Libra New Moon 2021
This month’s NEW MOON falls in the Air sign of Libra at 13 degrees 25’ October 6, 2021 @ 4:05 AM MST/7:05 AM EDT.
Themis, the Titan goddess of Divine Law and Order, daughter of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaia (Earth), is prominent this Libra New Moon.
Happy Fall!
Autumn marks the changing of the seasons when the Sun enters the cardinal sign of Libra. As the season shifts, the energy does too. This upcoming Libra New Moon is full of deliberate, balanced, truth-seeking, justice-filled energy. Because this New Moon is super-charged, Themis' gravid presence seems in order.
The Sun moved into Libra on the September Fall equinox and will remain there until October 24th, when it shifts into Scorpio. Libra is an Air sign and is concerned with all things mental. The highest use of Libra energy is relating with balance and harmony, peace and fairness, justice and equality. This month's Libra New Moon is full of intellectual, socially-minded, balanced calls for truth and justice, and, at this New Moon, we will be examining our relationship to those ideals. It is important to remember that the wheels of justice turn slowly should things seem indecisive or non-committal. But in the end, justice and truth always prevail. Fortunately, this New Moon has some calm, flowing, Trine energy at work; Trine energy being supportive and easy-going. It may feel like a breath of fresh air at the time of the New Moon. So, enjoy the momentary pause. It may be helpful to incorporate some calming pranayama into your meditation to connect with the rhythm of all the swirling Air. But, be aware, the prevailing October winds will blow away anything that is not truthful or just, whether you agree with their judgments or not.
Mercury, the planet of communications, is in Libra the entire month, beginning direct, turning retrograde October 2nd, and going direct again on the 18th. Mercury is comfortable in Libra; it is a soft-blowing zephyr. However, Capricorn Pluto is square Libra Mercury at the New Moon, so watch out for the occasional gust! Meeting the challenge of the square would result in fair, sharp insights and responsibly penetrating perceptions. But there is the possibility of losing sight and stubbornly becoming attached to beliefs that are just plain wrong. Fortunately, with Mercury retrograde, we can turn our ideas inward to soul-search for the truth, trusting it will reveal itself if we quiet ourselves and are open to receive. It is important to remember that changes to our perceptions might be in order before the scales fall from our eyes.
The relationship goddess, Venus, begins the month in Scorpio then moves into Sagittarius on the 8th, at which time she will lighten up and perhaps celebrate! She could also go from being somberly serious to wildly exaggerated. Either way, her shift will be palpable. At the New Moon, Scorpio Venus squares Aquarius Jupiter bringing about a pleasantly challenging combination of transformational feminine energy in the realm of social justice. With the Supreme Court in the United States looking at some Roe v. Wade challenges soon, this seems perfectly aligned. This New Moon's Trine energy also involves Lilith, further highlighting the topic of women's issues being weighed cautiously.
Mars, the warrior god, begins in Libra and remains there almost all month, shifting into Scorpio just in time for Halloween on the 31st. Libra Mars is balanced action, sometimes hesitant, but judicious when moving forward. Libra Mars is a warrior for social justice and fairness, tipping the scales to balance them. So, the actions taken this month will be measured and deliberate, even though they may feel indecisive. And, while we live in the present, moment to moment, remember that Mars shifting into Scorpio prefers a secretive, strategic plan of action, one that might unfold in the future as a surprise ambush. It is important to remember nothing lasts forever, and there are no guarantees. Therefore, the secret to life is to live in the moment while planning for tomorrow (although that may just be my Capricorn way)!
Moving on, Jupiter remains in Aquarius and begins the month retrograde, turning direct on the 18th. It will stay direct through the end of the year, when it will shift signs. Aquarius Saturn too begins the month retrograde, turning direct, slightly ahead of Jupiter, on the 11th. In the Aquarian sign of progressive advancement, these two social planets support the forward movement of society through whatever means necessary to improve. Jupiter lends its gifts while Saturn maintains structure for the chaos. These two planets are involved in the unfolding social justice movement at hand.
Another heavy hitter involved in our global chaos is Taurus Uranus. This cosmic earthquake causing global fires and ensuring change is desperately trying to wake us up to the condition of our beloved Mother. Uranus remains retrograde this month, even as it remains square to Saturn, continuing their yearlong tussle. It will seem, for this month's round of punches thrown, Saturn may have Uranus on the ropes. In the matchup between the rule of law versus cosmic chaos, the rule of law wins this round. It may seem Uranus is down for the count throughout the year. But, as always, the heavens continue to cycle, and Uranus will turn direct again, staggering to its feet and ready to throw its next punch!
Meanwhile, Neptune in Pisces is retrograde all of October, so perhaps the confused chaos really will take a break?! Or does the confusion and chaos settle within for a spell providing us the opportunity to internalize the struggle? YIKES! Of the five outer planets that were retrograde last month, only Uranus and Neptune remain that way, meaning three have turned direct. And while forward progress picks up steam, it is vital to cleanse ourselves of all the collective energies we accumulated while swimming in the retrograded cosmic stream. There are several good ways to cleanse your chakras and aura. One being – imagine energetically cleansing yourself daily when you physically shower. Let the cosmic residue wash down the drain, and Mother Earth will neutralize and process the details. She's a good Mother, and we should cherish and protect her better!
Speaking of doing better, this brings us to Pluto in Capricorn, responsible transformation. Pluto begins October retrograde but turns direct on October 6th. As we know, Pluto has been busily transforming our institutions here in the United States. February 2022, we will have our first experience of exactness with this Pluto return. However, we have been experiencing the effects of this return for quite some time now. We feel the approach of a returning planet within ~10 degrees on either side. In the US chart, Capricorn Pluto sits at 27 degrees 33' retrograde. We began to feel the transit when Pluto neared 17 degrees Capricorn (January 2017). It will last through 7 degrees Aquarius (February 2028), approximately eleven years. The march up to exactness highlights what is getting activated and what will be affected. At the same time, exactness brings a bit of relief. Once the planet starts marching beyond exactitude, integrating and implementing the information learned on the approach begins. Pluto begins separating from exactness in December 2022 but will continue to activate the degree a few times before moving on for good.
Because Pluto is a slow-moving planet, this will continue to unfold gradually. But since 2016, here in the United States, Pluto's march has undoubtedly revealed the power struggles within and among our governmental institutions. As the United States is a representative democracy, the power struggles within the representation are showing, leaving some to worry that the US is failing. But it is important to remember that we are evolving, and change is inevitable with forwarding progress. There is not much to fear if we continue to hold our democracy at heart. It is precisely the right time for the US to contemplate what it means to be "powerful," both at home and abroad. Timing, after all, is Divine!
Saturn square Uranus 2021 has informed us that "out with the old, in with the new" is at hand BUT warns us not to throw the baby out with the bathwater! So, keeping the bones of our democratic structure while gutting and renovating the outdated interior may be in order. As long as we remember the original blueprint and what it entails, a democratic republic puts the voice of its people first, and the majority protects the minority. If we remember that, we successfully transform with as much responsibility as possible, and a new era of socially balanced, equitable justice can begin. How empowering! And, just in time to help Mother (Earth)!
As NEW MOONS are for planting new emotional seeds, cultivate a socially fair, just, harmonious, and balanced crop, planting a balanced garden restores civility for us all.
Here are the reminders:
Check to see which house this New Moon falls in your natal chart to understand what area of your life will be affected.
Libra rules the kidneys and bladder, and the lumbar area.
Categories for Libra:
Relationships; culture; beauty; sophistication; balance; equality; harmony; fairness; justice; injustice; out of balance; tipped scales; co-dependency; marriage; business partners; art museums; genteel society; music; agreements; negotiation; peace; cooperation; grace; inability to commit; indecision; fence-sitting; mediation; flip-floppy; back and forth; cooperation; one on one relationships; social graces; cultural interests; equilibrium; moderation; gentleness; charm; accommodation; peacemaker; tact; companionship
House Meanings:
1st: Body; Physical appearance; How others see (the image you project); Ego
2nd: Values; Material goods; Self-Esteem/Self-Worth; Money
3rd: Siblings/Cousins; Short trips; Communications; Perceptions
4th: Home and family life; Parent; Foundations; Inner life
5th: Children; Fun/Joy; Creativity; Love affairs; Entertainment/Arts
6th: Work; Health; Day-to-day routine/habits; Service
7th: Marriage; One-on-one relationships; Business partners; Enemies/Rivals
8th: Death and taxes; Other people's money/Inheritance; Intimate relationships/Sex; Occult
9th: Higher education; Long-distance travel; Foreign affairs; Spiritual beliefs
10th: Public standing; Career/Profession; Achievement/Success; Parent; Highest calling
11th: Friends; Hopes and dreams; Community; Social causes; Groups
12th: Self-undoing; Unconscious; Hidden realms; Attainment of peace; Places of confinement
Sample New Moon Wishes:
• I easily create balance in my relationships.
• I easily find social engagements that are filled with beauty and grace.
• I readily apply gentleness to my social interactions.
• I easily resolve indecision.
• I peacefully enjoy music that promotes harmony and balance for my Soul.
HANDWRITE 10 wishes on a piece of paper, read them aloud, and then safely burn them (the wishing part); do this conscious intention-setting within 8 hours of the New Moon.
"Let this or something greater come to pass."