Leo New Moon 2023

This month's NEW MOON falls in the Fire sign of Leo at 23 degrees 17' on August 16th, 2023 @ 2:38 AM MST/5:38 AM EDT.

Here’s the LEO NEW MOON chart:

Hello ALL! Happy Summer. I have been MIA for a few months, except for posting the New Moon charts. A LOT is unfolding in my world, but it is slowing down enough to begin again. And my, what a time to start!

This month's LEO NEW MOON is fiery! There is much passion afoot and not a lot of reason. Forewarned is forearmed.

Sun/Moon in Leo @ 23 degrees 17' conjunct Leo Venus and Leo Lilith/Square Taurus Jupiter/Uranus

Leo gets much flack for being selfish and self-centered. But Leo's energy is here to show us how to love ourselves and each other unconditionally. We cannot love another if we are incapable of truly loving ourselves. Let Leo point the way!

This New Moon, Sun (our being), Moon (our inner needs), Venus (values/relationships), and Lilith (our banished, hidden feminine) are joining together to challenge us to love ourselves wholly and completely. ALL of ourselves, not just the "good" parts. Leo's motto, the more, the merrier, applies here. But Leo also reminds us not to forget about ourselves. The Sun, the ruler of Leo, sits in the center of our Universe, radiating its brilliance. It is no wonder then that Leo believes it should be the center of its Universe, shining brightly for all to see. Instead of labeling Leos as "too full of themselves," perhaps it is time to look at how they are the main characters of their stories and learn a thing or two. Leos are natural-born leaders, after all.

Whatever stands in the way of being in the right relationship with yourself will be highlighted in this Leo New Moon: the good, the bad, and the "ugly." Which pieces of yourself, banished or hidden away, are you ignoring or refusing to own? Now is the time to gather them, bring them into your heart, and love them unconditionally. Are you too afraid to shine? Let Leo show you how. Are you too jealous? Leo can teach you about jealousy, too. Do you always need to be the center of attention and don't like being upstaged? Do you think everyone's life should revolve around you? Embrace those gems as well. You cannot change anything you refuse to acknowledge. Acknowledge all that comes to light now, and move forward with unconditional love for the things you prefer to stay hidden.

Relationships are on high alert at this time. Recognizing our worth and demanding to exact our value is at hand. Lilith reminds us not to compromise our wild, untamed feminine nature. She will flee if she is undervalued. Some astrologers say Venus retrograde is a time to end relationships or divorce. Endings are not always the case, but when there are cracks, they will show up boldly and, if unsteady, might crumble apart. If your relationships are in order, this will be a time of going within, staying home, and reflecting on advancing the relationship with yourself.

Mercury in Virgo conjunct Virgo Mars

Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, joins Mars, the warrior planet of action, in the persnickety Earth sign Virgo. Virgo Mercury/Mars suggests words may harm, critique, criticize, and nitpick. Being careful with your words is more accessible now, but that does not guarantee results. Use discernment when creating action plans, speaking up, and engaging others. Also, Virgo Mercury conjunct Mars suggests we sharpen our thinking skills, engage our intellect, and discern fact from fiction. Virgo Mercury is excellent at seeing what needs doing to make the system function better and more effectively, with precision.

Use the exacting energy of Virgo to get your words right before you speak, especially before your comments lead to actions.

Venus in Leo Rx (retrograde) conjunct Leo Sun/Moon/Lilith

The potential for relationships to be exposed is high. What has been hidden away, discarded, disowned, and banished is about to rear its head. Leo Venus retrograde is a fantastic time to practice self-love. Self-love does not necessarily mean what you buy yourself or what work you have done. But HOW do you love yourself when everything is stripped down? Do you have a consistent nighttime routine? Do you wear your seat belt when you drive? If you are tired, do you rest or keep pushing yourself forward? Do you have anxious self-talk or speak to yourself with loving kindness? Do you set boundaries for yourself? Can you say NO?

Retrograde periods are times to go within. Venus is the planet of relationships, values, worth, and love. This New Moon is a great time to look within and reflect on your relationship with yourself. Do you value yourself and deem yourself worthy enough? Where do you stand on self-love? No matter what you find, this Venus retrograde period, July 22nd – Sept. 3rd, is THE time to right your relationship with yourself so you may be fully available and capable of engaging healthily with others.

Mars in Virgo conjunct Virgo Mercury

Again, Mars is the warrior planet of action. Now is a great time to take a moment and get the details correct before communicating your plans. Now is an excellent time to think about a healthy routine and begin implementing it. Remember, the enemy of progress is perfection. Therefore, despite wanting things to be just so, start anyway! Virgo Mars is an excellent time to initiate new routines that benefit your health and well-being.

Additionally, it is an excellent time to say what you mean and mean what you say. Proper alignment falls under Virgo's realm. Do your actions/deeds (Mars) align with your thoughts/words (Mercury)? If not, plant new seeds at this time to become more congruent within.

Jupiter in Taurus conjunct Taurus Uranus (wide)

Taurus is a stable, constant force that is immovable at times. Uranus is the planet of upheaval, change, instability, and unpredictable movement, for better or worse. And Jupiter, the planet of abundance, energizes and amplifies, inflating and expanding whatever it touches. Put this together, and this New Moon gives us a time when the ground beneath us shakes a lot. Those things that are stable will remain, albeit newly rearranged. Those things meant to change will disintegrate before us, falling to pieces like Humpty Dumpty, never to be put back together again.

Taurus helps us recognize what we value. And if what we value is due to get shaken up, there's not much we can do but go along for the ride. Uranus changes its target irrevocably when it lands. Expect changes to offer sudden insight into what you value or no longer value. How are you spending your money? Wisely or haphazardly? What's happening in your home? Are things in order or chaotic? Which do you prefer? Expect change to what was once considered stable at this Leo New Moon.

Saturn in Pisces Rx

Saturn in Pisces retrograde gives pause to lessons for the collective. It also may make boundaries between us and others a bit more complicated, thus allowing others' rules and lessons to seep into our worlds. Saturn in Pisces retrograde is an excellent time to take stock of your spiritual beliefs. What do you believe, and does it have a structured routine? If not, this New Moon is a time to create and implement a ritual that expresses and honors your spiritual beliefs. Go within and bring routine to your spiritual self. Surrender to discipline at this time.

Uranus in Taurus widely conjunct Taurus Jupiter/Square Leo Sun/Moon/Venus Rx/Lilith

Uranus in Taurus continues its upheaval, razing that which must go, shaking other things to their core, changed for good, if not for the better. With this energy widely conjunct with Jupiter, a LOT is coming at us from many directions. Indictments, wildfires, wars, and so much more, each of us feels the collective and personal toll. Our Earth home is pleading with us for attention. At present, our relationships with everything are in flux! Change is the only constant, and we are in a gigantic shift laden with change. Hold on, be true to who you are, and ride the storm out, remembering, THIS TOO SHALL PASS! Meanwhile, love the Earth. She is our only home.

The square to the New Moon asks us to consider the individual self (Leo) against collective energy (Uranus) and how this settles within us. How do we stay true to who we are while being a part of the larger collective? Remember, to thine own Self be true.

Neptune in Pisces Rx

Neptune in Pisces is a nebulous energy. I am confident I have mentioned this before. It has the highest potential of being spiritually compassionate, kind, forgiving, and all-encompassing by nature. But its shadow side can be deceitful, misleading, and victimizing. No matter who is reporting, we see much of this in the news today. We must remember who we are, spiritual beings having a human experience. Everything that happens "to" us is happening FOR us so that we may evolve and grow. Embrace ALL sides of yourself, the compassionate, kind, forgiving victim who sometimes lies to be able to manage the pain from being so beautifully sensitive and open. Go within to remember and bring that light into the world. It is desperately needed.

Pluto in Capricorn Rx

Pluto is finishing up in Capricorn with the tearing down and restructuring of our institutions, and things we once thought were here to stay. It will remain here, cleaning up the last 14 years until January 2024, when it moves back into Aquarius. It will briefly revisit Capricorn for a final time, September through November 2024, a critical political time in the United States. Pluto in Aquarius returns power to the people, but as we have seen, which people are meant to be powerful depends on who is reporting. The answer is unwritten, and that is why it is imperative to remember we are all cut from the same spiritual cloth, and each deserves to be empowered equitably. We are the writers of fate at this time of change and evolution. Choose your text carefully.

Chiron in Aries Rx

Aries Chiron alerts us to where we are feeling wounded in our individuality. What have we done to shoot ourselves in the foot? How are we sabotaging our journey? What needs doing to engage our warrior spirit so we may feel confident in who we are and how we move through this world? There is plenty of insight available at this Leo New Moon. Be open to learning about yourself and where your edges reside.

As NEW MOONS are for creating new emotional patterns, what are you passionate about bringing into this evolving world? Tap your inner child for unedited, inspirational ideas. Live in harmony and create. Love yourself and each other unconditionally! Have courage and be a leader in love.

Check which house this NEW MOON falls in your natal chart to understand what area of your life will be affected.

Soul lesson = LOVE

Categories for Leo:

Loyalty; regal; pride; leadership; fun-loving; childlike; childish; entertainment; glamour; art; creativity; joy; unconditional love; arrogance; generous; philanthropic; inspirational; magnetic; aspiring; hopeful; chivalrous; lion-hearted; courageous; fearlessness; magnanimous; sincere; dictatorial; condescending; promiscuous; fussy; honor; open; fiery; impetuous; warm-hearted; kind; supporting; dignity; independence; self-confident; good organizers; drama; flamboyance; boastful; flattery; pleasure; enjoyment; brilliant; children; romance; art and artistic expression; fun; play; games.

On the physical plane, Leo rules the heart, spine, spinal column, upper back, and inflammation.

Sample New Moon Wishes:

  • I easily engage my creative self.

  • I lovingly embrace my inner child and all they offer.

  • I easily step into a leadership role with confidence, courage, and compassion.

  • I readily open my heart fearlessly.

  • I easily make healthy heart choices, physically and emotionally.

Mary Sutton