Sagittarius New Moon 2022

This month’s NEW MOON falls in the Fire sign of Sagittarius at 1 degree 38’ November 23rd, 2022 @ 3:58 PM MST/5:58 PM EDT.

Let the party begin! Winter solstice December 21st, 2022

Sagittarius Sun/Moon conjunction

Joy to the world! Aren't we ready for some joy, compassion, and clarity? Well, welcome Sagittarius, the Centaur who shoots his arrow of truth, plain talking, and higher vision. I hope he hits target Earth! The Sun moves into Sagittarius at the New Moon, when the energy shifts and hopefully lightens up us all versus over-inflating us again. Whichever direction Sag's arrow flies, the energy will differ from the Scorpio month we just came through.

Even though Mars, the planet of action, remains retrograde, we can take steps forward using the elemental fire energy supplied. This New Moon is strong in the fire element, meaning there is much passion and movement surrounding it. Take care not to let that energy expand into dramatic over-exaggeration (unless you are a professional storyteller or a wannabe one). Instead, use the momentum to get a fire lit under you and get moving into the upcoming holiday season!

While Saturn and Uranus are still squared, no major aspects are looming over this Sagittarius New Moon. And these two planets are finally separating, TA-DA. The seismic event that was Saturn square Uranus in 2021, exact in February, June, and December, has just had its last meeting in October 2022. While there has been no denying the conservative versus progressive stance this energy engaged, the changes it brought forth will continue to unfold. As we move on and assess the damage done, we will see what remains and what needs rebuilding. Only time, and the dust settling, will tell. But one thing we know for sure is there is no going back to what was before, for that is not the nature of evolution.

So, from me, Saturn square Uranus, BUH-BYE. And thank you for a job well done! As always, we continue to move forward in the cycles within cycles of the Cosmos where we live. Enter Pluto moving into Aquarius in 2023! More on that later. For now, back to enjoyable Sagittarius!

This Sagittarius New Moon has its challenges, but it is a kinder and gentler energy than we have been experiencing. Enjoy it and know that it, too, will change. But for now, the lightness, silliness, frivolity, joy, and wonder of Sag are here. Let the games begin!

FULL MOON in Gemini @ 16 degrees 02'

The Full Moon in Gemini arrives on December 7th @ 9:08 PM MST/11:08 PM EDT at 16 degrees 02'. Be aware that exaggerations or outright lies might lead to confusion at this lunar time. While Gemini Moon might fib about being irritated, Sagittarius Sun prefers the truth, and Pisces Neptune seems not to have a clue or forgot to pay attention. Meanwhile, Gemini Mars wants a showdown, even if it is retrograde! So, who knows what's what? Be kind.

Like the Sag New Moon, this Full Moon is also strong in the fire element but has a T-square to Neptune involved, which adds a little more punch. This T-square also involves retrograde Gemini Mars, so it may feel like you take two steps backward once you decide to move forward, but you aren't sure why you can't get moving. The frustration of wanting to get going but feeling thwarted at every turn may lead to overblown anger at friends, siblings, or neighbors. You may explode with fighting words or an angry tirade. Try to take yet another step back and remember to engage others with compassion even while expressing your upset. BREATHE! And remember, forewarned is forearmed.

The conscious way out of this T-square is to be precise with your words and communicate what's necessary while avoiding unnecessary criticism. So, to clarify the confusion, mean what you say and say what you mean. Don't say anything to someone else that you wouldn't want to be said to you. After all, Gemini is the sign of amity.

Sun in Sagittarius until the 21st, then Sun in Capricorn at the Winter Solstice 2:49 PM MST/4:49 PM EDT

As we drifted deeper into the darkness of the end-of-the-year season, the Universe asked us to continue looking inside to find what needs bringing into the light. Where is our truth, and what is the Truth? They are not always the same. But, the Sun in Sagittarius is a hopeful time. In Scorpio, we plunged into the dark depths, but in Sagittarius, we rebound back toward the light. We haven't arrived yet, but we remember the Truth of our journey, that we are lighter than we felt in those darkened times. Now, it’s time to shake that darkness off!

After being compressed, the Sagittarius Sun time inflates us back to our original spiritual form. It buoys us up and encourages us to rise higher until we touch the sky or the Cosmos beyond. The Galactic Center rests at 26 degrees Sagittarius. It reminds us that we come from a more significant and expansive place than we can humanly imagine and encourages us to climb to that height.

The Centaur archetype urges us to embrace the humanness of our experience while striving toward the Divine. This great hope lies at the heart of this time of year, faith in something bigger than us. While we cannot quite see the light beginning to dawn, we remember that it will. Oh, happy day!

Then, that hope becomes a reality at the Winter Solstice, after which the days begin to lengthen, and our Earth home bends toward our Sun's warmth. The work to return to the Sun begins when the Sun reaches Capricorn, and the hopeful promise of Sagittarius becomes our new truth.

When the Sun moves into Capricorn, it signals success on our long annual journey. It is steady and solid, grounded and secure. It settles us in for a moment and allows us respite to prepare for the next stage. Enjoy the time away from the drama and the excitement. Contemplate the end of the year, reflecting on what you want to continue and what you want to release as the New Year approaches.

Mercury in Sagittarius until the 7th, then Mercury in Capricorn, turning retrograde on December 29th

Mercury in Sagittarius is a lively energy. It communicates in a blunt but truthful style, despite its propensity toward exaggeration. Sure, there may be drama aplenty, but it's usually all in good fun! Enjoy your gatherings with others, and try not to let the excitement get the best of you. Enjoy the holiday season chatting with friends and family before it is time to become reflective and turn within by year's end.

When Mercury moves into Capricorn on December 7th, at the Gemini Full Moon, a more serious tone will take over. Communications become more grounded and serious, less festive and practical. Mercury in Capricorn is astute, careful, deliberate, and knowledgeable. Just be cautious (like a good Capricorn would) because it can also be slightly judgy. Use the rest of the month to weigh your words carefully and use them responsibly with discretion.

As always, when Mercury turns retrograde, slow down and go within.

Venus in Sagittarius until the 11th, then Venus in Capricorn

Venus in Sagittarius is a light, fun energy, ready to party and have a good time. It can mean more drama in our relationships, but it can also mean more fun! Embrace the levity of the season and enjoy gathering with friends, clinking glasses, firing up the sparklers, and reaching for the stars.

On December 11th Venus switches signs and energy. Capricorn Venus is a mature version of relating that feels heavier than Venus's light and slightly immature (but fun) time in Sag. Capricorn Venus is practical, but she can be distant. However, she is also reliable, trustworthy, and a ride-or-die friend that will be loyal to the bitter end. That's not a bad way to engage. When the planet of relationships shifts into Earthy Capricorn mid-month, prepare to slow it down and switch gears. It is a great time to connect responsibly and succeed at keeping your commitments and promises.

Mars in Gemini, Retrograde (Rx)

Mars continues moving backward, throwing a monkey wrench in our plans to get ahead. Looking within to discern what needs doing and what can be put aside is one way to manage this energy. This placement feels a bit like a skip on an old vinyl record. There is a scratchy desire to get things done, but we can't seem to move out of our rut. We're stuck in the groove with the actions simply going on and on, over and over again. Trying to get ahead and get things done can be very frustrating. And we cannot find the proper bump of the table to jump the rut and get the music started again. Hang in there. Mars will go direct in mid-January, and the world will feel free when it lurches forward.

Until then, do what you need in terms of self-care to manage your frazzled and nervous self. Talk therapy is a great option to get you over the hump, with friends or professionally. Remember, there is no shame in the therapy game. Journaling your feelings is another choice, as is doing some breathwork. Or, it might be time to curl up with a good book and settle into a great winter read. Whatever you do, rest assured that we will move quickly again.

Jupiter in Pisces until the 21st, then Jupiter in Aries throughout 2023

This planetary change is the big announcement of the moment. Jupiter shifts into Aries at the end of the year and will stay there for the next 12 months. It will retrograde into Pisces in the spring, allowing us to clean up our Jupiter Pisces loose ends through to completion. Jupiter in Pisces has been full of confusion, outright lies, and disillusionment, sprinkled with moments of overwhelming compassion and forgiveness.

In the months that Jupiter tiptoed into Aries (May through October), we saw a rise in social and human rights activism, pictures from frontiers we have never seen so clearly, and the rise of a new King after the death of a beloved Queen who touched the hearts of many. We witnessed protests in Iran, the acceleration of the Russian/Ukrainian war, and endured an uptick of global violent acts that included bombings, assassinations, and stabbings. We continued to suffer a novel pandemic, and just when we hoped we were beyond it, an outbreak of an old virus assailed us on the world stage.

When Jupiter resettled into Pisces, we batted down the misinformation, disinformation, illusions, delusions, and outright lies with truth and compassion. Or at least, that was the goal of enough of us. Jupiter moves into Aries at the end of the month for an extended stay. Expect to see more of the same in 2023, except on a bigger scale.

Expect women’s rights to be front and center, along with any other groups in need of activism. There will be a huge push toward independence, freedom, and the ability to make one's own choices. Courage and initiative are in order, as are self-confidence and forging a unique path forward. It can be a very progressive time, but we must caution against rash actions that create more problems than they resolve. While it is mandatory to develop the self on our journey here on Earth, too much selfishness gets us into lots of trouble. Learning to balance self and other, or at least considering the other, will be in order. All good things take time, even when we are in a hurry and want them done yesterday!

Saturn in Aquarius

Fortunately, Aquarius Saturn is hanging around to keep us in check and remind us that building just and equitable societies on this planet take time. This energy is the structure necessary for a free individual, community, country, and world. It is the incentive to do the required social work to ensure freedom for one and all. It is also the vibe of uniqueness in a world of convention. It encourages responsible innovation, structured change, and steady progress.

Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius, so it is happy here. It is the discipline of statesmen, scientists, free thinkers, and scholars. It encourages us to use our discipline for the good of the whole, our minds for the progress of society, and keep cautiously progressing forward. It has served us well; let’s enjoy the last few months it remains.

Uranus in Taurus, Rx

Taurus Uranus remains retrograde, and the shakedown continues internally and externally. As mentioned, the square of Saturn and Uranus is separating, and they are leaving the arena. But Uranus will remain in Taurus for a couple more years bringing changes to the unchangeable and shaking up the norm, solo. But with change comes a new opportunity to restructure, hopefully creating an improved do-over. Expect more changes to Mother Earth, our financial establishments, currencies, values, and resources. But perhaps, too, Uranus will shine its light on the path forward regarding better, more progressive protection and stewardship of our planet.

Neptune in Pisces, Rx, turning direct on December 4th

Pisces Neptune retrograde turns direct at the beginning of the month, perhaps clearing up some of the cloudy confusion it stirs. Neptune rules Pisces, so it is at peace here. When Pisces Neptune is at its highest, it brings a breadth of compassion that is spiritually enlivening. It is a yummy feeling as long as we remember we are spiritual beings. We intuitively understand we are all interconnected within our Universe. We are one with each other and the One. When we drift from that truth, it leads to confusion, lying to ourselves and others, victimization, martyrdom, and pandemonium. May we all live from our spiritual selves as this planet churns itself forward!

Pluto in Capricorn

Capricorn Pluto continues to transform our government, institutions, and traditions that must change. We have leaders worldwide that are stepping down, dying, retiring, and moving on, making room for new leadership to take the reins. It is good. But, it is also essential to pick responsible, judicious, serious-in-their-commitment replacements that lead us forward wisely into this new evolution of our world.

As NEW MOONS are for creating new emotional beginnings, create a Joy-full one for yourself and those you love. Embrace the season's spirit, put aside the exaggeration, and connect in Truth. Let the LIGHT back in! Happy Holidays!

Here are the reminders:

Check to see which house this NEW MOON falls in your natal chart to understand what area of your life will be affected.

Sagittarius rules the thighs, hips, upper legs, and sciatica/sciatic nerve.

Catgories for Sagittarius: 

Higher education; expansion; travel; long voyages; beliefs; philosophies; spirituality; dogma; fanaticism; religion; JOY; joyfulness; higher mind; prayer; truth; searching; intuition; spontaneity; exploration; ethics; lawyers/law; publishing; faith; luck; fortune; colleges/universities; law school; seekers; journeys; bluntness; exaggerations; talking before thinking; energetic; impulsive; hopeful; freedom-loving; puer/puella; Peter Pan complex; large animals; horses; sports; generosity; benevolence; straight talk.


House meanings:

1st: Body; Physical appearance; How others see (the image you project); Ego

2nd: Values; Material goods; Self-Esteem/Self-Worth; Money

3rd: Siblings/Cousins; Short trips; Communications; Perceptions

4th: Home and family life; Parent; Foundations; Inner life

5th: Children; Fun/Joy; Creativity; Love affairs; Entertainment/Arts

6th: Work; Health; Day-to-day routine/habits; Service

7th: Marriage; One-on-one relationships; Business partners; Enemies/Rivals

8th: Death and taxes; Other people's money/Inheritance; Intimate relationships/Sex; Occult

9th: Higher education; Long-distance travel; Foreign affairs; Spiritual beliefs

10th: Public standing; Career/Profession; Achievement/Success; Parent; Highest calling

11th: Friends; Hopes and dreams; Community; Social causes; Groups

12th: Self-undoing; Unconscious; Hidden realms; Attainment of peace; Places of confinement

Sample New Moon Wishes:

  • I quickly recognize the Truth.

  • I easily maintain a connection to my faith.

  • I easily expand my belief system to include others' perspectives.

  • I readily enjoy my travel experiences.

  • I intuitively know when to rely on luck and when to do the work necessary to achieve my vision.

HANDWRITE 10 wishes on a piece of paper, read them aloud, and then safely burn them (the wishing part); do this conscious intention-setting within 8 hours of the New Moon.

"Let this or something greater come to pass."

Be the sparkly light in the dark we have been waiting for…ENJOY!

Mary Sutton