Scorpio New Moon 2022
This month's NEW MOON Partial Solar Eclipse falls in the Water sign of Scorpio at 2 degrees 00' October 25th, 2022 @ 3:49 AM MST/6:49 AM EDT.
Go deep to transform your relationships with each other and yourself!
Scorpio Sun/Moon conjunction
This Scorpio New Moon is a partial Solar Eclipse, meaning the effects will unfold over the next six-month period. Be extra aware and conscientious of this New Moon when focusing your energy on what you want to create. There is a grand trine aspect involving this New Moon, so the Universe has your creative back. Gemini Mars Rx and Aquarius Saturn add some oomph too. However, Saturn must provide the planning for Mars to execute any forward movement while in its extended retrograde period. Planning may be the primary focus for the next six months. Just be aware.
October is the time to see with a different set of eyes. We enter the darkness this month, but beauty lies within if we sit long enough to adjust our sight. In stillness, light pierces through the dark, creating new vistas.
The struggle between Saturn square Uranus continues, forcing us to decide what type of change we want. Scorpio is the sign of transformation within our depths. But, the planet of transformation, Pluto, is square with this New Moon, Mercury, and Venus, suggesting transformation will be a challenge, albeit one well worth the effort.
Libra Mercury trine Gemini Mars trine Aquarius Saturn supports us walking our talk. The fairness we have been calling for, the fresh, new ways of attaining it that serve the greater good, is a real possibility, provided we consciously use our minds. Like I said in the beginning, conscientious effort affords the highest results.
This Scorpio New Moon pulls Libra Mercury and Scorpio Venus into its orb, thus emphasizing changes to how we think about our relationships and how we relate. There is a strong emphasis on the water element at the New Moon. Expect to find the work you do filled with emotion or sentimentality. What needs transformation within your interactions, ideas, feelings, or both? This Scorpio New Moon can provide the answers you seek if you still yourself and go within.
FULL MOON in Taurus @ 16 degrees 01', Total Lunar Eclipse
The Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus arrives on November 8th @ 4:02 AM MST/6:02 AM EST at 16 degrees 01'. The Full Moon time will be intuitive and emotional. A T-square pattern is present that involves Aquarius Saturn, Taurus Moon/Uranus/North Node, and Scorpio Sun/Mercury/South Node/Venus. Again, this time is strong in the element of water, but it is a bit more challenging than the New Moon time. So again, emotions may run high.
An excellent visual at times of high water is that of an anchor attached securely to the solid Earth below the waves. Imagine a buoy well secured to the ocean floor, stable yet flexible, bobbing about while remaining tethered. Or a yacht tied in the storm. This anchored image is a good meditation image to use at times of high emotional energy.
It is also helpful to remember that we are on this voyage with the people we are meant to engage. We can agree to board the ship, but we don't get to pick the guests on our boats! We have free will and choice, but only so much. The rest leads to challenges meant for our growth. Accepting that we only have so much control is required to advance.
Sun in Scorpio until the 23rd, then Sun in Sagittarius
Sun in Scorpio time is similar to Balsamic Moon time, so we will feel extra depth at this New Moon and throughout the month. There is a necessary dying off of things whose time has passed, making room for the fallow months of winter and preparing the ground for the new growth of spring. The life cycle of birth/death/rebirth comes into sharper focus at this Scorpionic time of year. This life cycle is why the Scorpio season is associated with depth, transformation, and regeneration.
The Sun moves into Sagittarius on October 23rd, when the energy will shift, lighten, and expand. There is light after the dark period that is Scorpionic, reminding us again of the cyclic nature of the times. With the shift into Sagittarius, we move toward the holiday season filled with celebrations and joy. Yes, there may be some drama, exaggeration, and immaturity at hand, but the expansion of mental, physical, and spiritual horizons is also in store when the Sun shifts signs.
Mercury in Scorpio until the 18th, then Mercury in Sagittarius
As we have discussed, the energetic differences between Scorpio and Sagittarius are significant. Therefore, so is the way Mercury presents itself. While both signs have intuitive abilities, they differ in how they present themselves. Scorpio Mercury is emotionally deep and highly perceptive. It uncannily knows things hiding in our psyches' dark secret recesses. Sagittarius Mercury perceives things via spiritual downloads. In one moment, boom, the information is available and ready to use. There is striking intellectual knowing involved instead of keen emotional insight. And, of course, Scorpio Mercury prefers to discuss more profound, serious, and often taboo or uncomfortable topics. In contrast, Sagittarius Mercury likes to discuss uplifting and joyful issues, still dramatically exaggerated but less intense.
Venus in Scorpio until the 17th, then Venus in Sagittarius
The theme here, Scorpio/Sagittarius energies, continues as we discuss the two signs with respect to the planet of relationships, Venus. Scorpio Venus is profoundly emotional and serious, possibly a touch controlling or possessive. It wants to meld with another to connect on a profoundly intimate level. Scorpio Venus may be manipulative, moody, and volatile. So, when Venus is in Scorpio, we expect relationships to possess these qualities, with intensely emotional exchanges.
When Venus shifts into Sagittarius, it lightens things up a bit; however, there can be a different kind of drama between individuals. Sagittarius drama is quick-witted, full of hot air, and can quickly get blown out of proportion. It is more uplifting than Scorpio energy, rising to the heights from the depths below, but it can be just as dramatic. Watch your relationships for drama throughout the month and consciously choose to use these energies to relate with yourself and others in the grandest way possible, through the depth of emotion, until you find joy!
Mars in Gemini, Retrograde (Rx)
Mars in Gemini turned retrograde at the end of last month and will remain that way through January 2023. Mars, the action planet, turning inward requires us to slow down and consider the consequences and effects of our actions. Gemini Mars is amiable energy, friendly and social. It can see both sides of the story, the potential of the action we wish to take, and the many combinations of moves we long to make. Retrograde Mars may feel like the push-pull of being tugged in more than one direction, an internal or external conflict that seems unlikely to resolve. Use the other planets to help guide your next steps. Anticipate repeating your efforts and perhaps the feeling of your wheels refusing to turn smoothly. Retrograde periods do not last forever and truly offer us the time to pause and go within, to make plans and hit the ground running when the movement shifts. Use this time until January to reflect on which direction you want to go when the light turns green and create a plan while you wait.
There is much support between this New Moon and Mars, so plans that point the way to lasting change get a boost. Saturn added into the mix helps provide the discipline to get things done when the timing is right. Doing the work will bring great rewards. The biggest obstacles are seeing our choices clearly and not wanting to exact power over another. Significant challenges for sure, but IF met, transformational to the core with tremendous impact.
Jupiter in Pisces Rx turns direct on the 23rd, then Jupiter remains in Pisces until December 21st when it will move into Aries through 2023
Jupiter in Pisces grows our compassion. Its grace softens us to the plight of others but perhaps adds to our confusion at times. Jupiter has been finishing its trek through the last degrees of Pisces, finishing up its mission there before it turns direct and changes signs for good at the end of the year. We had a preview of Aries Jupiter earlier in the year, so expect more of the same. The pulse will quicken with this placement, and the desire to move forward will also grow. In what direction humanity will proceed is still being determined. Contribute consciously and curate your intentions gracefully.
Use the remaining time through the end of the year to grow compassion for the whole of humanity so we may carry that forward when the planet shifts and the forward movement lurches ahead.
Saturn in Aquarius
Aquarius Saturn continues its demand we work for the good of all society. I cannot emphasize enough that structure is a requirement for freedom in society. I believe we are seeing the consequences of not doing the necessary work that holds our community as needed. The seriousness of what is hanging in the balance is apparent. Democracies are tripping, dictators are grabbing, and people are fearfully reacting. Saturn can realize our fears if we allow ourselves to be lazy, and the consequences of inaction come home to roost. Our lesson currently involves discerning what is supportive of the whole and moving in that direction—doing the necessary work to (re)build responsible structures. As the saying goes, anything worth doing is worth doing well, especially helping to lift up our tired world in her time of need.
Uranus in Taurus, Rx
Taurus Uranus remains retrograde and continues its fight with Saturn, out with the old and in with the new. Perhaps we have enlightened ourselves enough to have thrown out what needed changing and kept just enough structure to rebuild. For now, the rumblings seem to have gone underground but rest assured, the changes have begun and will continue through completion.
Neptune in Pisces, Rx
Jupiter and Neptune are widely conjunct at this New Moon, creating uncertainty as to which actions will unfold and what power plays will emerge. But it is a graceful and spiritualizing energy that will support us as we move ahead. Trusting in things unseen is in order, and turning inward with spiritual practice is supported. Faith is abundant at this time, and everyone believes their faith is the Truth. Remember that free will and choice is the spiritual directive of this planet, and anything that takes from that cannot take permanent hold. Hopefully, it will not even gain a weak footing.
Pluto in Capricorn
As our structures are being destroyed and rearranged, we are afforded the opportunity to restructure and make our institutions and governments better, more stable, and more responsible. We can exact transformation that is dependable for everyone, conscientious, and trustworthy. Growing is often accompanied by pains. We will mature. It is inevitable and the way of evolution.
As NEW MOONS are for creating new emotional beginnings, on this Scorpio New Moon partial Solar eclipse, craft transformation at your deepest levels to create emotional healing in your relationships. Birth lasting change by releasing what is decidedly over. Change requires letting go of the past. Scorpio says, "Enough."
Here are the reminders:
Check to see which house this NEW MOON falls in your natal chart to understand what area of your life will be affected.
Scorpio rules the reproductive organs, elimination, bowels, and colon.
Categories for Scorpio:
Powerful transformation; power; transformation; depth; emotional; death; sex; taxes; underworld; spiritual; secrets; secretive; inheritance; occult; hidden; murky; destruction; elimination; cleansing; empowerment; psychology; psyche; obsessions; compulsions; addictions; drugs; intensity; deep intimate connection; revenge; jealousy; power struggle; control; power over; abuse of power; substantial; deeply committed; change; rebirth; renewal; ruthlessness; psychic; private; mysteries; life/death; transitions.
House meanings:
1st: Body; Physical appearance; How others see (the image you project); Ego
2nd: Values; Material goods; Self-Esteem/Self-Worth; Money
3rd: Siblings/Cousins; Short trips; Communications; Perceptions
4th: Home and family life; Parent; Foundations; Inner life
5th: Children; Fun/Joy; Creativity; Love affairs; Entertainment/Arts
6th: Work; Health; Day-to-day routine/habits; Service
7th: Marriage; One-on-one relationships; Business partners; Enemies/Rivals
8th: Death and taxes; Other people's money/Inheritance; Intimate relationships/Sex; Occult
9th: Higher education; Long-distance travel; Foreign affairs; Spiritual beliefs
10th: Public standing; Career/Profession; Achievement/Success; Parent; Highest calling
11th: Friends; Hopes and dreams; Community; Social causes; Groups
12th: Self-undoing; Unconscious; Hidden realms; Attainment of peace; Places of confinement
Sample New Moon Wishes:
I easily handle all the transitions of my life.
I readily eat foods that aid my gut health, digestion, and elimination.
I easily see through the darkness and intuit the Truth.
I eagerly embrace others in profound and transformational ways.
I easily become personally empowered without stealing energy from others.
HANDWRITE 10 wishes on a piece of paper, read them aloud, and then safely burn them (the wishing part); do this conscious intention-setting within 8 hours of the New Moon.
"Let this or something greater come to pass."
There is always hope!