Leo New Moon 2021

This month’s NEW MOON falls in the Fire sign of Leo at 16 degrees 14’ August 8, 2021 @ 6:50 AM MST/9:50 AM EDT.


What makes your heart sing? Summon your lion-hearted courage to passionately pursue those things which speak to and from your heart! This month's NEW MOON is fiery. Go for it.

The Sun begins the month in the Fire sign of Leo and moves into the Earth sign of Virgo on August 23rd. The Moon in Leo meets up with the Sun on August 8th at the New Moon. And this New Moon is sandwiched between the Aquarius Full Moon we experienced on July 23rd and the second Aquarius Full Moon we will encounter at the end of the month on August 22nd. These two Full Moons occur at 1 degree and 29 degrees, respectively. We have the opportunity to move from our heads OR our hearts and find the balance between the two, discovering our wisdom.

Both Aquarius and Leo are loving signs; they just look different. Both are fixed signs. Aquarius is intellectual and detached and feels immense compassion for the world; it thinks about the larger group. Leo is passionate and embracing and feels great warmth in its heart for all; it leads from its own perspective. So why are they at odds? They are opposite energies that require balancing to be whole. Figuring out how to be an individual within the group is vital. However, fixed signs always think they are right and will dig in their heels if challenged. I suspect that is why wisdom is so hard to come by!

Wisdom is “thinking” with the heart or using the “heart’s mind” to engage with others. It is not an either-or proposition, either be rational and detached or dramatic and consuming. It is blending them into an and-both ideal, where intellect balances passion and creates a warming breeze or a cozy fire, not a destructive tornado or out-of-control wildfire. These Full Moons sandwiching this New Moon gives us more than a month to find just the right balance. Compassionate wisdom is a prize well worth pursuing.

This Leo New Moon affords us the courage to listen to our heart’s song and follow it, wherever it may lead.

Mercury begins the month in Leo, moves into Virgo on August 12th, and then into Libra on August 31st. Perceptions and communications begin quite passionately, have the potential to ground in practicality or be fussy and critical, then find balance by the month’s end. Mercury is within the New Moon’s orbit, and perceptions about lessons to be learned will be in order. We will be looking at personal versus societal issues again and hopefully find the balance between the two. How do we retain our individuality while being responsible members of society? The answer should become more apparent as the month goes on.

Venus begins the month in Virgo and moves into Libra on August 17th. Venus in Virgo is practical and grounded but can also be critical and demanding. How we choose to engage is up to us. Virgo Venus is caring energy but needs to find the balance between being coolly detached or overly intrusive in its attempt to help. The shift into Libra should feel better if the early part of the month goes back and forth between helping and letting go. Venus is at home in Libra; it feels good there. Libra Venus prefers harmony. May we all find our inner Libra Venus to be soothing mid-month.

Mars is in Virgo the entire month. It is a great time to do some cleaning out of old stuff that no longer serves. After all, that is the theme of 2021. Out with the old, make room for the new. Virgo Mars is active and can accomplish much; it can structure and organize actions. It helps bring order to chaos. The highest use of this energy is in service to creating a better system, to improve things. It gets a boost from Jupiter at the New Moon, as does Mercury, so wisely choose how you want to use those two. Mercury/Mars opposite Jupiter could be a lot of critical, selfish words used internally or projected outwardly. Both are hurtful. Perhaps putting the energy into writing a letter that gets burned would be better than spouting off? Just a suggestion. It is both practical and efficient!

Speaking of Jupiter, it retrograded July 29th into Aquarius, where it stays until the end of the year. Jupiter in Aquarius is concerned with social justice and equality. When a planet is retrograde, it is felt more internally, becoming an opportunity for contemplation. Where are you unjust? With yourself? With others? How are you contributing to the social causes at play in the world today?

Another retrograde planet this month is Aquarius Saturn. It is the energy of old and new combined, progressive structures or rules for changes, an oxymoron. Saturn is concerned with social issues when in Aquarius. What lessons presented this year, this summer, about being socially responsible? Have they been learned or, is there more room to grow? Have you been a willing student, or have lessons been learned the hard way?

Uranus in Taurus turns retrograde on August 20th. That will make five planets retrograde by month’s end. We had a brief respite over the summer from pandemic restrictions, but it seems we will need to rein it in again. Expect the unexpected with changes to stability, courtesy of Taurus Uranus. Like in past months, there is a T-square to Uranus again, made up by Aquarius Saturn and Leo Sun/Moon, that pull Leo Mercury into the mix as well. It is an opportunity to delve deeply into the subconscious muck and challenge those stubborn, fixed beliefs (again), and learn the necessary lessons to move forward, evolve. The beautiful thing about the Universe is it will give us many chances to get it right until it doesn’t. Is everybody ready?

Neptune is retrograde in Pisces, dissolving away what was and bringing forth what is to be. Pisces Neptune opposes Virgo Venus at the New Moon, spiritualizing relationships or dissolving them, whichever is practical, efficient, and necessary. Wherever there is an illusion, you may find confusion. It is essential at this Leo New Moon not to lose yourself in a relationship. It is better to find yourself because of one.

Pluto remains retrograde in Capricorn, destroying that which no longer serves and clearing the ground for new structures. The symbolism of Pluto is plunging deep into the darkness to search for authenticity. Where is your power? Are you using it responsibly? What needs razed to make room for new plantings?

The Sabian symbol for this Leo New Moon is “Volunteer Church Choir makes a Social Event of a Rehearsal.” It is a gathering of choice (volunteer) to create songs (choir) and commune (social event). The imagery speaks to making the ordinary extraordinary, making the most of mundane situations, and having fun. It suggests that lifting our collective voices in harmony lifts us all.

As NEW MOONS are times for planting new emotional seeds, having the courage to cultivate heart-centered wisdom seems, well, wise!

Here are the reminders:

Check to see which house this New Moon falls in your natal chart to understand what area of your life will be affected.

Leo rules the heart, spine, spinal column, upper back, and inflammation.

Categories for Leo:

Loyalty; regal; pride; leadership; fun-loving; childlike; childish; entertainment; glamour; art; creativity; joy; unconditional love; arrogance; generous; philanthropic; inspirational; magnetic; aspiring; hopeful; chivalrous; lion-hearted; courageous; fearlessness; magnanimous; sincere; dictatorial; condescending; promiscuous; fussy; honor; open; fiery; impetuous; warm-hearted; kind; supporting; dignity; independence; self-confident; good organizers; drama; flamboyance; boastful; flattery; pleasure; enjoyment; brilliant; children; romance; art and artistic expression; fun; play; games

Soul lesson = LOVE

 House Meanings:

1st: Body; Physical appearance; How others see (the image you project); Ego

2nd: Values; Material goods; Self-Esteem/Self-Worth; Money

3rd: Siblings/Cousins; Short trips; Communications; Perceptions

4th: Home and family life; Parent; Foundations; Inner life

5th: Children; Fun/Joy; Creativity; Love affairs; Entertainment/Arts

6th: Work; Health; Day-to-day routine/habits; Service

7th: Marriage; One-on-one relationships; Business partners; Enemies/Rivals

8th: Death and taxes; Other people's money/Inheritance; Intimate relationships/Sex; Occult

9th: Higher education; Long-distance travel; Foreign affairs; Spiritual beliefs

10th: Public standing; Career/Profession; Achievement/Success; Parent; Highest calling

11th: Friends; Hopes and dreams; Community; Social causes; Groups

12th: Self-undoing; Unconscious; Hidden realms; Attainment of peace; Places of confinement

Sample New Moon Wishes:

  • I easily embrace the courage to love myself.

  • I readily lead with my heart.

  • I quickly walk away from unloving people.

  • I proudly perform my heart’s song.

  • I easily consume foods that are anti-inflammatory to promote good heart health.

HANDWRITE 10 wishes on a piece of paper, read them aloud, and then safely burn them (the wishing part); do this conscious intention-setting within 8 hours of the New Moon.

"Let this or something greater come to pass."

Rumi quote.jpeg

Mary Sutton