Aries New Moon 2023
This month’s NEW MOON falls in the Fire sign of ARIES at 0 degrees 50’ on March 21st @ 10:23 AM MST/1:23 PM EDT.
Here’s the ARIES NEW MOON chart:
Sun/Moon in Aries @ 0 degrees 50’ conjunct Aries Mercury and Pisces Neptune
Mercury in Aries: Quick-witted, short-tempered, fast-talking, ego-centric, and pioneering ideas are in order when Mercury moves into fiery Aries. Greet ideas enthusiastically but be prepared for impatience or arguments if things don’t move as quickly as your mind wants! Mercury is conjunct this Aries New Moon with Pisces Neptune, so listen intently for the whispers of your guardian Angels. Speak with kindness; let their words be your own.
Venus in Taurus: Venus rules Taurus, so this is a lovely time for strengthening relationships or reinvesting in what you value. Bring beauty and artistry to your exchanges with others and create harmony and stability in a world on edge. Taurus Venus is energetically solid and loyal when relating but beware of becoming possessive or stubborn.
Mars in Gemini: Mars has been in Gemini all year but will switch into Cancer at the end of the month, bringing a new way of doing things. Mars in Gemini is light, breezy, quick, and a bit scattered. A frantic mental energy that races around, flitting from here to there and back again, Mars in Gemini has many projects on the burner simultaneously. Mars intuits his actions when he shifts into Cancer, and he will slow down and feel what needs doing. Cancer Mars is a slower energy that is more challenging to start. The fiery warrior energy goes underwater and becomes more passive. Mars is in its fall in this sign. Mars’ energy will dramatically shift at the end of the month.
Jupiter in Aries: An optimistic energy wrapped in luck, Aries Jupiter expands our individuality, independence, and enthusiasm. It puts a spring in our step, a whistle on our lips, and brings a touch of good fortune to our day. Be careful to temper any inflated arrogance and use its goodwill to be confident and self-assured as you move in the world.
Saturn in Pisces: Saturn transited Aquarius from March 2020 through March 2023 and has finally shifted out of that sign into Pisces, where it will mostly remain until 2026. Aquarius Saturn taught us lessons about being responsible to society. Pisces Saturn will teach us that we are all in this together and part of a much larger collective than previously thought. Saturn will teach us boundaries in the sign of unbounded Pisces. Pisces will work to dissolve Saturnian barriers that keep us from connecting compassionately and respectfully in a responsible spiritual manner.
Pisces Saturn will help us to learn that there is great freedom and expansion in order and that the order of the Universe has ultimate authority. In the next few years, Pisces Saturn supports us in creating a reality inclusive of the societal changes we noted while Saturn traveled Aquarius. We can work to bring heaven down to Earth and make meaningful changes to our society and collective humanity as a whole. Build with compassion, forgiveness, and unconditional love.
Uranus in Taurus: Taurus Uranus steps back for a moment, letting the other planets have more say this month. He continues throwing his lightning bolts out of the blue, engaging chaos and permanently changing structures as he has been doing.
Neptune in Pisces: Neptune continues traversing Pisces, amplifying the compassionate flow from the Cosmos. Neptune is conjunct this Aries New Moon along with Mercury, so listen for the messages coming to you from beyond and use them to begin moving in a new direction. Tune into the ethers to receive the Universe’s whisperings to guide you along your unique and courageous path.
Pluto in Capricorn (29 degrees 58’): Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008. At that time, we experienced a financial crisis. Shortly afterward, lawmakers put guardrails in place to discourage that from happening again. Over time some railings were removed, and now, with Pluto in the final degrees of Capricorn and a new set of bank closings, we can better see what we have or have not learned about how to curb corporate greed that can, and often does, corrupt societies.
At the end of this month, on March 23rd, Pluto exits Capricorn and enters Aquarius. Pluto, the planet of transformation and lasting change, leaves Capricorn, the sign of material success and if misused, greed. It ends its rearrangement of our societal institutions to move on to transform and change those individuals who make them up. This shift is a significant event in the evolution of humanity.
Aquarius represents society itself, the individual within the collective. And from now to mid-June, we are getting a preview of what’s in store. Mid-summer Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn until the end of the year, finishing up the bits and pieces that need completing before it moves to Aquarius in November 2024, where it will stay until 2044! As I said, this is significant for the evolution of humanity. It is the beginning of a new era.
Due to its significance, I will write a separate piece on Aquarius Pluto soon. For now, know that this Aries New Moon is a definitive new beginning as Pluto sextiles and supports this vital time.
Chiron in Aries: Aries Chiron conjunct Jupiter continues offering healing support. Use its gift to know yourself and your unique path forward best.
Spring forward! This NEW MOON is strong in FIRE. There is a lot of support to get moving in a new and adventurous direction. Be brave and step into your future.
The Universe rewards efforts to change when it pushes us to do so. There may be slight confusion about which direction to move, but overcome hesitations and initiate change by ticking at least one item off your “to-do” list. Once the dust settles, the road forward will become more apparent. Until then, keep moving in a new direction.
We are in the process of forming a new relationship with ourselves and each other. We have been setting the stage to increase our awareness and become more conscious individuals within our society. Now is the time to create the reality of that dream. This Aries New Moon begins a new year and season, bringing renewed energy. This NEW MOON is strong in FIRE. Now is the time to start building what you have been dreaming about.
As NEW MOONS are for creating new emotional beginnings, engage this abundant ARIES energy to begin anew. Wipe the slate clean, leave the past behind, be present, and build a uniquely new future for yourself—bonus points for doing this consciously, as we all benefit from that effort.
Check which house this NEW MOON falls in your natal chart to understand what area of your life will be affected.
Soul lesson = LOVE IN ACTION
Categories for Aries:
New beginnings; actions; courage; leadership; pioneering ideas; trailblazing; energized; rushing headlong into things; impatience; rashness; assertiveness; honesty; risk-taking; going it alone; Self; independence; anger; explore; boldness; self-expression; power; physical; headstrong; initiates; warrior energy; competitive; enthusiasm; undaunted; strength; battle; alert; natural leader; progressive; forge ahead; drive and dedication; experiential; quick-tempered; rash; combative; hardy; enterprising; active; ambitious; industrious.
On the physical plane: Aries rules the head and face.
Sample New Moon Wishes:
• I courageously begin a new chapter in my life.
• I quickly initiate novel projects.
• I readily lead with enthusiasm.
• I eagerly move forward, envisioning a bright, new future.
• I easily engage my inner warrior/athlete to protect and defend myself and keep myself fit and healthy.
Ready, set, go…do your personal best!