Aquarius New Moon 2023

This month’s NEW MOON falls in the Air sign of Aquarius at 1 degree 33’ on January 21st, 2023 @ 1:53 PM MST/3:53 PM EDT.

Here’s the AQUARIUS NEW MOON chart:

Sun/Moon in Aquarius @ 1 degree 33’

Mercury in Capricorn: Be careful with your words. Speak responsibly. Build bridges, not walls, with your conversations.

Venus in Aquarius: Relationships may seem a bit detached. Go out with your friends and have fun!

Mars in Gemini: Take action quickly, despite having more than one option. Take care of your nervous system if you are feeling anxious and jittery. Do things with your siblings.

Jupiter in Aries: This is big energy to take action. Expect luck to be on your side, but don’t rely on it completely. This is bounding, quick-moving energy. Move with Grace.

Saturn in Aquarius: Work for the good of all society. Be a responsible member of the world, starting in your own community. Have discipline when working in groups.

Neptune in Pisces: Create music, write poetry, make art, and surrender to the beauty of the Universe. Compassion and forgiveness are keys to this energy.

Pluto in Capricorn: Continue transforming those things that no longer serve. It’s time to make the changes that you’ve been putting off so far.

Chiron in Aries: You may feel wounded along your path. But the bumps and bruises are badges of one bad-ass warrior. Continue forging your way forward.

This NEW MOON is strong in AIR, with much FIXED energy. The plan to move us all forward may be easier to discern, and the actions to take may be much more apparent. So, watch out for unyielding opinions, stuck ideas, or stubborn arguments.  

Capricorn Pluto is involved with this Aquarius New Moon, creating the opportunity for societal transformation and change. This configuration highlights humanitarian causes. Gemini Mars, now direct, trines with the Aquarius New Moon and sextiles Aries Jupiter, further supporting an activist movement or humanitarian effort getting the boost it may need to shift onto a new path.   

As New Moons are for creating new emotional beginnings, this Aquarius New Moon invites us to be unique and contribute to society responsibly and progressively. Embrace your individuality while respecting others in theirs.  

Check which house this NEW MOON falls in your natal chart to understand what area of your life will be affected. 

Soul Lesson = Friendship & Brother/Sisterhood

 Categories for Aquarius:

Groups; society; humanitarian causes; friends; hopes/wishes; community; brotherhood; associates; friendship; ideas; revolutionaries; inventors; electricity; airwaves; energetics; new age ideas; innovative ideas; independence; unexpected results; lucid dreaming; networking; detached; uniqueness; outsider; loner; unconventional; brilliance; eccentricity; equanimity; social justice; altruism; ESP; lecturing; science; technology; internet; progressive; radical; agnostic.

On the physical plane:  Aquarius rules the lower legs, ankles, circulation, and veins. 

 Sample New Moon Wishes: 

·      I easily express my individuality.

·      I readily change my mind when necessary.

·      I easily act inclusively to expand my social circle.

·      I effortlessly make room for new ideas and friends with different opinions.

·      I easily find a cause that speaks to me and work to advance it.

Think uplifting thoughts…

Mary Sutton