Virgo Full Moon 2021

This month's FULL MOON falls in the Earth sign of VIRGO at 8 degrees 57' February 27, 2021 @ 1:17 AM MST/3:17 AM EST.


What stands in the way of you being healthy, physically, mentally, and spiritually? This Virgo Full Moon is the perfect time to get rid of whatever it is.

Full Moons are a time for releasing; they are the time for letting go of those things that no longer serve. This Full Moon occurs in the sign of Virgo, a particular and exacting sign, making this an excellent time to release criticism, control, and perfectionism. Virgo's positive attributes are organizing, willingness to serve, and paying attention to detail. However, its shadow attributes can be controlling, demanding, workaholic, and overly critical. Where are you too hard on yourself or others? Is it time to lighten up some and let loose? How is your overall health? What about your healthcare routine? Have you been compassionate in your service?

Virgo is a mutable Earth sign, so this is an excellent time to be flexible and release restrictive order. A hard-working and dedicated sign, Virgo gives us the structure to complete what we set out to do, including clearing out what is no longer needed. Nobody likes to clean out the junk drawer better than Virgo! This Full Moon is a perfect (Virgo word) time to allow a little chaos to seep in where there has been nothing but orderly control (Virgo's favorite). Let go and take a deep dive into the cosmic ocean! What blocks you from being compassionate, humble, and willing to serve? Why are you so hard on yourself or others? What stands in your way of softening and treating yourself with loving-kindness? Do you need a break? Can you be less particular? How is the health of your body, mind, and soul? So many questions for reflection.

There is always time to get work done, but this Full Moon is time to take a minute, soften, go with the flow, and have compassion. Have compassion for yourself first; then, you will be able to have compassion for others. And you may just be more productive too!

This Full Moon is very strong in Earth energy, which is solid, practical, and grounding. It can also be an obstacle to forward movement. This Virgo Full Moon is ripe for ritual or ceremony designed to release those things that keep us bound to unhealthy habits and therefore stuck. Do you beat up on yourself for not learning your lessons? That is harsh and needs to go. Are you wrong when things do not turn out perfectly? That is unkind and needs tossing out too. Ask yourself, “What is it that I must release to feel healthier, mind, body, and soul?” Does this Moon fall in your 4th house? Is there something in your foundation from childhood that is rotting and needs removal? In your 7th house, is there a relationship that is too critical, or are you too demanding in your relationships? In the 9th house, is there a religious or political view you need to eliminate? Are you being too critical with your fellow humans and blocking your higher spiritual mind? Let it go! Free up some energy.

Tenderness and compassion are in order this Full Moon. Let go of criticism (of self and others), controlling behavior (of self and others), and perfectionism (there is no such thing). Embrace being perfectly imperfect, AKA being human (in both self and others)! We are all down here trying to do our very best, and some people just do best better than others. It's all good! It’s time to get rid of anything that stands in the way of you being your healthiest self.

The Sun shifted into Pisces on February 19th, softening (or confusing) the energies. Pisces is about surrender, while Virgo is about being in control. The opposition between the two at this Full Moon encourages us to find the balance between letting go and holding on; this theme carries throughout 2021. However, universal energy is lightening up a bit, finally! And while there are still lessons to learn, ideals to shape and work to do, do it with more compassion, forgiveness, and kindness. It is possible to be kind AND effective! Balancing between extremes restores overall health to any system.

Mercury, the planet of communication, rules Virgo. It went direct on February 21st, remaining in the sign of Aquarius. Aquarian communications strive for truth and clarity, but its ideas can be fixed and unmovable. Use this Virgo Full Moon to illuminate which choice of words is wise, avoids criticism, and offers a live and let live vibe.

Venus moves from Aquarius into Pisces on the 26th, adding to the Pisces Sun's softer vibe. Pisces is a compassionate and empathetic placement for Venus; she is exalted here, so she feels at home. Relating to each other with increased tenderness is more accessible now.

Mars remains in Taurus. Slow to anger and plodding along, albeit stubbornly sometimes.

Jupiter remains in Aquarius, keeping social justice issues in the foreground along with Aquarius Saturn.

Taurus Uranus continues to square the Aquarius energies, especially Saturn, resulting in an “old versus new” standoff, AKA “letting go/holding on.” Throw out those things that no longer work to make room for new things that will – cautious not to throw the baby out with the bathwater! The Saturn/Uranus square is exact on February 17th, June 14th, and December 24th, just an FYI so you can pay attention to what comes up for you then. Old versus new is the theme for 2021; curate wisely. Neptune is in Pisces, and Pluto remains in Capricorn.

As FULL MOONS remind us to release old emotional patterns, let go of blocks that keep you tightly wound and contained, unhealthy or anxious. Going with the flow is the new "normal" as the ground we are on is still shifting and unstable. Live in the moment, be healthy, and serve with wisdom.

Here are the reminders:

Check to see which house this Full Moon falls in your natal chart to understand what area of your life will be affected.

Virgo rules the bowels and intestines, the abdomen, the digestive tract, and digestion. It also is vital to the nervous system.

Categories for Virgo:

Health, routine work, diet, exercise, holistic being, solitude, purity, completion, service given or received, humility, hygiene, hypochondria, digestion, attention to details, mindfulness, precision, discretion, efficiency, prudent, methodical, anxiety, worry, criticism, lack of self-confidence, public health, ritual, food, the body, illness, workaholic tendencies, nature, healing, routine, order, systems, analysis, focus, practicality, perfectionism, neatness, carefulness, conscientious, over-thinking, employment/employees, medicine.


House meanings:

1st: Body; Physical appearance; How others see (the image you project); Ego

2nd: Values; Material goods; Self-Esteem/Self-Worth; Money

3rd: Siblings/Cousins; Short trips; Communications; Perceptions

4th: Home and family life; Parent; Foundations; Inner life

5th: Children; Fun/Joy; Creativity; Love affairs; Entertainment/Arts

6th: Work; Health; Day-to-day routine/habits; Service

7th: Marriage; One-on-one relationships; Business partners; Enemies/Rivals

8th: Death and taxes; Other people's money/Inheritance; Intimate relationships/Sex; Occult

9th: Higher education; Long-distance travel; Foreign affairs; Spiritual beliefs

10th: Public standing; Career/Profession; Achievement/Success; Parent; Highest calling

11th: Friends; Hopes and dreams; Community; Social causes; Groups

12th: Self-undoing; Unconscious; Hidden realms; Attainment of peace; Places of confinement

Sample Full Moon releases:

• I easily release my workaholic tendencies.

• I easily release any blocks to a holistic healthcare routine.

• I easily release eating foods that upset my digestion.

• I easily release my controlling, perfectionistic behaviors.

• I easily release my habitual worrying.

HANDWRITE 10 releases on a piece of paper, read them aloud, and then safely burn them (the releasing part); do this release within 8 hours of the Full Moon.

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Mary Sutton