Cancer New Moon 2021

This month’s NEW MOON falls in the Water sign of Cancer at 18 degrees 02’ July 9, 2021 @ 6:17 PM MST/9:17 PM EDT.


The New Moon in Cancer is strong in Water so expect some emotions to be released and a few tears to be shed, understanding ALL happens for our Soul’s growth. How do you nourish and nurture yourself?

The Sun begins the month of July in the water sign of Cancer, ruled by the Moon. The Sun moves into Leo on July 23rd and shifts from watery comfort to fiery fun! As the Sun and Moon are conjunct at the NEW MOON, it feels essential to have compassion while nurturing ourselves. Cancer is associated with Mother energy, so find your internal Mother and invite her to take care of you at this time. What would she say to you to make it “all better”? Which boo-boos would she kiss to make them go away? Often our inner journeys lead us to redefine what healthy mothering means to us and then require us to offer ourselves the nurturing for which we long. This New Moon is an excellent time to grow a new internal Mother, modeled on the one you want, not necessarily the one from your childhood. Draw yourself a bath, eat your favorite foods, or read yourself a bedtime story; learn to nurture yourself, tend your own needs, and be gentle with yourself at this New Moon. Jump in, the water’s fine!

Once the Sun moves into Leo at the end of the month, the energy shifts from emotionality to fiery passion. Cancers and Leos both make great parents; Leos just have more fun parenting due to their childlike nature! It’s a good idea to get your inner Mother ready to parent the youthful energy Leo brings at month’s end.

Mercury is now direct in the Air sign of Gemini, where it is delightfully at home. Witty conversations, rapidly exchanged ideas, and plenty of socialization are the hallmarks of Gemini Mercury, as are frequent short trips. There is more than enough energy to exhaust oneself, so when Mercury shifts into Cancer on July 12th, there may be some emotional release. Mid-month is when things move us to tears, touch us deeply, and conversations take on more emotional importance. The shift of Mercury from Air to Water is noticeable, as much as when Mercury shifts into fiery Leo on July 29th. Expect some emotions brought to the surface mid-month to ignite into fiery passion by the end of the month.

Venus is in Leo at the beginning of July and shifts into Virgo on July 23rd. We will move from passion in our relationships to practicality. The drama we find ourselves engaged with will yield to more measured interactions. We also may feel less love and more criticism at this time. Squirrel away that internal Mother energy you create at the New Moon and love yourself healthily the whole month! Store up the unconditional heart-centered love of Leo to tide you over at the end of the month when Virgo comes in to tidy up and get rid of any excess.

Mars is in Leo throughout July, shifting into Virgo on July 30th. Mars in fiery Leo can mean actions taken in July are self-centered and unyielding or unconditionally loving and inclusive. The energy of Leo Mars can be action-packed and fun, light-hearted and childlike, and courageously loving, or it can be willfully stubborn, selfish, authoritarian, and aggressively bossy. Things will shift once Mars moves into Virgo, but how you use the Leo Mars will pave the way for the Virgo energy to show up, be it healing or critical. Remember, we have free will and choice, so it is up to everyone as to how they are going to use this energy.

Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto are all retrograde this month. Only Uranus is moving direct, indicating changes will happen in our personal lives, whether we want them to or not. This unexpected change leads me back to the beginning of this post; ALL changes occur for our Soul’s growth, even the chaotic ones.

With Jupiter retrograde in Pisces, we have had a glimpse into what’s in store for us most of 2022; Jupiter will retrograde back into Aquarius on July 29th, where it will stay until the end of December when it moves into Pisces for the year. Expect the ideas about social justice that we have grappled with this year to return for us to review, amend, and complete before Jupiter moves forward.

Saturn remains retrograde in Aquarius and continues to square direct Uranus in Taurus, making the case that change is inevitable. The “out with the old, in with the new” nature of this Saturn/Uranus square dynamic does not mean we have to throw the baby out with the bathwater, though! While it is true the only constant in life is change, we do have a say in what type of change we want to produce as a society, both individually and as a group. The Leo Venus/Mars conjunction adds some heat to this tussle. How do you get what you want through willful bullying or unconditional love? Choose wisely. We all live on the same planet despite our differences.

July 4th in America is a celebration of freedom and independence. It is also a time to contemplate the state of our country. Concerning the current political upheaval in the United States, Capricorn Pluto commands our nation re-assess and re-evaluate our relationship with institutional power, as we are well into our Pluto return (Feb 2020 – Jan 2023, exact Feb 18, 2021; Jul 10, 2021, Rx, Dec 25, 2021). Transforming our relationship with governmental power is the purpose of our Pluto return. As our country matures, we are to rework the power dynamics put in place at our founding. The Saturn/Uranus square asks, what stays and what changes? Capricorn Pluto asks how have we defined power in the past and how will we determine it as we move forward? Do the old rules still apply, or have we evolved, and a new set is in order? Do the laws apply evenly across the board, or are they skewed for a seemingly powerful few? Are we, as a nation, wielding our power responsibly with authority, or are we resisting critical changes necessary to modify and re-balance our power and leadership roles? Important questions for us to ponder during the retrogradation of the social/outer planets.

Neptune in Pisces at this time can either spiritualize our country’s transformation or confuse and trick us. Free will and choice coupled with Capricorn Pluto suggest serious consideration and responsible change. Intentionally choosing is the most empowering tool we have at our disposal in these times. Compassion or confusion will reign, dependent upon our degree of awareness.

Use July to reflect upon the bigger picture indicated by Jupiter, the planet of philosophical beliefs. Saturn, the planet which tests our limitations and exposes our “blind spots.” Neptune, the planet of longing for perfection and idealizing our dreams. And Pluto, the planet of endings and new beginnings, transformational change. All these planets are retrograde or paused, allowing us to reset the way forward mindfully.

Our wants and how we achieve them passionately align to produce results that can help us heal our pain and move forward responsibly balanced, provided we pass our tests. The challenge comes from how we respond to the unexpected chaos along the way. Digging deep into our core beliefs about who we are is imperative. Do our outward actions align with our inner philosophy? If not, what would a loving Mother say?

As NEW MOONS are times for planting new emotional ideas, wrapping ourselves in the arms of a nourishing Mother’s LOVE will make it all better. If you didn’t have one growing up, grow yourself a Divine one now! Blessed be.

Here are the reminders:

Check to see which house this New Moon falls in your natal chart to understand what area of your life will be affected.

Cancer rules the stomach and breasts.

Categories for Cancer: 

Feelings; moods; loyalty; Mom/motherhood; home; family; nurturing; caring; empathy; “I feel”; being moody; intuition; receptivity; sensitive; retreating; emotional security; nourishment/food; protection; emotional health; impressions; imaginative; smother love; loyalty; clinging; crabby; thrifty; inner life; instincts; tenderness; awareness of needs; caretaking; fear of rejection; fluid ebb/flow of feelings

Soul lesson = PEACE IN ACTION

 House Meanings:

1st: Body; Physical appearance; How others see (the image you project); Ego

2nd: Values; Material goods; Self-Esteem/Self-Worth; Money

3rd: Siblings/Cousins; Short trips; Communications; Perceptions

4th: Home and family life; Parent; Foundations; Inner life

5th: Children; Fun/Joy; Creativity; Love affairs; Entertainment/Arts

6th: Work; Health; Day-to-day routine/habits; Service

7th: Marriage; One-on-one relationships; Business partners; Enemies/Rivals

8th: Death and taxes; Other people's money/Inheritance; Intimate relationships/Sex; Occult

9th: Higher education; Long-distance travel; Foreign affairs; Spiritual beliefs

10th: Public standing; Career/Profession; Achievement/Success; Parent; Highest calling

11th: Friends; Hopes and dreams; Community; Social causes; Groups

12th: Self-undoing; Unconscious; Hidden realms; Attainment of peace; Places of confinement

Sample New Moon Wishes:

  • I easily comfort and nurture myself when I’m crabby.

  • I readily prepare nourishing foods to relieve my upset stomach.

  • I quickly become emotionally available for myself as needed.

  • I easily tend others by fulfilling my own needs, then fill them from my overflow.

  • I readily cleanse my emotional self with adequate hydration, tub soaks, and gentleness, knowing the caregiver needs care too.

HANDWRITE 10 wishes on a piece of paper, read them aloud, and then safely burn them (the wishing part); do this conscious intention-setting within 8 hours of the New Moon.

"Let this or something greater come to pass."


Mary Sutton