light

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The month of October gifts us with two Full Moons, one on the 1st and another on the 31st. These Full Moons will act as illuminating bookends for the month, casting light on things previously kept in the dark. The energy of the Cosmos suggests we will know more at the end of the month than we do in the beginning.

The first Full Moon occurs in Aries and is opposite Libra. At the Full Moon we have the opportunity to release that which no longer serves and clear the way to create something new and improved that serves us better. This Full Moon (release) in Aries (new beginnings) occurring on the Blood Moon or Hunter’s Moon is a time to shed old habits and re-build, begin again and create anew. It represents a cosmic “do over”. Muster all the consciousness you can this month and get at it!

Aries is an individual energy and Libra a relational one, so the questions to ponder at this time include: Are you too individualistic? Is it time to become equally interested in others? How do you balance yourself in relationship? It is all or nothing? Do you give up yourself in relationship and then become angry? OR, do you avoid relationship all together for fear of losing yourself? What do you need to learn about Self/Other balance? How do you avoid the extremes of me versus you? How do you nourish yourself AND take care of others too? How do you not get lost in others? Are you feeling burnt-out and do you need to get into a more balanced relationship with yourself? Where do I stop, and others begin?

So much to ponder this month!

The air is crackling with energy at this time and tempers are high and aggression commonplace. People are cranky. Are you cranky? Look into yourself and take an honest inventory. It is important to do so we each know if, and how, we are helping or hurting our own cause.

To review, Aries is a warrior energy. It is ruled by the masculine planet Mars. It gets things done and does not take NO for an answer. It can selfishly impose what’s right for it unto others and if they do not do what it wants it may lash out with its fiery temper or just head out on its own; it can strike out then flee ahead without so much as a how-do-you-do. It is individualistic and solitary. And its unconscious heat in the form of temper, anger, frustration and impatience can get in the way of its ability to relate to, and/or play well with, others.

Enter Libra. Libra is a relationship energy. It is ruled by the feminine planet Venus. It does things for others without thinking twice. It can consider others before Self to a fault, leaving little room for the individual in the relationship. It can place relationship before Self and lose Self in the process. Sometimes it will bend over backwards and then feel rejected or hurt because there is no reciprocity, no balance, no give-and-take. It will take the success or failure of a relationship personally. In this way, it can easily get out of balance.

So, this month we are set up to witness an internal battle of the sexes while externally it may look like a patriarchal/matriarchal clash. Individually we each need to ponder how we balance these two extremes. What do we need to shed in order to begin again and build anew? What do we need to RELEASE that stands in the way of our personal peace and harmony?

October 2nd the energy intensifies as the Aries Moon moves into conjunct alignment with Mars. We are being asked to understand what we are doing with our fire. Are we allowing our anger to be used against others? Are we turning it inward and using it against ourselves? Is there something about our actions that betray how we feel or what we need? And how do we get those actions back into alignment?

At this time the world literally is on fire. We need to take this month with Mars retrograde and Mercury turning retrograde on the 13th to introspect and see if we are firefighters or arsonists. Do our actions fuel the flames or attempt to put them out? Are we part of the problem or the solution?

If you feel you are a light-bearer, healer, peacekeeper or helper Soul, have your actions been in alignment with your truth? Are you burnt out? Fed up? Or just plain exasperated? Do you need to fall back from the front lines and take a respite to reset and regroup? Are you in right relationship with yourself? If not, use the energies this month to find your equilibrium and clear the way for Venus, the Goddess of Love, to work her magic at the New Moon on the 16th. Are your actions in alignment with your needs? Time to look inside and re-align. Who are you and how do you balance yourself with others?

The Sun is in Libra and the scales of justice are calling. Are you being civil? Fair? Just? Reasonable? Considerate? Are you beautifying the world or adding to the ugliness? Are you in right relationship with yourself?

We are individuals who live in a society that has to have civility and respect to function efficiently. We do not have to be at war with each other or within ourselves if we pay attention to how we are using our Mars. Let this month shine light on where you are forcing your will and how you can step back and regroup in order to keep moving forward.

Bring yourself out of the shadows this month and recalibrate to your Truth. It is not us versus them, rather we are all each other, act accordingly. We are (STILL) all in this together.

Have a Happy, SAFE Halloween…and don’t forget your mask!

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Mary Sutton