Virgo New Moon 2021

This month's NEW MOON falls in the Earth sign of Virgo at 14 degrees 38' September 6, 2021 @ 5:52 PM MST/8:52 PM EDT.


What is the make-up of the ideas your body digests? Is it healthy or harmful? Toxic or nourishing? Take note of what your mind consumes, clean up your thoughts, and work toward a perfected version of yourself, healthy and whole.

The Sun begins the month in Virgo and moves into Libra on September 23. Virgo is an Earth sign, grounded and practical. It is mutable in modality, meaning it is flexible and will do whatever is necessary to get things done. It is the "in-between time" from season to season, coming out of fullness before moving into a new cycle. It is also the phase of turning experience into wisdom, transitioning from one state of knowledge into another, then carrying it forward to assist in creating anew.

Virgo is an efficient sign, organized, systematic, hard-working, and based within the material plane. It pays attention to detail, to the point of scrutinizing. Virgo can be perfectionistic and readily cross the line into the territory of criticism and self-loathing if not careful. When Virgo goes over the line into perfection, it is miserable. It feels it can do nothing right. As the saying goes, "perfect is the enemy of done." All of us, especially Virgos, need to realize the importance of perfecting, not perfection. To demand perfection is to forget we are human. The business of being human is messy, and Virgos do not like a mess. As we all have a little Virgo in us, it is necessary to look inside to see where we are too hard on ourselves, demanding us to do better, when maybe we are doing the very best we can.

It is easy to see what's wrong, but assigning blame does nothing to fix an issue. It requires substantially more to step back from finding fault in the details to see the over-arching beauty of the whole picture. What is right in the mess? Where are we too hard, too critical, and perhaps even unrealistic with ourselves and each other? Putting the energy of Virgo's hard-working nature to good use doesn't necessarily mean cleaning everything up to perfection. It can mean softening toward our human-ness, finding acceptance of our flaws, our imperfections, and becoming whole and accepting ourselves (and others) for what is, instead of the ideal that exists within our minds. After all, who can live up to those lofty ideals anyway?

As Mercury (the planet of communications, ideas, and mind/mentality) rules Virgo, it is complicated to shut down Virgos' constant thinking, planning, controlling, and flaw-finding. This constant critical fault-finding tendency is where service to the Self comes into play. However, without an organizing principle of its own to work around, Virgo energy cannot gain momentum. Virgo without structure is at a loss. All their hard work is for nothing if there is no goal or objective, no organizing principle to rally around. A Virgo without a worthy purpose to serve will spin their mental wheels endlessly, to no avail. Being a sign of service, Virgo often needs to learn to mind its store before offering assistance to others, completely anathema to its charge, but necessary to provide a healthy assist.

Speaking of Mercury, it is in the Air sign of Libra this month, giving a bit of a break to the negative thinking that Virgo in Mercury can produce. Mercury turns retrograde on September 27, suggesting an inward turn to reflect on all the ideas that come to us this month is in order. Libra, a sign of balance, asks Virgo to think about itself AND others because if we do not, to whom exactly are we in service? This New Moon Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces and asks us to look at any illusions we may hold about whether we are in service to another or simply lost in the dream of serving. If we cannot give ourselves what we need, what truly do we have to give away? To be of service does not require self-LESS-ness, but, more accurately, a self who is FULL and willing to serve. Mercury in Libra opposes Chiron in Aries, allowing us to explore our perceptions about relationships to see where they hurt or wound our individuality, creating a healing opportunity if proper I/Thou balance returns. Thoughts to consider weighing if we are to find peace within this month or this lifetime.

Venus begins in Libra this month and moves into Scorpio on the 11th, so the first part of the month feels decidedly different than the second. Venus in Libra is lighter energy that weighs its options concerning how it gets what it wants. Libra Venus can be indecisive in relating to others but will always consider making both parties happy. Venus in Scorpio will ask us to get serious about exactly what we want, then strategize to get it. Scorpio Venus is less diplomatic with others. Instead is aggressively pursues what it thinks is best, in total control, feeling it knows best for the other. Two different energies indeed. Relationships may become more emotional, intense, and possibly controlling by the end of the month, as Venus squares Pluto. The alternative is to allow our relationships to become transformational instead. If a decision concerning a relationship needs making, one will materialize by month's end. This Virgo month may be messier than desired, but it will spur change and growth, good for everyone once the dust settles.

Mars, the planet of action, begins the month in Virgo and moves into Libra on the 16th, another transition that will feel energetically quite different. Mars in Virgo is a workhorse that gets stuff done. Mars in Libra is more diplomatic, considering how things get done, talking about it versus doing the heavy lifting. Mars, too is opposite Pisces Neptune, suggesting we must look at ways we think we are helping others that perhaps delude ourselves. Where are our "helping" actions not helpful? And what stops us from seeing that with keen precision? Mars in Libra provides a step back from the busy-ness to look at things and create a more balanced plan. When we see where we are confusing ourselves with our busy-ness, we can change our habits and start acting in healthier ways. If we are too focused on cleaning up someone else's mess, are we taking care of ourselves? It seems by mid-month, the balance can return if we find we are not tending ourselves.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are all retrograde this month and stay that way. To astrologers, this suggests the Universe has a big hand in shaping events that many will perceive as out of our control, and to some extent, they are. But we are all on this planet together, and we all can do our part, whatever it is, to progress us forward as a whole. There may be a slowing down of progress with the virus still mutating. We may be sheltering in place and being more cautious again as fall unfolds. Who knows? However, we certainly know that we are all best served if we mind our business and clean up our own lives. How much more Virgo can that be?

Jupiter is in Aquarius, expanding our social consciousness. Saturn is in Aquarius, too, demanding social responsibility. Uranus remains in Taurus, disrupting those things we thought were solid, finances, the Earth, our bodies/health, and waking us up to the limits of our abundance on this blue/green planet. Keep expecting the unexpected, paying careful attention to your reactions, the only thing within your control. Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn are working to change our ideals and shatter our illusions. Neptune helps to spiritualize the transformations of this time while Pluto marches on.

This New Moon heightens and highlights power struggles between those who want to stay stuck and those who wish to move forward. We must know which we are and act accordingly. Clean up your systems as you go. Perfect toward unattainable perfection while remembering that being human is perfectly imperfect, AKA messy! Embrace this paradox; it serves us all.

As NEW MOONS are for planting new emotional seeds, work at weeding your mental garden of criticisms and controlling thoughts, then plant nurturing, wholesome, fresh ideas and see what grows! Virgo is a time of harvested abundance. Commit to tenderly caring for yourself, so there is more you to share. You may be healthily surprised!

Here are the reminders:

Check to see which house this New Moon falls in your natal chart to understand what area of your life will be affected.

Virgo rules the bowels and intestines, the abdomen, the digestive tract, and digestion.

Categories for Virgo:

Service given or received; health; diet; exercise; routine work; ritual; food; the body; illness; workaholic tendencies; nature; healing; routine; order; systems; analysis; focus; attention to detail; practicality; purity; perfectionism; criticalness; worry; discrimination; neatness; carefulness; conscientious; over-critical; over-thinking; employment/employees; hygiene; medicine


House Meanings:

1st: Body; Physical appearance; How others see (the image you project); Ego

2nd: Values; Material goods; Self-Esteem/Self-Worth; Money

3rd: Siblings/Cousins; Short trips; Communications; Perceptions

4th: Home and family life; Parent; Foundations; Inner life

5th: Children; Fun/Joy; Creativity; Love affairs; Entertainment/Arts

6th: Work; Health; Day-to-day routine/habits; Service

7th: Marriage; One-on-one relationships; Business partners; Enemies/Rivals

8th: Death and taxes; Other people's money/Inheritance; Intimate relationships/Sex; Occult

9th: Higher education; Long-distance travel; Foreign affairs; Spiritual beliefs

10th: Public standing; Career/Profession; Achievement/Success; Parent; Highest calling

11th: Friends; Hopes and dreams; Community; Social causes; Groups

12th: Self-undoing; Unconscious; Hidden realms; Attainment of peace; Places of confinement

Sample New Moon Wishes:

• I easily eat and exercise toward better health.

• I readily clean up my house, workspace, closet, room, or surrounding environment and promote order.

• I quickly assess what things need changed and put in the work to change them.

• I easily pay more attention to essential details.

• I readily embrace holistic living and bring order to my mind, body, and spirit for overall health.

HANDWRITE 10 wishes on a piece of paper, read them aloud, and then safely burn them (the wishing part); do this conscious intention-setting within 8 hours of the New Moon.

"Let this or something greater come to pass."

Watch your words quote.jpg

Mary Sutton