Gemini Full Moon 2021

This month’s FULL MOON falls in the Air sign of Gemini at 27 degrees 29’ December 18, 2021 @ 9:35 PM MST/11:35 PM EST.

Release confusing stories and half-truths that trick you into self-deception. Spiritualize your perspective with a higher vision.

Ah, the Universe loves a good laugh! How very telling with trickster Gemini and nebulous Pisces Neptune! I chuckled to myself while trying to pin down this Gemini Full Moon, T-square Pisces Neptune. It was hard to get to the root of the energies for this writing, but that is precisely the energy coming in, confusing, nebulous, mildly elusive, potentially deceptive, and beautifully spiritual.

As we know, a T-square is a challenging aspect. The Sagittarius Sun opposite the Gemini Moon speaks to balancing our perceptions with the Truth. What truth are you seeking? And what stories are you telling yourself about that truth? Or about your journey? How does your individual truth intersect with higher Truths? Introduce Pisces Neptune into that mix, and reality may feel like it is just out of reach, just out of focus, confusing, and forcing us to re-evaluate, re-assess.

Look to Pisces’ opposite sign, Virgo, to balance this challenge. Virgo is grounded, focused, pays attention to detail, likes organization, nature, and ritual. When the message is unclear, or you need a break from the confusion, do a walking meditation in nature, sit on a rock until your mind clears, or perform a spiritual ritual to open your sight. Tap into your intuition and run it through your senses to confirm what you do or do not know. Being present in your body through meditation that follows the breath, or through healthy, wholesome food, exercise, or cleaning out and organizing your closet will help you get to your truth. Physical activity gets one out of the head and dissipates the brain fog.

Also noteworthy this Full Moon is the square between Sagittarius Mars and Aquarius Jupiter, which supports spiritual actions. The Universe encourages behaviors that align with your highest ideals, noblest beliefs, most authentic values, and genuine creative passions. It is important to remember that individuating into your best Self, true to your path, is the calling for many in these times. Look within to find your Truth and offer it in spiritual service for us all. The energy around the holidays is passionate and charged, strong in the fire element. It will be important to remember “holidays” is a shortened term for “HOLY days.” It is in all our best interests to act within this knowledge.

We continue to experience the 2021 Saturn/Uranus square as we move into 2022. Remember, the evolution of humanity occurs in its own time, despite us being tired of the chaos and uncertainty we face. Timing is Divine and does not yield for mere mortals. And so, to help the collective move gracefully through this period we are in, this “out with the old, in with the new while trying not throwing the baby out with the baby water” moment, note that the clearer we get in our personal lives, the purer the collective becomes. We are all interconnected. Pisces Neptune knows this, and Virgo energy helps us bring that down to Earth, that we may heal. Go with the spiritual flow and healing this Gemini Full Moon offers.

Speaking of healing, Capricorn Mercury is square Aries Chiron and asks us to challenge ourselves to think responsibly about the wounding of our individuality. It is good to recall Chiron, the archetype of the wounded healer, points us to where we FEEL injured, but the “wounding” can be perceived, not actual. It is indispensable to know this. Is our individuality, in fact, threatened or broken? Do we TRULY not have individual rights, or is that merely a misperception? Essential questions to explore within, especially given the importance of the moment in which we presently find ourselves. Capricorn Mercury asks us to clarify, EXACTLY what do you want to accomplish; what is your idea of responsible success? And, how do you perceive others’ rights and responsibilities in this world, especially if they differ from your own? Neptune encourages compassion. Are you sensing and relating in that way?

Enter Capricorn Venus, conjunct, Capricorn Pluto. These two co-joined forces are creating quite the stir. There is a gravity to this conjunction that requires we transform how we interact with one another. With this beautiful energy of Pisces Neptune, unconditional love and compassion, square Gemini and Sagittarius, amity and wisdom, ask yourself, am I interacting with others using those forces? If so, then celebrate right now! If not, then take this time to improve your interactions. There is no better time than the holidays to change your behaviors and bring forth what we all need. HOLY DAYS! Relate to others with respect you would want, the respect we all deserve, in the True spirit of the season.

As FULL MOONS are the time to release, unclench glib communications, trickster energy, difficulties with siblings, and any perceptions that do not speak to your higher Self’s wisdom and Truth, to make room for the JOY and COMPASSION this sacred season brings!

Here are the reminders:

Check to see which house this Full Moon falls in your chart to understand what area of your life will be affected.

Gemini rules the lungs, tongue, the organs of speech and breathing, and the hands and arms.

Categories for Gemini:

Communication; siblings; neighbors; childhood; cousins; short trips; perceptions; speaking; writing; teaching; learning; transportation; cars; flitting energy; curiosity; mental ideas; listening; variability; glibness; jokes; tricks; quick movement; nervousness; questioning; trickery; lies; deceptions; trickster; duality; two-sides; two-faced; variety; indecision; quick-witted; brotherhood; brothers/sisters; computers; electronics; books; letters; telegraphy; exchange of ideas/knowledge; young people; students; writers; teachers; lecturers; journalists; thought influencers; travel; conveyors of information; negotiations; childhood friends; impulsivity.


House Meanings:

1st: Body; Physical appearance; How others see (the image you project); Ego

2nd: Values; Material goods; Self-Esteem/Self-Worth; Money

3rd: Siblings/Cousins; Short trips; Communications; Perceptions

4th: Home and family life; Parent; Foundations; Inner life

5th: Children; Fun/Joy; Creativity; Love affairs; Entertainment/Arts

6th: Work; Health; Day-to-day routine/habits; Service

7th: Marriage; One-on-one relationships; Business partners; Enemies/Rivals

8th: Death and taxes; Other people's money/Inheritance; Intimate relationships/Sex; Occult

9th: Higher education; Long-distance travel; Foreign affairs; Spiritual beliefs

10th: Public standing; Career/Profession; Achievement/Success; Parent; Highest calling

11th: Friends; Hopes and dreams; Community; Social causes; Groups

12th: Self-undoing; Unconscious; Hidden realms; Attainment of peace; Places of confinement

Sample Full Moon releases:

  • I quickly release confusing communication through simple clarification.

  • I readily release arguments with my siblings.

  • I easily release thoughts or perceptions that keep me divided.

  • I effortlessly release impediments to speaking my highest Truth.

  • I gleefully release lies and deceptions.

    HANDWRITE 10 releases on a piece of paper, read them aloud, and then safely burn them (the releasing part); do this release within 8 hours of the Full Moon.

Choose wisely!

Mary Sutton