Capricorn New Moon 2022

This month’s SUPER NEW MOON falls in the Earth sign of Capricorn at 12 degrees 20’ January 2, 2022 @ 11:33 AM MST/1:33 PM EST.


Happy 2022! I LOVE the New Year! It is the best reset button of all!

Capricorn Sun/Moon conjunction, Super New Moon January 2nd

This beautiful New Moon in Capricorn encourages us to focus on what we want to achieve this upcoming year. It reminds us that anything worth having is worth working for. Jupiter has shifted into Pisces by the time of this New Moon, creating a ripe condition for bringing dreamy, creative, imaginative, compassionate, joyful energy into our lives. But, we must not get lost in the dream, swept away, or be too lazy to work for it! Capricorn energy asks us to work hard and act responsibly to manifest our creative ideas.

Fortunately, this first New Moon of the year is strong in Earth energy, providing the opportunity to drop anchor and tether our dreams in reality. First, we must build the foundation on which our plans can rest, then add the content, not the other way around. I always say, “First horse, then cart.” Keep your focus on what you WANT to create this year, and steer clear of focusing on what you DO NOT WANT. It is a conducive year for creating your dreams, so be mindful of your thoughts, words, intentions, and habits! What we focus upon tends to materialize, and this year it will happen quickly! There is no better time to center yourself, dream big, and create YOUR reality!

Ah-hem, a word to the wise, while we fashion our reality, we must focus on ourselves, NOT others. We do not have the power of manifestation in other people’s lives if we have not mastered it within our own first, not responsibly anyway. And then, there is the moral and ethical issue of meddling in others’ lives, but that’s for another time. Bottom line, what do YOU want? How do YOU achieve success in making YOUR dreams a reality for YOU? Happy 2022!

Sun in Capricorn until the 22nd, then Sun in Aquarius

The Sun begins the month of January in Capricorn, where it will remain until the 22nd, then it shifts into Aquarius. Capricorn energy is hard-working, serious, determined, and practical. It gets stuff done. Achievement and manifestation are its hallmarks, and mastery of the Self is its highest goal. As the month unfolds, the stage is set for us to do all that and more! Mercury, Venus, and Pluto are all conjunct at the New Moon, encouraging us to look within and responsibly transform ourselves so we may succeed on our journey to mastering ourselves. This Mercury/Venus/Pluto confab is BIG energy that can change how we relate to our Self, value ourselves, and inform us where we may sell ourselves short. Use this energetic bump to get into right relationship with yourself! Chiron, the wounded healer, squares this New Moon and offers an opportunity to heal any responsibility (or irresponsibility) issues within. Wherever you feel hurt within yourself, engage the necessary discipline to heal. You are supported.

Capricorn Mercury shifts into Aquarius on January 3rd is retrograde from January 14th – February 4th, Mercury retrogrades back into Capricorn on January 27th

Mercury, the communications planet, begins January in Capricorn but shifts into Aquarius just after the New Moon on January 3rd. It will start a retrograde phase on the 14th, moving back into Capricorn on the 27th, where it will remain until it goes direct in early February. Perception and learning are under Mercury’s purview. What are your ideas about responsibility? Who do you feel is responsible for you? For others? Explore what you think your role is in relationship to the rest of humanity. This retrograde period on the 14th will offer the opportunity to introspect on these ideas. The retrogradation back into Capricorn provides us with the chance to clean up any misconceptions about who we think is responsible when it comes to moving ourselves and all of us forward. Jupiter Pisces reminds us that we all are interconnected and benefit from having compassion for each other. Still, it is essential to remember that individually WE make up the whole of humanity. If you don’t like what you see, change your view! Indeed it is up to us individually to succeed in our personal lives to progress the collective forward. The time for finger-pointing is over. It is time to accept that we all are the problem and the solution. Begin working on any issues that you may find.

Capricorn Venus is retrograde until January 29th

Capricorn Venus begins the month retrograde and pretty much stays that way this month, turning direct on January 29th. Just be aware that the most important relationship you can have right now is the one with yourself! Responsibly relating to yourself lays the foundation to having healthy and fulfilling relationships with others. Show yourself the love you wish others would show you. The whole world would benefit if we really loved our neighbors as ourselves, especially if we loved ourselves healthily! If you find you are stuck in being too hard on yourself, too irresponsible with yourself, or just playing lazy, this is the month to start anew! Anything worth having is worth the effort, especially YOU! This month, retrograde Capricorn Venus is conjunct direct Capricorn Pluto, suggesting changing yourself first!

Mars begins in Sagittarius, moves into, and is exalted in, Capricorn on the 25th

Mars continues in Sagittarius, where it will stay for most of the month until it shifts into Capricorn on January 25th. Mars in Sag likes to keep the fun going, so gatherings, parties (some probably postponed at the holidays), and having a good time continue throughout most of January. Mars in Sagittarius can be over the top, so if things feel too quick or exaggerated, Mars shifting into Capricorn will feel like a relief! Mars is exalted in Capricorn, meaning it feels good there and is quite productive. Set your goals early in the month and take action to achieve them. By the end of the month, Capricorn will give you a push toward success. But remember, Capricorn is a hard worker that is serious about meeting those goals. Expect to engage your discipline! Mars squares Neptune at the New Moon, possibly creating confusion concerning what we want to do or which direction to go, but it also may bring a spiritual component to the party. Follow your instincts and have a plan.

Jupiter in Pisces

Jupiter shifted into Pisces at the end of the year on December 29th, where it will remain throughout 2022 (except for a few months when it speeds ahead into the next sign previewing 2023). Before the discovery of Neptune, Jupiter was the traditional ruler of Pisces. It is very comfortable in Pisces and affords us great compassion, empathy, and potential peace. However, as always, there is free will and choice. The shadowy side of this energy is too much complacency, too much disconnect, and too much going along with the crowd. Mid-May, when Jupiter slips into Aries for a bit, it will remind us that we must know who we are individually and follow our unique path, forging our trail. If we can remember to do that while Jupiter is in Pisces, we can more readily experience the lighter side of this placement.

Saturn in Aquarius

By now, we are familiar with the Saturn in Aquarius vibe, responsible social action. But just because we are familiar does not necessarily mean we heed its guidance. 2021 was the year of Saturn square Uranus, and while the two are beginning to separate, they are not quite finished with each other yet! Saturn will revisit its square with Uranus during its retrograde period, forming an almost exact aspect from September through mid-November, just in time for the elections in the United States. Don’t be surprised to see the conservative/progressive struggle heat up yet again. It cannot be over-emphasized that we can move forward, throwing out that which no longer serves and not burn the whole country down. It is not an all-or-nothing battle. There is great value in and/both. Focus on what you want to achieve versus what you fear could happen. Responsible change is the highest use of this energy.

Uranus in Taurus begins the month retrograde, goes direct on the 18th

Uranus, the planet of progressive change, marches on in Taurus, creating upheaval and surprises as it moves. Expect the unexpected, still! Moving direct mid-month will get the radical change wheels churning again. Planet of upending chaos, it is essential to remember that sometimes change is good! The darkness exposed by Pluto energy gets a megawatt light shone on it by Uranus. It is necessary to look under the rocks to see what underlies. By exposing our darkness with light, we can better know what we are dealing with and be much better able to change moving forward, consciously. Uranus upends for the greater good, despite the feeling of upheaval that it causes. Change that creates more stability for humanity benefits us all.

Neptune in Pisces

Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, continues the year in its sign. Later in 2022, Jupiter will join with Neptune ushering in a new cycle of possibility. The opportunity for compassion, peace, forgiveness, and understanding is emphasized with this placement. Pisces is a dreamy sign, creative and imaginative. When it conjoins with Jupiter, the dreams get more expansive, bigger. 2022 will be a great year to create what you want. Wish upon that star, but be very clear with your words, thoughts, and intentions. In other words, be careful what you wish for! Manifesting this year will be heightened, be aware of what you are dreaming into being. Use positive, hopeful, and joyful affirmations to create the best magic!

Pluto in Capricorn

Pluto in Capricorn has been razing and transforming our traditions and institutions for a while now. It will continue to do so until we have changed those things that no longer work and eliminate those which no longer can. Pluto in Capricorn is making an exact return to Capricorn Pluto in the chart of the United States, which is why the U.S. is experiencing such a massive overhaul. On February 20th, right around the time of our first president’s birthday, Pluto will make an exact return. Because Pluto transits are long, it is necessary to remember that what we have gone through and learned over the last ten years regarding power, institutions, government, the military, and our place in the world, now needs to be integrated and improved upon over the next ten years. The United States is realigning its relationship with power and learning that power does not necessarily equate force. It is re-evaluating what it means to be powerful. At the end of this Pluto return, we may have a different definition, or perhaps we will improve upon the one we have already. Who knows? For now, the answer remains in the dark. But remember when Pluto’s actual image was transmitted to Earth, and we discovered its heart? Change via Pluto always occurs for the good of humanity, despite how messy and destructive it feels at the time. The transformation of our governments and institutions to more effectively use their power to serve humanity’s highest good remains Pluto’s charge at this crossroad in time.

AS New Moons are for beginning new cycles, begin building the foundation you wish to create and expand upon in 2022.

Here are the reminders:

Check to see which house this New Moon falls in your natal chart to understand what area of your life will be affected.

Capricorn rules the knees, bones/skeleton, joints, teeth, and skin on the physical plane.

On the mental plane, Capricorn rules depression and melancholy.

Categories for Capricorn:

Responsibility; seriousness; material; gain; success; hard work; ambition; the ascent; authority; government; institutions; achievement; self-deprecating humor; dark humor; control; restriction; bosses; cold; withdrawn; scapegoat; catabolism; metamorphosis; gloomy; caution; concentration; time; maturity; professions; social status; community standing; rules; tradition; industriousness; prudence; foresight; good management; a sense of economy; determination; practicality; preparedness; good power of organization; strict; task-master; teacher; elders; discipline; respect.


House Meanings:

1st: Body; Physical appearance; How others see (the image you project); Ego

2nd: Values; Material goods; Self-Esteem/Self-Worth; Money

3rd: Siblings/Cousins; Short trips; Communications; Perceptions

4th: Home and family life; Parent; Foundations; Inner life

5th: Children; Fun/Joy; Creativity; Love affairs; Entertainment/Arts

6th: Work; Health; Day-to-day routine/habits; Service

7th: Marriage; One-on-one relationships; Business partners; Enemies/Rivals

8th: Death and taxes; Other people's money/Inheritance; Intimate relationships/Sex; Occult

9th: Higher education; Long-distance travel; Foreign affairs; Spiritual beliefs

10th: Public standing; Career/Profession; Achievement/Success; Parent; Highest calling

11th: Friends; Hopes and dreams; Community; Social causes; Groups

12th: Self-undoing; Unconscious; Hidden realms; Attainment of peace; Places of confinement

Sample New Moon Wishes:

  • I easily relate to myself in a responsible and loving way.

  • I easily create the foundation I need to have a good New Year.

  • I easily begin a disciplined routine that creates success.

  • I readily follow my own authority.

  • I am easily grounded in reality.

HANDWRITE 10 wishes on a piece of paper, read them aloud, and then safely burn them (the wishing part); do this conscious intention-setting within 8 hours of the New Moon.

"Let this or something greater come to pass."

Mary Sutton