Taurus Full Moon 2021

This month’s FULL MOON - Partial Lunar Eclipse - falls in the Earth sign of Taurus at 27 degrees 14’ November 19, 2021 @ 1:57 AM MST/3:57 AM EST.

Empower yourself by grounding into emotionally nurturing Self-love.

This Taurus Full Moon is also a partial lunar eclipse, so what we experience at this time will continue unfolding across the next six months. The Earthy Taurus Moon slows us down a bit and asks us to take a moment from all the crazy that we have been going through and ground ourselves, deeply rooting, so we have more stability. These last few months have been particularly chaotic and hectic, creating a fast-moving, uncontrolled, and unpredictable period. This Full Moon cycle encourages us to release what we stubbornly hold on to, those things that are not good for our bodily well-being and no longer nourish us, activating the concept of personal empowerment. Letting go of things that are not in our best interest is a simple way to empower ourselves. If only letting go was simple!

A Taurus Moon nurtures and soothes the Soul; this Full Moon, we will do well to release those things that do not. There is strong Earth energy available, so we have support battening down the hatches and holding on during these bumpy times! In fact, the Universe is encouraging us to plod ahead and create what we desire, moving aside obstacles that stand in our way. Creating what we want for ourselves is a step toward personal empowerment; believing in ourselves and our worthiness is the first step.

There are two T-squares (challenging aspects) occurring. One involves the Scorpio Sun/Mercury conjunction, the Taurus Moon, and Aquarius Jupiter; it finds its outlet in Leo, self-love. The other T-square involves Scorpio Mars, Taurus Uranus, and Aquarius Saturn; it finds its outlet in Cancer, emotional nourishment. The message from the heavens is to love yourself through emotional nurturing. Tend to yourself with gentle, loving care at this time. Love yourself as you want to be loved. If it feels terrible, does not meet your needs, or no longer soothes your Soul, let it go! Make room for those things which lift your spirits, fill your heart with joy, and give you a loving feeling.

Let’s break these two critical aspects down a bit. Sun/Moon/Mercury square Jupiter can express itself by intellectualizing feelings, “I don’t feel bad; I’m not stuck; I’m not being secretive; I’m not stubbornly controlling.” OR it can express itself by shining light on any feelings that are stuck, stubborn, or remain hidden to us. Aquarius Jupiter can be a helpful light that illuminates our blockages. Jupiter does tend to soothe and spiritualize; however, it can also be “too much,” exaggerating and inflating things disproportionately, which can look like ignoring the truth for some pumped-up fantasy. So, one may find insight into their stuck places, or one might double-down, digging deeper, remaining stuck and telling themselves it’s for the best—enter free will and choice. Choose wisely, but also expect the unexpected due to the Uranus influence in the other T-square!

Mars/Uranus square Saturn suggests unusual and unexpected actions can create difficulties keeping things stable, status quo. This T-square is a continuation of the Saturn/Uranus square that has been the holding pattern of 2021; out with the old, in with the new. However, this time, it steps into the personal realm -- what actions do we take to get what we want, is it working, or do we need to try something new? Mars in Scorpio can be strategic, strike from an unexpected place, and intend to disable. At its best, it can work to transform. That makes it essential to remember; sometimes, we can recognize the light only because of the very darkness we curse! What is the light of this Full Moon trying to get you to see? Where do you need to do things differently?

The other challenging aspect at the Full Moon is Capricorn Venus square Aries Chiron, suggesting the need to balance ourselves responsibly within relationships. One of the ways this energy can show up is feeling alone, wounded in our individuality, or that our relationships have become a burden or turned cold. If we can remember that our outer relationships mirror what’s within, we can turn to nurturance, emotionally nourishing actions, and self-love to heal ourselves from the inside out. The Taurus Moon is such nurturing, warm energy. It is comforting and soothing and provides stability when we can feel chaotic collective terror swirling around us. Look to this very grounding, stabilizing Moon to find security. Love yourself with your best efforts to soothe your Soul and release your pains. Trust that once you see the light, you will be able to move forward lovingly.

As the Full Moon is a time for releasing, let go of any blockages (physical, emotional, or psychological) that keep you from loving the radiant light being that you are! Healthily loving oneself is the most empowering thing that a Soul can do! May the light available this Full Moon penetrate through the darkness for us all!

Here are the reminders:

Check to see which house this Full Moon falls in your chart to understand what area of your life will be affected.

Taurus rules the throat and neck, the voice, and the vocal cords.

Categories for Taurus: 

Material goods; money; banks; beauty; solid ground; ownership; possessions; values; self-esteem; self-worth; sensuality; textures; textiles; comfort; pleasure; boundaries; patience; persistence; perseverance; stubborn; slow to anger; fixed; tenacious; stability; endurance; forceful; firm foundation; enduring structure; trustworthy; steady; composed; self-reliant; constructive; practical; humorous; kind; magnetic; careful; unyielding; obstructive; lazy; dogmatic; finances; smells; tastes; flavor; attachment; possessiveness; stingy.


House Meanings:

1st: Body; Physical appearance; How others see (the image you project); Ego

2nd: Values; Material goods; Self-Esteem/Self-Worth; Money

3rd: Siblings/Cousins; Short trips; Communications; Perceptions

4th: Home and family life; Parent; Foundations; Inner life

5th: Children; Fun/Joy; Creativity; Love affairs; Entertainment/Arts

6th: Work; Health; Day-to-day routine/habits; Service

7th: Marriage; One-on-one relationships; Business partners; Enemies/Rivals

8th: Death and taxes; Other people's money/Inheritance; Intimate relationships/Sex; Occult

9th: Higher education; Long-distance travel; Foreign affairs; Spiritual beliefs

10th: Public standing; Career/Profession; Achievement/Success; Parent; Highest calling

11th: Friends; Hopes and dreams; Community; Social causes; Groups

12th: Self-undoing; Unconscious; Hidden realms; Attainment of peace; Places of confinement

Sample Full Moon releases:

  • I easily remove obstacles that stand in the way of loving myself.

  • I readily release fixed feelings that no longer serve.

  • I easily release any feelings of worthlessness that keep me from owning my true inner beauty.

  • I easily release impediments to using my voice fully.

  • I easily release habits that interfere with achieving financial stability.

    HANDWRITE 10 releases on a piece of paper, read them aloud, and then safely burn them (the releasing part); do this release within 8 hours of the Full Moon.

Stand rooted in LOVE!

Mary Sutton