Aries New Moon #2

This month's NEW MOON Hybrid Solar Eclipse falls in the Fire sign of Aries, this time at 29 degrees 50' on April 19th, 2023 @ 9:12 PM MST/April 20th, 2023 @ 12:12 AM EDT.

Here's the ARIES NEW MOON Hybrid Solar Eclipse chart:

Sun/Moon in Aries @ 29 degrees 50' conjunct Aries Jupiter

The sign of Aries is new beginnings, novelty, uniqueness, the journey forward, explosive activity, leadership, and activism, to name a few. This New Moon is the second in the sign of Aries this year. The first New Moon began this cycle at 0 degrees 50', and this New Moon finishes it at 29 degrees 50'. What did you start at the end of March that is finishing up now? What new habits have you initiated, and what actions have you taken that are now beginning to take root?

The Hybrid Solar Eclipse of this Aries New Moon will unfold its energy over the next six months. Interestingly, a hybrid solar eclipse changes from one type into another throughout the eclipse. Pay attention to what seems to shift from one thing into another as the months unfold.

This New Moon is conjunct with Aries Jupiter, so expect some big energy around this time. There may be renewed faith to get things done or possibly exaggerated upset. Watch how you use the power at hand. Jupiter is a benevolent planet, so engage it and rise above the petty, competitive fray to see what's possible instead.

Mercury in Taurus conjunct Taurus Uranus: Mercury goes Retrograde on April 21st, the day after the New Moon. It will stay retrograde until May 14th. Retrograde periods are inward and reflective. They are an excellent time for making plans and contemplating the next moves.

Taurus Mercury is more measured than quick-witted Aries Mercury. Mercury in Taurus is deliberate and grounded. Its words are more thought out and intentional, carrying added value. It is time to say what you mean and mean what you say so your words and communications have weight and stability grounding them.

Venus in Gemini: Gemini Venus is giddy with possibilities. There is light-hearted fun afoot, and this is the time to engage. This is an excellent month to connect with friends and do easy, breezy, and simple things. Don't take things too seriously or be too glib or superficial. How we relate to others does matter, so play nicely. It is a playful, fun time, after all!

Gemini Venus square Pisces Saturn. Gemini Venus wants to stay on the surface and have fun, while Pisces Saturn wants us to take a deeper dive and commit more fully. These two energies conflict and create an obstacle in our relationships. One way to meet the challenge is to be concerned with others and their well-being while simultaneously taking life in stride and having fun.

Mars in Cancer: While Mars is in Cancer, things are a bit more challenging to get going. Getting started and keeping the energy needed to complete tasks may be more of a struggle. Mars, the fiery warrior planet, finds itself in Cancer, the watery mothering energy. So, while some things may be more difficult, fiercely loving and defending those your care for will not. There is a fierce tenderness in taking action on behalf of another. Nurturing takes time. Feel your way through to the right action this month and enjoy the slower pace.

Jupiter in Aries conjuncts the Sun/Moon: Aries Jupiter factors into this New Moon Eclipse, making it lighter and brighter, easier to find our way. Jupiter is a graceful planet energizing us to grow, expand our horizons, reach for the stars, and have faith while doing so. Aries Jupiter encourages us to find our path, particularly with respect to beliefs, ideals, wisdom, and higher consciousness. At this time of human development, it is necessary to know your mind, which thoughts are yours and which are not. This Aries New Moon/Jupiter combination, at the time of this unique eclipse, is encouraging us all to advocate for our truth, to find the freedom and expansion we need to be our original and distinct Selves.

Saturn in Pisces: Saturn will remain here until 2026, with a brief retrogradation into Aquarius, March-May of 2025. But for now, it is here, and with it comes changes.

Saturn in Pisces is an interesting combination of energies, much like Uranus in Taurus, but in the opposite direction. The planet Saturn enjoys stability, structure, routine, and dependability. The sign of Pisces represents dissolution, flexibility, imagery, illusion, fluidity, and change. With this, the Universe offers us a different way to change that which no longer serves.

Saturn in Pisces is a change for the greater good, responsibly yielding to what we know comes from a higher plane. This energy supports a discipline to spirituality. Unlike the chaos of change that Uranus brings, Saturn in Pisces yields to the dissolution of things meant to pass. Imagine a watery eroding of structures with time versus an earthquake that quickly reshapes the landscape. Saturn Pisces washes away the rubble Taurus Uranus leaves in its wake. All the while, change is still occurring, but the means are different. When all this global demolition completes, yielding to a Divine remodeling plan is in ALL our best interests.

Pisces Saturn square Gemini Venus asks, where are the obstacles in your relationships, and how can you talk them through?

Uranus in Taurus conjunct Taurus Mercury: Taurus Uranus is conjunct Taurus Mercury and will be present when Mercury turns retrograde. This conjunction might lend itself to chaotic communications, glitchy technology, and unforeseen changes to plans and travels more so than with a usual Mercury retrograde period. That said, it is also a time to receive unexpected flashes of brilliance, novel ideas, genius inspiration, and out-of-this-world communications.

Taurus Uranus lends its energy of complete and surprising change to Mercury, the planet of ideas, teachings, and communications. Uranus is said to be the higher vibration of Mercury, thus lending to more progressive, less self-interested ideas on the horizon. This New Moon offers a radical time to change one's point of view and broaden one's vision, its effects unfolding over the next six months.

Neptune in Pisces: Pisces Neptune offers its lovely support this month to Venus, sweetening our relationships, and to Pluto, softening our transformations. Neptune delights in Pisces, bathing in its natural cosmic waters, playfully bending the reflections we see, leaving us to ponder what it all means.

How out of place Pisces Neptune must feel to us in this world, evidenced by its all-encompassing nature of paradoxes and seemingly opposites. This Neptunian energy is loving, kind, compassionate, and unconditional. It is also confusing, deceptive, tricky, and unrealistic. However, it is also inspirational in that it reminds us time and again we are all part of the same Universe, all creatures swimming in the same Cosmic ocean. We simply must trust in the Divine and find our equilibrium to maintain a healthy ecosystem.

Pluto in Aquarius (Power to the People): With Pluto shifting into Aquarius, we observe the change of control from institutions (Capricorn) to society (Aquarius)—or at least the beginning attempts at such. Lately, there seems to be a rash of news stories revolving around power and control. Some individuals abuse power via their authority in a comfortable, well-protected career, while some flex to keep in power when taking power away from others. Additionally, there is a rise in social protests worldwide, women in Iraq, women in the US, civilians in Israel, and citizens in France, among many others. Ordinary people are speaking up and shouting. They simply want a fair and respectful world. Aquarius Pluto is an opportunity to create a better and more equitable world where indeed, all men and women are created (and treated) equally. Now is the time.

The sentiment “The power of the people is stronger than the people in power.” directly reflects the energy of the times.

Aries Sun/Moon/Jupiter square Aquarius Pluto – individuality versus group mind. Bring in the out-of-sign conjunction to Taurus North Node and understand this new foundation we are building is fated to begin. We are expanding the concept that we are all part of humanity's collective, and it is time to advocate for the greater good that benefits all of us, not only self-minded individuals.

Chiron in Aries: How do we achieve, compete, conquer, energize, and take action? Aries Chiron squares Cancer Mars, creating a challenge that can help heal how we feel about getting what we want while potentially softening the steps we take to achieve it. Cancer Mars supports a softer, more nurturing approach. But can a warrior be tender? This square offers the opportunity to find out.

Aries Chiron is a wounded warrior who has lost his honor or fought without a noble cause. Are you genuinely fighting to survive, or does it simply feel that way? Has lashing out become a way of life despite the lack of a threat? This energetic combination encourages individuals to know when it is time to be a lover and when it is time to be a fighter. Meeting the challenge of this square heals us and moves us along our path, adding softer, more friendly tools to our toolkit.

This NEW MOON Hybrid Solar Eclipse is strong in FIRE. Incredible energy is available for personal transformation, identity clarification, and forward evolution. The challenge to conquer? Figure out your place as an individual within the greater society by contemplating obstacles and feelings, real or imagined, that get in the way of you achieving what you want.

As NEW MOONS are for creating new emotional beginnings, engage this completion ARIES energy to finish what you have started. If you said it, do it. Be better, braver, bolder, and have the courage to move forward, leaving behind what no longer serves.

Check which house this NEW MOON Hybrid Solar Eclipse falls in your chart to understand what area of your life will be affected.

Soul lesson = LOVE IN ACTION

Categories for Aries:

New beginnings; actions; courage; leadership; pioneering ideas; trailblazing; energized; rushing headlong into things; impatience; rashness; assertiveness; honesty; risk-taking; going it alone; Self; independence; anger; explore; boldness; self-expression; power; physical; headstrong; initiates; warrior energy; competitive; enthusiasm; undaunted; strength; battle; alert; natural leader; progressive; forge ahead; drive and dedication; experiential; quick-tempered; rash; combative; hardy; enterprising; active; ambitious; industrious.

On the physical plane: Aries rules the head and face.

Sample New Moon Wishes:

  • I courageously finish what I have started.

  • I easily head in a new direction.

  • I readily assert my independence.

  • I easily transform my individuality and forge my unique me.

  • I joyfully have faith in myself.

Have the courage to be uniquely YOU!

Mary Sutton