Virgo New Moon 2023

This month’s NEW MOON falls in the Earth sign of Virgo @ 21 degrees 59’ on September 14th , 2023 @ 6:40 PM MST/9:40 PM EDT.

Here’s the VIRGO NEW MOON chart:

This New Moon is strong in Earth and offers a lovely earthy grand trine that makes it easier to remain grounded and practical. A downshift in energy will give us a break from the busy, hot, and dramatic summer that Leo just offered.

Sun/Moon in Virgo @ 21 degrees 59’ opposite Pisces Neptune

This opposition is an opportunity to spiritualize work, health, routine day-to-day activity, and service. It is an opportunity to bring our dreams into reality with precision and purpose. In Virgo, we welcome the winding down of summer and shift our gaze to the coming fall season. Mutable signs like Virgo are transitional signs. They bridge the gap between the changing seasons.

The Earth sign of Virgo lives to make this planet a better home. And slowing down to take a deep, calming breath is precisely in order. The carefree rush of summer gives way to disciplined back-to-school energy. What do you need to settle in and do? How must you prepare for the upcoming shift into a more balanced energy with Libra? Virgo is an excellent time to start a new routine, clean the house, declutter the garage, or pay more attention to your health with a new exercise program or healthier diet.

Pisces Neptune bathes this Virgo New Moon with its gentle rays, softening its crisp edges and sometimes harsh tones, spiritualizing the demanded work while offering a cosmic peek into the Divine agenda. It is a time to dream and then do the work to make that dream a practical and efficient reality.

Mercury in Virgo Rx

Retrograde periods are reflection times, time to turn and tune in, as are New Moons. The planet Mercury rules Virgo, so turning and tuning in is doubly in order right now. What is Pisces Neptune whispering to you at this New Moon? Lean into Virgo Mercury retrograde and listen, write it down, make a list, and organize your thoughts to materialize whatever is calling from the ethers. Feel the whisperings in your system and process them bodily in your form. Bring heaven down to Earth.

Mercury will be in Virgo for the entire month of September. It goes direct on September 16th and emerges from its shadow phase on September 30th. Be careful with your words. Be kind with your observations and gentle with your comments. Speak with humility with yourself and others. Virgo Mercury goes directly to the point, is exacting and precise, and sometimes can feel like criticism. Take what fits and leave the rest. It is an excellent time to organize, make plans, and execute them. Take advantage of this energy. Feel the Universe.

Venus in Leo

Leo Venus asks us to love ourselves unconditionally. Are you? If not, why not? Venus in Leo likes to be the center of attention. She wants to be flattered and fawned over. She loves well and expects others to do the same. Are you being called to put yourself first? Are you being asked to treat yourself? Do you need to be kinder or more loving with yourself? If this is necessary, then indulge. However, beware of overinflation, getting too full of yourself, or demanding more from others than they willingly give. Out of balance, Leo Venus can be demanding and ungrateful. Use her lighter side consciously to avoid those more selfish qualities.

Mars in Libra

Libra Mars is in detriment, meaning Mars does not do well in this sign. Warrior Mars becomes more of a pacifist when placed here. Mars values peace, harmony, fairness, justice, and equality in this sign. Now is the time to use your inner diplomat to resolve issues. Advance peaceful solutions to achieve your desires. Put another way – you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, so drip your actions in honey to get things moving more effortlessly.

Expect your peaceful warrior to be irritated by anything out of whack at this New Moon. They value calm and order and will be motivated to set things right now. Use this helpful energy to rebalance those things in your life that have been pushed out of alignment during the past few fiery months we have had recently. Might only sometimes makes right, so use your negotiating skills to advance your cause.

Jupiter in Taurus conjunct Uranus (wide) Rx

Have I said, expect the unexpected lately? Well, it still applies, especially regarding our lovely planet. The news cycles are filled with unexpected earthly disasters, floods, earthquakes, wildfires, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Jupiter often brings a lucky element to the mix, but when placed with unpredictable Uranus, it inflates situations, making them much more surprising.

Taurus is an earth sign that represents the material feminine, or Mama Earth, Pachamama. Uranus in Taurus has done its best to bring the Earth, her resources, her gifts, and her woes into humanity’s awareness. Attempts to bring the Earth’s state into sharper focus and conscious attention have increased. As humans, we are soiling our cages. Even animals know better. We must pay better attention, learn we are interdependent with our Earth home, and honor her as she deserves. The New Moon in Virgo is an excellent time for a practical, effective do-over.

Saturn in Pisces Rx

Pisces Saturn assists us in bringing the dreamy ideals we long for into reality. During this retrograde period, take stock of your dreams, clarify them, and create a plan that leads to fruition. Pisces Saturn encourages us to make something of our dreams, which practically benefits and supports society. In other words, bring heaven down to Earth and create the world you wish to live in. Now is the time. We are the architects. What do you want to create? How would society be more compassionate and kinder in your imagination? Begin. There’s no time like the present!

Uranus in Taurus widely conjunct Jupiter Rx

We have discussed Taurus Uranus when looking at Jupiter. Uranus is out of place in Taurus, stirring things up and knocking them down. The destruction in its wake is undeniable, leveling that which no longer serves while creating new space for something to put in its place. This razing action allows for a blank slate, a new development to arise in the former’s spot. But, if we unconsciously act, we are destined to repeat our mistakes.

While Uranus is not the fan of history that Saturn is, learning history so we needn’t repeat it is in humanity’s best interest. Innovation concerning new ways to develop our planet, ways that value our natural resources, and methods that distribute them to the collective versus the few are supported in this energetic space, provided we pay attention and build guided by our highest vision.

Neptune in Pisces Rx

Pisces Neptune softens and caresses. It can lead to illusion and confusion but also spiritualizes and blesses. With seven planets retrograde at this Virgo New Moon, we are graced with the opportunity to swim within our consciousness and align with the Universal flow. When the planets begin to move direct, we are swept along the stream quicker than we can hold on, making it imperative that we are sure we are in the correct stream! No one likes being taken off course because they weren’t paying attention to their direction or destination. Go with the flow, but do so consciously. This is not mutually exclusive!

Pluto in Capricorn Rx

Pluto finishes its work in Capricorn before moving into Aquarius for good in 2024. Cap Pluto is changing our structures, traditions, status quo, governments, and institutions. Things we thought were set in stone are being transformed and transfigured forever. There is no need to fret, as all is in Divine order, despite Divine order feeling like extreme chaos. Pluto enjoys a good destruction and resurrection, and Capricorn does the hard work necessary to succeed. So, may the final stage of this energy for this time lead to a successful transformation of our planet and societies. Then, when Pluto shifts into Aquarius, it is set to transform humanity into its highest vision. May it be so.

Chiron in Aries Rx

With Chiron in Aries, we look to how we feel wounded in our individuality. How are we not fully embracing our unique journeys and finding our ways? Dig deep to find the courage and strength of the unencumbered Aries warrior and bravely go where you are meant to lead. Trailblaze the path that is yours and yours alone. Be brave!

As NEW MOONS are for creating new emotional patterns, embrace and embody this Virgo New Moon to ground yourself. Grow your roots deep into the Earth, anchor yourself, align with the cosmic vision that speaks to you, and BREATHE!

Check which house this NEW MOON falls in your natal chart to understand what area of your life will be affected.


Categories for Virgo:

 Service given or received; health; diet; exercise; routine work; ritual; food; the body; illness; workaholic tendencies; nature; healing; routine; order; systems; analysis; focus; attention to detail; practicality; purity; perfectionism; criticalness; worry; discrimination; neatness; carefulness; conscientious; over-critical; over-thinking; employment/employees; hygiene; medicine.

Virgo rules the bowels and intestines, the abdomen, the digestive tract, and digestion on the physical plane.

Sample New Moon Wishes:

  • I quickly create order within my home.

  • I readily eat a healthy and nutritious diet.

  • I easily include conscientious habits in my daily routine.

  • I readily embody a pranayama practice. (BREATHE)

  • I easily embrace service to others with healthy boundaries in place.

Mary Sutton