Aquarius New Moon 2022

This month’s NEW MOON falls in the Air sign of Aquarius at 12 degrees 20’ January 31, 2022 @ 10:46 PM MST/February 1, 2022 @ 12:46 AM EST.

A quick note: A few of you have noticed that I changed the format of the newsletter to include the whole month sent out at the New Moon. The Full Moon information is included but is not sent out separately. I hope that clears up your questions. If not, reach out via email at Thanks for your continued support!

Aquarius Sun/Moon conjunction January 31st/February 1st

This New Moon is energized by the conjunction it forms with Aquarius Saturn and a square with Taurus Uranus. Here we go again, that Saturn/Uranus square! Expect the unexpected and brace yourself for change. There will be lessons regarding changes, freedom, independence, what you think you know about yourself, and sudden insight into what you need to know about yourself. It is necessary to remember that the lightning bolt tossed by Uranus assists us in understanding what we want and how we are going to get it moving forward. Be open to new ideas and novel insights that force your eyes open and show you new ways.

Aquarius has a humanitarian bent to it. In what ways are you being asked to think about the whole of humanity and not simply your individual life? Aquarius is detached mental energy that supports the community versus the individual. Yet, its ruler, Uranus, rules individuality and uniqueness. This creates an intellectual paradox that demands we synergize both ideas. As Aquarius is one of the few signs represented by a human, the Water-bearer, it suggests we consider our individual self within the context of all humankind. The 2021 square between Saturn/Uranus has been asking us to do this for the past year, and this Aquarius New Moon is driving the point home. What does it mean to be an individual within a group? A community? A society? Humanity? A cosmos? While Aquarius and Uranus encourage us to be free, Capricorn and Saturn encourage us to have structure. How do we create room for both in our minds?

Whatever ideas you have of yourself and whatever groups to which you belong, is there room for re-assessment and change? With Mercury Retrograde at this New Moon, the answers lie within. Sit with yourself in meditation this month and allow the electric energy initiated at this New Moon to penetrate and reveal whatever it is awaiting. Move forward with fresh insight to grow along your path. After all, the Water-bearer pours nourishing spiritual energy from his container that washes away the past, preparing the way for a new start.

On February 16th, the Full Moon in Leo @ 28 degrees 00’ will appear. What new radical ideas planted at this New Moon come into fullness so you may better love yourself? Release all those things that stand in the way of loving yourself into fullness! Let go of pride and drama, make room for fun!

Sun in Aquarius until the 19th, then Sun in Pisces

The Sun begins the month of January in Aquarius, where it will remain until the 19th when it shifts into Pisces. Aquarius is a fixed air sign. It is ruled by the planet Uranus. As mentioned above, the planet Uranus (Aquarius' ruler) is currently in Taurus, a fixed earth sign. So, the ruler of this Aquarius New Moon is square (challenging) itself. Talk about an internal issue that needs working out! What ideas are we holding onto that are no longer necessary? What mental ideals ask to be re-evaluated and changed already? What no longer serves that must go?

Maybe a call back to structure within society is in order? The Soul lesson for Aquarius, after all, is friendship and brotherhood. Perhaps looking to Aquarius Saturn will help sort this out, as Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius and is prominent in the New Moon configuration. Aquarius Saturn has a dispassionate understanding of the needs and rights of others, which is the proper basis for brotherhood and cooperation. With Aquarius Saturn, there is a responsibility to others met within constraints. As a society, the challenge is how to look at order and discipline as requirements of freedom. Once we understand, we shift.

Mercury in Capricorn retrograde goes direct on the 4th, shifts into Aquarius on the 15th

Mercury in Capricorn retrograde is a time for looking within and determining whether slow and measured communications have given us the information for which we have been searching. Reflect on the period from January 14th until February 3rd to discern what lessons regarding your perceptions and communications presented themselves. Are your ideas stagnant? Are they standing in the way of moving forward? Where are you responsible in your communications, and where are you not? What needs to change about how you perceive? Capricorn Mercury perceives things in terms of continuity and stability. Once Mercury shifts into Aquarius, the energy electrifies and crackles, creating changes and modifications in how we view things. Sometimes those changes are warranted, and sometimes they create confusion and chaos. Where do you keep what works, release what does not work, maintain some structure while opening to more freedom in your thoughts? Once Mercury transits into Aquarius, prepare to enjoy the faster pace of your hopes, wishes, and dreams. Aquarius Mercury will thrust our minds forward. Keep up!

Venus in Capricorn, direct

Capricorn Venus turned direct at the end of January and is also involved in this New Moon configuration, trine Taurus Uranus and semi-sextile Aquarius Sun/Moon. She is also square Aries Chiron. Venus' involvement emphasizes the area of relationships. How are you relating to yourself? With others? Are you feeling wounded in relationships? Are you connecting with good boundaries? Where are your, or others, boundaries missing? What needs to happen to relate with yourself or others more respectfully? What foundations need shored up and reinforced? Are you in right relationship with yourself? What lessons are reflected via others to help you with your self-awareness and discovery?

Capricorn Venus does not suffer fools, but she does reward a good try! Venus in Capricorn is an excellent time to build a strong foundation underneath yourself, a sturdy platform from which to launch and achieve your hopes and dreams. Trust your gut to know where to direct your focus for success!

Mars in Capricorn

The planet Mars is exalted in the sign of Capricorn, meaning it likes this placement. Capricorn likes to achieve, and Mars is eager to take action. Capricorn is a hard worker and does not shy away from getting serious about what he wants to materialize. Mars in Capricorn is an excellent time to create a solid plan that moves you toward success this year. This is a productive month; use it well. What ideas were rumbling about during this past Capricorn Mercury retrograde period? Now is the time to begin making those thoughts a reality. Capricorn Venus/Mars are square Aries Chiron. Therefore, a shift in what you want and what you are doing to get it may make all the difference in the world concerning how you feel.

Aries Chiron feels wounded in itself, its individuality. Usually, Aries would strike out on its journey, never glancing backward. Aries Chiron may feel like it cannot do it on its own, by itself. But, remember, Chiron points us to where we FEEL wounded, whether we are or not. Are you wounded in your ability to strike out on your own? Or does it just feel that way? That is one crucial distinction! Are you genuinely unable to get life working? Or does it simply feel that way? Move forward with Capricorn Mars at your back. Your journey awaits.

Jupiter in Pisces

Ah, relief. Jupiter is happily placed in Pisces to bestow compassion, empathy, and potentially great peace on us all. Bask in the beauty, and take it all in. Jupiter is lovingly supporting Venus, Mars, and Uranus' efforts to make the necessary changes to be made at this time. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, sprinkles a bit of luck on whatever it is we want to bring into being. Be careful what you wish for, as this is a hefty planet lending its weight to make wishes come true. Let's just leave it at that. We have all been privy to the shady side of "too much" recently. As this New Moon is for new ideas, joy, peace, and compassion, have my vote.

Saturn in Aquarius

I spoke earlier to Saturn in Aquarius, but I will build on that here. The Hero's journey through the zodiac teaches us that once the Hero goes out and faces the world's challenges, he brings the lessons he learned back to the community, thus solidifying his reputation (10th house). As he shares the gifts of his experiences with the community to benefit them all, he moves into the 11th house. Saturn, the Capricorn 10th house ruler, is about solidifying our reputation in the community. But Saturn, when it moves into Aquarius, becomes concerned with the benefit of all humanity. It understands the need for reason, justice, and fairness to rule every level of society, not just for oneself. There is a profound responsibility for the welfare of all others Aquarius Saturn inspires. It is an advanced understanding of what we are here to achieve – for the good of the whole and not just personal glory. Its interest is fairness and justice for us all, equitably.

The clash between Saturn/Uranus is archetypal; refer to the story of Cronos and Ouranos. Saturn rules Capricorn, the sign of stability and materialization, and Uranus rules Aquarius, the sign of chaos and rebellion. Rebellion resists rules; rules quell a rebellion. We see this argument present in the conservative/progressive movement here in the United States. Ultimately, we will understand they are not mutually exclusive, the lesson Aquarius Saturn is trying to teach us. May we learn soon.

Uranus in Taurus

As we mentioned, Taurus Uranus is square the Aquarius New Moon energy this month. Constant changes abound. It is important to remember that sometimes change is good, especially when the powers beyond us are directing. Change that creates more stability for all of humanity benefits us ALL! The push/pull of established norms and progressive dreams have washed over this Earth before, and we have progressed through as humanity tends to do. We will persevere (Taurus) as we move through the chaos (Uranus) of this moment in time. We must have faith. Faith leads us to Neptune in Pisces.

Neptune in Pisces

Faith or illusion? Where are you putting your focus? Jupiter in Pisces meets up with Pisces Neptune later in the year, asking us to dream big and wish for the Moon! Manifesting this year is heightened and knowing what you want and being specific is in order. Where you put your energy (focus), the rest will follow. Succinctly but thoroughly clarify what you want this year. Stay away from negativity. Negativity is the illusion that dispels faith and all good things that come from it. To be clear, I am not saying avoid reality; I am saying, focus on affirming your intentions positively with honesty, clarity, and integrity. There is a vast difference between "I do not want adults who act like children representing me." And "I want leaders who are mature and intelligent representing me." Dream joyfully this New Moon.

Pluto in Capricorn

Pluto continues its trek through Capricorn, transforming and demolishing those things that no longer serve the good of the whole. Institutions and governments across the globe have been struggling against being pulled into the underworld's darkness, never to see the light of day again. Democracy as a way of life is being shaken to its core. As a whole, we must redefine what we think it means to be powerful. It appears Russia believes it means taking what it wants; in the United States, it seems to stay in power, whether earned or snatched, is the definition. Are wars and aggression, domination your meaning of power? Pluto is the planet of transformational empowerment. But, as we well know, empowerment comes from within. So what illusions are being shattered at this moment? And how do we keep only that which continues to serve us all?

On February 20th, the United States will experience its first Pluto return, demanding we explore our relationship with power, and power over others, responsibly. That is what the lead-up to now has been demanding, and what emerges from the depths will be the material we integrate as we move forward, forging our next cycle and evolving our empowerment as a country. The best way to help the collective through all of this is to clean up our personal use of might. As I said last month, the transformation of our governments and institutions to more effectively use their power to serve humanity's highest good remains Pluto's charge at this crossroad in time.

As NEW MOONS are for beginning new cycles, bring a new idea or truth into the light. Elevate your ideals to include all of humanity.

Here are the reminders:

Check to see which house this New Moon falls in your natal chart to understand what area of your life will be affected.

Aquarius rules the lower legs and ankles, circulation, and veins.

Categories for Aquarius:

Groups; society; humanitarian causes; friends; hopes/wishes; community; brotherhood; associates; friendship; ideas; revolutionaries; inventors; electricity; airwaves; energetics; new-age ideas; innovative ideas; independence; unexpected results; lucid dreaming; networking; detached; uniqueness; outsider; loner; unconventional; brilliance; eccentricity; equanimity; social justice; altruism; ESP; lecturing; science; technology; internet; progressive; radical; agnostic.


House meanings:

1st: Body; Physical appearance; How others see (the image you project); Ego

2nd: Values; Material goods; Self-Esteem/Self-Worth; Money

3rd: Siblings/Cousins; Short trips; Communications; Perceptions

4th: Home and family life; Parent; Foundations; Inner life

5th: Children; Fun/Joy; Creativity; Love affairs; Entertainment/Arts

6th: Work; Health; Day-to-day routine/habits; Service

7th: Marriage; One-on-one relationships; Business partners; Enemies/Rivals

8th: Death and taxes; Other people's money/Inheritance; Intimate relationships/Sex; Occult

9th: Higher education; Long-distance travel; Foreign affairs; Spiritual beliefs

10th: Public standing; Career/Profession; Achievement/Success; Parent; Highest calling

11th: Friends; Hopes and dreams; Community; Social causes; Groups

12th: Self-undoing; Unconscious; Hidden realms; Attainment of peace; Places of confinement

Sample New Moon Wishes:

  • I easily open my mind to new ideas.

  • I readily accept the unusual parts of me that make me unique and special.

  • I easily strike out on my unique, individual path and embrace my independence.

  • I readily exercise to keep my circulation healthy.

  • I easily make friends and find a group that shares my interests.

    HANDWRITE 10 wishes on a piece of paper, read them aloud, and then safely burn them (the wishing part); do this conscious intention-setting within 8 hours of the New Moon.

"Let this or something greater come to pass."

Let the Water-bearer cleanse your thoughts and open your mind…Namaste.

Mary Sutton