In Service of the Soul


We begin the month of September in the service-oriented sign of Virgo. Virgo is a mutable Earth sign and is associated with purity, cleansing, orderliness, systems, service and humility. It falls into the 6th house of the chart, which is associated with day to day routine (the work to be done), rituals, health, wellness and holistic being. Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury which is also in the sign of Virgo until the 6th, then it moves into the sign of Libra. Mercury is the planet of communication and messages. So what messages are being transmitted from the Heavens throughout the month of September?

At the beginning of the month 6 planets are retrograde. We have reviewed before that when planets are retrograde things are slowed down and there is a strong impetus to look within. On the 10th of the month Mars turns retrograde as well. That may be when we personally notice the need to slow down, as it is the only personal planet in the bunch. The other retrograde planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and asteroid Chiron.

So, the social planets Jupiter and Saturn, the transpersonal planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, and the healing asteroid Chiron are all putting on the cosmic brakes. WHOA! Slow down Nelly! Maybe requesting us to look at how we are interacting with each other at the present moment? Maybe asking us to look at how we are acting while encouraging us to contemplate whether or not our words are congruent with our actions and ideals? The generational planets may be asking us to look beyond the moment at hand and consider the generations past and future. Where have we been? Where do we want to go? Are we on the most beneficent course? What have we learned? What do we want to keep? And what do we never want to repeat again in the course of human evolution? BIG questions from the big planets for the big moment that we are in, this moment of living history.

The driving forces behind the changes swirling about us (that Capricorn Saturn/Jupiter/Pluto group) work nicely with the Virgo energy of this month. Virgo gets along nicely with electric Uranus in Taurus too; it helps to stabilize and ground it. Allow this brief respite to ground and soothe you as well; it is a momentary breath of fresh air. ENJOY. And while you take a minute to catch your breath, reflect upon this:

To what or to whom are you in service?

As the sign of Virgo is service with humility, any connection to EGO desires or needs will feel uncomfortable. It will feel like it is not right for the moment, the wrong fit. This is NOT Virgo being hypercritical, rather it is Virgo being exacting and efficient. It is not time to serve self over others. “How can I help?” is the Virgo rallying cry. “How can I be of assistance?” And while Virgo energy can be perfectionistic to the point of controlling, it is more productive to use Virgo’s drive toward purification as momentum to serve a just, noble cause and remain grounded. Accepting how things are, with the desire and drive to move toward perfecting them, IS service to the greater good; letting go of how we think this “should” be done or what the outcome “should” be, is the essence of acceptance on a Soul level, to be in control but not controlling.

Because Virgo is a mutable sign it is flexible and accommodating, adjusting to whatever is needed in the moment without thought for self but full of thought for others. Virgo can be associated with the archetype of the servant; its duty is to serve gladly and humbly. It practically goes about its business doing what needs to get done, discriminating what is necessary in order to accomplish the task at hand.

During this month we are being asked to tidy up our actions, large and small. Are you doing what you must to stay healthy? Are you nourishing your body appropriately? Are you keeping your mind healthy and peaceful? Are you feeding your Soul?

We are living in uncertain times at present. Sometimes it feels as if we are being electrified into a new circuitry, and we may well be. But the energy of Virgo this month is a grounding one, supportive of the energetic charges that are crackling in the space all around us. Take advantage of the Earthen Virgo energy this month and utilize it practically, grounding yourself physically in your body to promote your health and well-being.

This is still a time for reflection and inward looking, despite cries to hurry up and get back “to normal”, whatever that is!

Take this time to care for yourself in service to others. If that means slowing down and going in, do so; the universe has your back right now. If it means taking action for yourself so you are available to others, then do so; again, the universe has your back right now. Whichever it is, acting or being, take the time to purify your thoughts and align them with your ideals and beliefs.

Live in Holistic Balance and your Soul will thank you.

Be safe, healthy and considerate of others. We are all in this together. Live your highest truth.

Embrace the healer in you and be an Earth Angel.

Virgo supports and approves!


Mary Sutton