Aquarius Full Moon 2021 - Blue Moon

This month’s FULL BLUE MOON falls in the Air sign of Aquarius at 29 degrees 37’ August 22, 2021 @ 5:02 AM MST/8:02 AM EDT.


Acknowledge when you are wrong. Practice random acts of kindness this Full Moon, sans ego.

Actions speak louder than words. Truly love your neighbor as yourself by treating others with respect you would welcome.

It will do your Lionheart good!

This Full Moon feels better than the past few. Ahh. Fewer emotions are swirling, and not as many feelings express themselves, giving us a break from some drama, even though the world is still on fire. This Full Moon is the second in Aquarius, the first occurring July 23, 2021, and this one is a seasonal Blue Moon. Meaning it is the third of four full moons in a season (the time between a solstice and an equinox). This summer’s Full Moons in Aquarius act as bookends for the month of August. So, what have we learned over this past month? Hopefully, by now, we understand that words matter and communication is for connection, not division. If we use our words in critical, demeaning ways or intending to confuse others, we create hurt, anger, and disillusionment. How’s that for a start?

This Full Moon is conjunct Jupiter, the great benefic, or the great exaggerator (it is retrograde, after all). This Full Moon occurs in the sign of Aquarius, which is about freedom, society, and humanity and is opposite Leo, which is about the individual, me, myself, and I, and what I want. Incidentally, Leo is also about children, and as the Delta variant surges, we see more children in our society (United States) being affected. So, we find ourselves back at this question, “How do I assert my rights while being a responsible member of society?” Free will and choice enter the Saturn/Uranus square concept of 2021 yet again. Like I said in my last post, the Universe gives us multiple opportunities to get it right (so maybe ONCE in a Blue Moon is inaccurate?!). Does anyone else want to get off of this crazy see-saw?

Besides the Sun, Moon/Jupiter opposition at this month’s Full Moon, we have another interesting dynamic duo aspect, Virgo Mercury conjunct Mars opposite Pisces Neptune. It is time to rein in our fantasies, stop self-deception, and admit where we are confused or outright wrong. When we take action from misperception or, worse yet, lies, we take improper action. When we practice discernment, humility, and discrimination as we filter our thoughts (Aquarius energy), we are more grounded in reality, and our efforts become more efficient. This Full Moon is still strong in FIXED energy (Leo/Aquarius), so admitting our mistakes is challenging but imperative to harmony within ourselves and with others. Fortunately, the Sun moves into Virgo later in the day, easing some of that stuck, fixed energy. Although, let’s be careful not to move from arrogance to criticism.

Pay attention to any flashes of insight you may have as to where your thinking is erroneous or full of pride. Recognizing the error is the first step toward its fix. Think BEFORE you act, even though the impulse to act first, think later will be stronger. Exercise your higher Self, your FREE WILL AND CHOICE, then press the pause button. It will serve you, and us all, better. Count to ten, then breathe to gain a better perspective rather than going off half-cocked. There are some helpful energies this Full Moon to help us stay grounded and think. Use them.

It will be helpful to get to the bottom of the “feeling wounded in our independence” portion of ourselves, so we quit inflicting it onto others. With great freedom comes great responsibility. Uranus and Pluto are working to help us change our perspective and thus our course of action. Let’s accept their gifts gracefully! If we have learned nothing else recently, I pray we have learned that being right at all costs is dangerous and digging our heels in when we are wrong hurts us all. As the Leo Sun is at 29 degrees 37’, we enter into the heart of the Lion, courageous and unconditional LOVE fit for royalty! What do regal love of Self and another look like to you? As the Sun prepares later in the day to move into the sign of Virgo, the character of Service through Wisdom, may we be granted some insight into what service to others, without egoic thoughts of self, truly means. Then, may we ground that insight into reality to elevate and serve us all.

And so it is. Blessed Be.

Here are the reminders:

Check to see which house this Full Moon falls in your natal chart to understand what area of your life will be affected.

Aquarius rules the lower legs and ankles, circulation, and veins.

Categories for Aquarius:

Groups; society; humanitarian causes; friends; hopes/wishes; community; brotherhood; associates; friendship; ideas; revolutionaries; inventors; electricity; airwaves; energetics; new-age ideas; innovative ideas; independence; unexpected results; lucid dreaming; networking; detached; uniqueness; outsider; loner; unconventional; brilliance; eccentricity; equanimity; social justice; altruism; ESP; lecturing; science; technology; internet; progressive; radical; agnosticism.


House Meanings:

1st: Body; Physical appearance; How others see (the image you project); Ego

2nd: Values; Material goods; Self-Esteem/Self-Worth; Money

3rd: Siblings/Cousins; Short trips; Communications; Perceptions

4th: Home and family life; Parent; Foundations; Inner life

5th: Children; Fun/Joy; Creativity; Love affairs; Entertainment/Arts

6th: Work; Health; Day-to-day routine/habits; Service

7th: Marriage; One-on-one relationships; Business partners; Enemies/Rivals

8th: Death and taxes; Other people's money/Inheritance; Intimate relationships/Sex; Occult

9th: Higher education; Long-distance travel; Foreign affairs; Spiritual beliefs

10th: Public standing; Career/Profession; Achievement/Success; Parent; Highest calling

11th: Friends; Hopes and dreams; Community; Social causes; Groups

12th: Self-undoing; Unconscious; Hidden realms; Attainment of peace; Places of confinement

Sample Full Moon releases:

• I easily release any stubborn ideas that keep me from the loving wisdom of my heart.

• I effortlessly release using words/ideas that confuse and harm others.

• I readily release selfish beliefs that keep me from displaying acts of love and caring.

• I quickly remove any blocks to new and improved ideas that work for us all.

• I easily release stuck ideals that keep loving thoughts from circulating throughout my energetic system.

HANDWRITE 10 releases on a piece of paper, read them aloud, and then safely burn them (the releasing part); do this release within 8 hours of the Full Moon.

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Mary Sutton