Capricorn New Moon 2022

This month’s SUPER NEW MOON falls in the Earth sign of Capricorn at 1 degree 33’ on December 23rd, 2022 @ 5:17 AM MST/7:17 AM EDT.

  Prepare a plan for a prosperous 2023!

Happy New Year!

As life speeds up again, a new, more streamlined format will begin next month. Thank you for your continued support! As always, if you have any questions, reach out via email at

Capricorn Sun/Moon conjunction

Welcome, Capricorn! The Capricorn New Moon will be strong in Earth, thus grounding us steadily in the Holiday season. The holiday season occurs around many traditions' Holy days, hence the name. Capricorn, in its responsible way, asks us to honor the season by remembering we are Souls in a human experience; therefore, we are to act from our highest selves at this time of the year, holy and wholly.

Capricorn winter is when the light returns, the days get longer, and the sun shines more. This New Moon is a time to remember our authentic self, our Soul self, our lightness, and our purpose. We are Souls attempting to bring heaven down to Earth and thus elevate the planet to benefit all humanity. Nature symbolically offers us a way to remember to tune into our inner light and ground our Soul self so that we succeed in the world. Use this time of the returning light to elevate your human self so it better matches your Soul and its mission.

The New Moon squares Aries Jupiter at 0 degrees, the Aries point. I will not go into it much, but the Aries point signals a change, a shift into a different way of being seen in the world. People notice you when this point gets activated, especially if it is notable in your natal chart. How do you want to be seen when all eyes are on you? Capricorn suggests responsibly in a grounded and stable manner. Jupiter, even though squaring the New Moon, offers a lucky boost and a bit of a jumpstart. Aries Jupiter is like the Fool card in the Tarot, taking independent and somewhat risky action, trusting all will be well. This rashness feels foreign to carefully planned and thoughtful Capricorn, but if the intention is to succeed in service, the square's challenge gets met cooperatively.

The Aries/Capricorn square suggests responsible independence, much like the Saturn/Uranus square we have been experiencing over the past few years. This configuration at the New Moon indicates a shift from what we have been going through via Saturn/Uranus into a more dynamic, conscious course of action (remember, the light is dawning). And with Saturn shifting into Pisces and Pluto moving into Aquarius soon, there is going to be even more opportunity to practice what we preach concerning "live and let live," "respecting our differences," and "responsible independence."

Humanity is at the crossroads of respecting individuality and contributing to the collective responsibly. What we put into the mix is how we contribute. The Universe asks us to walk our talk and be who we say we are. In other words, by our fruits, we will be known. This Capricorn New Moon ushers in the energy to be exposed if we behave irresponsibly or act inconsistently. Breathe, then (re)align.

FULL MOON in Cancer @ 19 degrees 39'

Feelings, feelings, feelings. The Full Moon in Cancer arrives on January 6th @ 10:46 PM MST/January 7th @ 12:46 AM EDT at 19 degrees 39'. This Full Moon is strong in the Earth element, offering a tether for all those feelings that arise. There is a T-square to Aries Chiron, offering hurt feelings as well. The Capricorn Sun pulls in Capricorn Mercury to help bring our emotions a more realistic perception, which may help us heal versus hurt. As Saturn/Uranus is still square, the out with the old in with the new adage still applies. What do you need to release that is holding you back from any emotional healing that may come up for you now? Take the offered insight into your wounds so that healing may occur. Use the sudden insights you receive to move forward, remembering that we cannot heal anything we do not first acknowledge. Bow deeply to your feelings and allow them to guide your journey.

Sun in Capricorn until the 21st, then Sun in Aquarius

Capricorn is the energy of boundaries, institutions, governments, successes, failures, and working to achieve. Recent years have shown us lots of Capricorn energy, both positive and negative. The Capricorn Sun is practical, grounded, reasonable, and kind of boring. It likes and follows the rules. However, enjoying a break and calming down after the holiday frenzy is nice. So this is the time of the year when we hunker in, cozy up to a great book, or enjoy a tv binge session without guilt. Ahhhh.

The downtime of the year's end is the perfect time to get your game plan ready to engage once we all get back up and running after the New Year. It is also a great time to create your New Year's list. While resolutions are traditional, "re-Soul-utions" are better! How will you care for yourself in the upcoming year, 2023? What does your mind/body/spirit need to nourish your weary Soul? Are you going to take better care of your health (I am), are you going to take that course you've wanted to take, personally or professionally, or are you going to develop and maintain a daily spiritual practice? Small steps are the key to long journeys. Take a small, practical step to move forward into the New Year at this time.

On January 21st, the Sun shifts into Aquarius, focusing on hopes, dreams, friends, and community. Aquarius is an Air sign rife with mental energy and fresh ideas. New thinking about society and how to advance it progressively will better present itself. The Sun in Aquarius is also a time to express our individuality, our unique and eccentric selves. Aquarius, ruled by Uranus – the planet that revolves sideways – is about doing things differently. When the Sun shifts into Aquarius, look for new ways to define and present yourself to the world, perhaps in surprising and unexpected ways! Have fun being you.

Mercury in Capricorn, retrograde (Rx), turns direct on January 18th

Capricorn Mercury is retrograde coming into the New Year, making it an excellent time to reflect upon what was, what is, and what is yet to come. Out with the old and in with the new, as they say. Retrograde Mercury is the best time to get quiet and create a plan. What plan do you want to set in motion when Mercury turns direct on January 18th, knowing that it may take until February 7th, when Mercury comes out of its shadow period, to get real traction? Take this retrograde period to think deeply about what you want to communicate and share that is practical and solution-forward.

Mercury is conjunct with Pluto at this time, so there is much depth to be had when introspecting. Additionally, words have meaning. Speak responsibly, with authority and boundaries, but with kindness too.

Venus in Capricorn until January 4th, then Venus in Aquarius until January 28th, then Venus in Pisces

Capricorn Venus is conjunct with Capricorn Mercury and Capricorn Pluto at the New Moon. She moves into Aquarius on January 4th to get some space! While Venus may be changing her mood rather quickly, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces are all 4th quadrant, collective-focused energies, so Venus will remain socially minded throughout the month, despite expressing herself differently at times.

In Capricorn, she is decidedly practical, no-nonsense, and reserved but reliable. She is loyal and trustworthy. She shows up when she says she will, usually early or promptly on time. She engages in the necessary things in life, so supporting a friend while doing chores or work is in the cards.

In Aquarius, she is more detached, mindful of those in her community, and relates from a place of intellectual aloofness. It's not that she doesn't care. She just might not show it warmly. However, she is quite capable of shining a light on the truth and outing that which is unfair. She enjoys friends and gatherings and is up for supporting a cause. She's down for yoga too.

She is a tremendous emotional comfort in Pisces and may get teary-eyed just listening to you. She is compassionate and wears her heart on her sleeve. She is emotionally available and will hug you if you need one when you're sad. She is easy-going, inclusive, sensitive, and kind.

Despite these differences, this is how we will relate in the next month, from austere to detached to emotional. Venus may connect through her hurt feelings or lash out to hurt you, but accept her moods and know they will settle with time. The holidays are a roller coaster ride anyway! And all is as it should be.

Mars in Gemini, Rx, turns direct on January 12th

Gemini Mars also begins the New Year retrograde, and we continue the one-step forward two steps backward frustrations that we have been experiencing lately. But it will start moving forward again! When it does, there will be so many directions we can choose to go that we may not know what to do, leading to a different kind of overwhelming feeling. Gemini Mars is quick energy, and you must ensure you are not over-anxious or stressed. Include ways to calm down your nervous system, like conscious breathing, prayer, or long sighs to get the stress out, then move forward. Meditation is an excellent method to reduce stress, too, IF you can sit still long enough! If not, try a walking meditation synced with your breath.

Proceed with lightness in your step and friendliness in your heart. Sure your actions may be scattered and feel ungrounded, but they can still be fun! ENJOY!

Jupiter in Aries

Jupiter has arrived in Aries, ushering in a new energy. This energy sees a lot getting done. Aries Jupiter is more dynamic than laid-back Pisces Jupiter was last year. Aries Jupiter is a jump start to forward movement. There is a can-do spirit with this placement. What was a great degree of confusion and uncertainty gives way to optimism and good fortune. A love for freedom and independence underlies all the clashing in the world. It is imperative to remember that free will and choice will ultimately prevail, despite how grim things can appear.

The stand-offs between those who want to dominate others and those who want to rebel against oppression may flare up even more during the next five months that Jupiter is in this sign. As Jupiter can over-inflate into "too much," there may also be an uptick in aggression and confrontational behaviors. Holding hope for those who struggle is something we all can do when we feel powerless to change the greater forces that move the world. Keeping the light for the world at this time is the least we can do. Finding a cause or a charity you wish to support will energetically support the whole. Let your inner light shine brightly for all to see. Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Saturn in Aquarius

Saturn is due to move from Aquarius, its residence since March 2020, into Pisces in early March 2023. The shift will signal a time when the dreams we have imagined are more grounded in reality, and we can bring heaven down to Earth. There is a practical spirituality on the horizon. But first, we must finish the transit through Aquarius.

Saturn is the planet that grounds what we know (Aquarius) so that we may move forward, creating what needs to materialize. Saturn in Aquarius has focused our attention on the work required to make an equitable and inclusive society. It is a socially responsible energy, and it has been excellent at showing us what's next.

When Saturn moves into Pisces, we can bring those newfound dreams into reality, marrying vision with practicality. Dare to dream of a better world and look forward to creating it soon.

Uranus in Taurus, Rx, turns direct on January 22nd

Retrograde Uranus in Taurus turns direct on January 22nd, when we can expect the unexpected to surface and surprise us around every corner again. It feels as if there has been just a smidge less chaos in the world of late (at least in the States, it seems that way). But, all good things must end, and the earthquakes that are Taurus Uranus will return. Finding our balance in a topsy-turvy world is the challenge here. Learning to stand in the shifting sands beneath our feet is the goal. Finding our footing in a changing world, and accepting our new normal on terms that work for us while respecting others, is the highest aspiration.

Uranus in Taurus breaks things up. It is an energy that shatters those things we thought were permanent. It is good because change is inevitable. As they say, "Change is the only constant." But sometimes, getting used to a new way and landscape takes some time. So be kind to yourself in these tumultuous times and head for the nearest archway when the trembling begins.

Neptune in Pisces

Neptune continues its trek through Pisces, offering the continued opportunity to surrender to grace and merge with compassion. But we still see the effects of disillusion and outright denial as well. It is interesting to see how free will and choice manifest here on our planet.

Swimming in the cosmic ocean, with the waves rising and falling and the currents pushing us here and pulling us there, is one wild ride! Learning to surrender to the

Pluto in Capricorn

Pluto remains in Capricorn and is widely conjunct with Mercury, pulling in Venus at this New Moon. We are all Masters of our destinies, and this New Moon period allows us to gain control over ourselves and our direction. As relationships with others, our institutions, and we continue to transform, continue to step into your authority as you move forward, building on the solid platform you have worked this year to create. Use your words judiciously in your relationships. It is easier to craft what you want to communicate carefully and then share rather than to clean up emotional messes with apologies for word bombs.

Remember, change is the only constant. Go with Grace.

As NEW MOONS are for creating new emotional beginnings, successfully ground yourself in 2023 by building upon your solid foundation, committing to scale new heights, and putting in the hard work to achieve your goals. Seed determination for the New Year!

Check to see which house this NEW MOON falls in your natal chart to understand what area of your life will be affected.

Capricorn rules the knees, bones/skeleton, joints, teeth, skin, depression, and melancholy.

Categories for Capricorn:

Responsibility; seriousness; material; gain; success; hard work; ambition; the ascent; authority; government; institutions; achievement; self-deprecating humor; dark humor; control; restriction; bosses; cold; withdrawn; scapegoat; catabolism; metamorphosis; gloomy; caution; concentration; time; maturity; professions; social status; community standing; rules; tradition; industriousness; prudence; foresight; good management; a sense of economy; determination; practicality; preparedness; good power of organization; strict; task-master; mentor; teacher; elders; discipline; respect.


House meanings:

1st: Body; Physical appearance; How others see (the image you project); Ego

2nd: Values; Material goods; Self-Esteem/Self-Worth; Money

3rd: Siblings/Cousins; Short trips; Communications; Perceptions

4th: Home and family life; Parent; Foundations; Inner life

5th: Children; Fun/Joy; Creativity; Love affairs; Entertainment/Arts

6th: Work; Health; Day-to-day routine/habits; Service

7th: Marriage; One-on-one relationships; Business partners; Enemies/Rivals

8th: Death and taxes; Other people's money/Inheritance; Intimate relationships/Sex; Occult

9th: Higher education; Long-distance travel; Foreign affairs; Spiritual beliefs

10th: Public standing; Career/Profession; Achievement/Success; Parent; Highest calling

11th: Friends; Hopes and dreams; Community; Social causes; Groups

12th: Self-undoing; Unconscious; Hidden realms; Attainment of peace; Places of confinement

Sample New Moon Wishes:

  • I easily stand in my authority.

  • I readily make responsible decisions.

  • I easily make a plan for success for the New Year.

  • I am reliable to myself and others.

  • I easily ground myself by taking practical action.

    HANDWRITE 10 wishes on a piece of paper, read them aloud, and then safely burn them (the wishing part); do this conscious intention-setting within 8 hours of the New Moon.

"Let this or something greater come to pass."

Peace and Blessings this New Year!

Mary Sutton