Scorpio New Moon 2021

This month’s SUPER NEW MOON falls in the Water sign of Scorpio at 12 degrees 40’ November 4, 2021 @ 2:14 PM MST/5:14 PM EDT.

What are the underlying motivations for your actions?

The Sun begins the month of November in Scorpio, having moved there October 24th; it will stay in Scorpio until November 23rd, when it moves into Sagittarius. Scorpio is a Water sign filled with deep emotions, seemingly calm at first glance, churning intensely upon further scrutiny. At its best, Scorpio energy is a spiritual transformation that heals; however, Scorpio energy is more commonly known for its lower vibrations. That said, let’s focus on taking the road less traveled, the high road, and work to uncover the highest good this month’s Scorpio energy can bring!

This Sun/Moon conjunction brings Mars (actions) and Mercury (mind) into the mix. This month’s New Moon asks us to look at what underlies our actions, what motivates us to behave the way we do? What do we tell ourselves internally that manifests as what we do externally? This month is strong in fixed water, so there are probably some stuck feelings that need to be flushed out and carried away for good. Don’t be surprised if they come to the surface suddenly or unexpectedly. But, once they surface, they can be transformed, eliminated, and healing can begin.

Scorpio is profound emotional energy associated with the subconscious psyche and our deepest feelings, fears, and psychological reasonings. This New Moon, we may find ourselves asking, “What is our psychic inheritance?” In other words, what was handed down to us from the unresolved emotional issues within our families? Our communities? Our world? Do we act from a place of fear, freedom, manipulation, or something entirely different? Are we mistaking one for the other, perhaps confusing them? Are we acting on our own behalf or the behalf of unspoken expectations handed down from and across many generations?

Scorpio asks us to take a deep dive and delve into what makes us tick. Scorpio energy likes to be in control. Are you being asked to examine your controlling tendencies? With Taurus Uranus, we are to expect the unexpected, out-of-control chaos. How do you try to control things when you have no control? Uncovering this mystery, we can transform the details, mine the gold, leave the rest behind, and ultimately heal. This Scorpio Sun/Moon/Mars energy opposes Taurus Uranus exact by degree. How do we truly feel about the changes taking place in our lives? In our world? Uranus shines light into the Scorpio darkness to illuminate what has been hiding in the shadows. What secrets must come out into the open? Is there a plan to be revealed? What healing are we trying to uncover for ourselves or, perhaps, our ancestors?


Mercury, the planet of communications and perceptions, begins the month in Libra and shifts into Scorpio on November 6th, just after the New Moon. When Mercury is in Scorpio, it can better strategize how it will accomplish what it (and Mars) have deemed essential. A little over two weeks later, on November 25th, Mercury will move into Sagittarius. This month, Mercury reflects on what it learned in its Libra retrograde period, moves into planning mode, and then shifts into a passion for Truth by the month’s end. The time it spends in Scorpio is intense but perceptive and stealthy, like a detective determined to uncover the truth.

Venus, the goddess of relationships, begins the month in Sagittarius then moves into Capricorn on November 6th. Capricorn Venus works well with Scorpio Mercury, allowing us to apply deep insights within our relationships responsibly. These two energies are serious, so the tone of our relationships will be more somber after the 6th of the month, shifting somewhat once Mercury moves forward into Sagittarius. Capricorn Venus will work to apply the insights gleaned by Scorpio Mercury to the benefit of all in the end; productive, just not much fun.

Scorpio Mars is important in this New Moon cycle. It is strategic and measured in getting what it wants. Its focus and drive, and the desire to dominate, are at hand. What motivations are underlying our rebellious natures at this time? What light needs to be shined on any undercover behaviors? What actions do we need to take to heal ourselves from whatever ails us? Expect Scorpio Mars to lead the way to those answers. It enjoys uncovering the hidden truths we tend to avoid. It may be a bit confrontational, but it also can heal.

Jupiter continues in Aquarius, with its emphasis on social causes and humanitarian ideals. It shares the sign with Saturn; Jupiter dreams the dream, and Saturn brings it down to Earth, making it a reality. These two social planets encourage us to think socially as well as individually. Their opposing energies remind us, the two are not mutually exclusive. We can be social individuals, caring both for our needs AND those of others!

A T-square to Aquarius Saturn involves the Scorpio Sun/Moon/Mars and Taurus Uranus, suggesting that the work (Saturn) to uncover what’s hidden (Scorpio) will be hard but necessary for progress and forward movement (Uranus). Uranus in Taurus has its own struggle, the energy of the two much like an earthquake, shaking the very foundations (Uranus) we think steady and immovable (Taurus). What inside us still needs to change? What within needs shaken to the core?

Neptune in Pisces remains retrograde until the middle of next month when it turns direct. Neptune is at home in the sign of Pisces, making it exceptionally easy-going and idealized. However, its current retrograde period has been confusing and unclear. Looking where we lose ourselves in others, sacrifice ourselves for a cause, or allow our boundaries to be porous and penetrable, therefore easily breached, is worth doing while Neptune remains retrograde. Applying what we learn comes next month when it goes direct! Ultimately, compassion rules.

Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, remains in Capricorn and squares with Libra Mercury. It again asks us to determine if our perceptions are balanced and fair. If they are not, it challenges us to re-balance them through the necessary effort. It commands we right the scales. This year has offered us many opportunities to explore what we need to learn and what we need to release to move forward and evolve. This Scorpio New Moon provides us with the opportunity to transform our thoughts and behaviors. To move them from where they are – to where they need to be – a change that facilitates healing. Our struggle between what we want to do versus what we ought to do continues until we end it! Putting a lid on our unpredictable, emotional outbursts is a challenge, but it is necessary. It is how we truly love ourselves. And in the end, love bests fear!

As NEW MOONS are for planting new emotional seeds, seed your garden with genuinely transformational, spiritual actions that encourage your insides to match your outsides! Be the Phoenix that rises from the ashes! Change.

Here are the reminders:

Check to see which house this New Moon falls in your natal chart to understand what area of your life will be affected.

Scorpio rules the reproductive organs, elimination, bowels, and colon.

Categories for Scorpio: 

Powerful transformation; power; transformation; depth; emotional; death; sex; taxes; underworld; spiritual; secrets; secretive; inheritance; occult; hidden; murky; destruction; elimination; cleansing; empowerment; psychology; psyche; obsessions; compulsions; addictions; drugs; intensity; deep intimate connection; revenge; jealousy; power struggle; control; power over; abuse of power; substantial; deeply committed; change; rebirth; renewal; ruthlessness; psychic; private; mysteries; life/death; transitions.


House Meanings:

1st: Body; Physical appearance; How others see (the image you project); Ego

2nd: Values; Material goods; Self-Esteem/Self-Worth; Money

3rd: Siblings/Cousins; Short trips; Communications; Perceptions

4th: Home and family life; Parent; Foundations; Inner life

5th: Children; Fun/Joy; Creativity; Love affairs; Entertainment/Arts

6th: Work; Health; Day-to-day routine/habits; Service

7th: Marriage; One-on-one relationships; Business partners; Enemies/Rivals

8th: Death and taxes; Other people's money/Inheritance; Intimate relationships/Sex; Occult

9th: Higher education; Long-distance travel; Foreign affairs; Spiritual beliefs

10th: Public standing; Career/Profession; Achievement/Success; Parent; Highest calling

11th: Friends; Hopes and dreams; Community; Social causes; Groups

12th: Self-undoing; Unconscious; Hidden realms; Attainment of peace; Places of confinement

Sample New Moon Wishes:

• I easily take enlightened, transformational action.

• I easily eliminate negative emotions.

• I readily uncover essential secrets.

• I easily stand in my personal power.

• I easily discover emotional peace.

HANDWRITE 10 wishes on a piece of paper, read them aloud, and then safely burn them (the wishing part); do this conscious intention-setting within 8 hours of the New Moon.

"Let this or something greater come to pass."

Mary Sutton