Pisces New Moon 2022

This month’s NEW MOON falls in the Water sign of Pisces at 12 degrees 07’ March 2, 2022 @ 10:35 AM MST/12:35 PM EST.

Happy Spring!

The Vernal Equinox occurs on March 20, 2022 @ 8:34 AM MST/10:34 AM EST.

Pisces Sun/Moon conjunction March 2nd conjunct Pisces Jupiter and Neptune

Can you feel the love tonight? This NEW MOON is strong in the Earth and Water elements, making it strong in receptive, feminine energy. Pisces is the sign of surrender and merging, releasing, and letting go of control. It is passive energy, and passivity is associated with the feminine. Unfortunately, passivity has long been equated with weakness. But, all women understand just how strong they are, provided they do not buy into believing they are weak.

Pisces is a spiritual sign, one of deep connection with the whole of the Universe. Compassion, empathy, stillness, patience, kindness, tenderness, and cooperation all are traits that belong to the Piscean vibe. So too does deception, illusion, lack of boundaries, and naivety. The energy of feeling lost or disconnected can also become heightened with this sign. Of course, how we use this beautiful potential resides with our intentions.

Pisces is associated with the dream state, higher vision, and connection with Source. One way to use the energy of this NEW MOON is to envision your highest ideals and dream them into reality, bringing Heaven down to Earth. The combination of Sun/Moon/Jupiter/Neptune in Pisces is a spiritual dream come true or a fantasy continued. Illusion and delusion may be at hand if one is ungrounded on the Earth plane. It is easy to have that "head in the clouds" feeling at this NEW MOON. Rely on the solid Capricorn energy to help bring your dreams down into reality.

Earlier in the year, I cautioned you to be careful how you word things, the intense Pisces energy of manifestation is here. When you speak, speak with positive intention. Be specific about what you DO want. Avoid negativity. What we focus upon is what we bring into existence. Be aware of your thoughts, words, actions, and habits. Where your focus goes, energy flows!

On March 18th, the Full Moon in Virgo @ 27 degrees 40' will appear, just before the Vernal Equinox. The Full Moon is a time of releasing, letting go of that which no longer serves, to make room for what is to come. What a beautiful sentiment before Spring begins, cleaning out the cosmic closet to make room for what's just around the corner. How exciting!

Virgo is the energy of perfectionism, criticism, order, worry, and control; release being hard on yourself, too critical, routines that keep you stuck, anxiety, or workaholic tendencies. Virgo also rules health so let go of things that stand in the way of being healthy and fit. Don't be too restrictive with yourself that you end up being all work and no fun, though. Remember, the true energy of Virgo is perfecting, not perfection!

Sun in Pisces until the 20th, then Sun in Aries at the Vernal Equinox

Expect Spring to usher in new compassion for old wounds. We've all been through so much of late that a breath of fresh air is undoubtedly welcomed! Treat others the way you want to be treated. Be loving to yourself and those you connect with, casually or intimately.

Sun in Pisces is compassionate energy, heightened by Pisces Jupiter and Neptune. This is sensitive energy, open and vulnerable. This much Pisces is universal, unconditional spiritual love at its best; it's an easy-going, easy-flowing vibe. Be one with the cosmic currents but be careful not to get swamped. Feelings could get hurt. Taking the time to clarify conversations and meanings will help sort things through. Forgiveness is a Pisces ideal too.

The beginning of Spring is the beginning of a new cycle astrologically. At the end of the month, when the Sun moves into Aries on the first day of Spring, the energy dramatically shifts. Pisces is a water sign, and Aries is a fire sign. Fire signs are passionate and action-oriented, enough of this floating around, time to get things done! If life has stalled up until now, expect it to get moving, and probably quite quickly! Aries packs a lot of punch.

Mercury in Aquarius until the 11th, then Mercury in Pisces until the 27th, then Mercury shifts into Aries on the 28th

Mercury remains in Aquarius until the 11th, when it will shift into Pisces. Later in the month, it will move into Aries. We will experience three very different ways of expression in March. Aquarius Mercury is cool and detached, intellectual and sharp; Pisces Mercury is sensitive and compassionate, quick to identify with another; and Aries Mercury can be quick-tempered, rash, and a bit dramatic. How appropriate for Spring that winds and words will be changeable! It might feel how people are speaking is all over the place, and it indeed may be, just know that as always, this too shall pass.

Venus in Capricorn until the 6th, then Venus shifts into Aquarius; Capricorn Venus conjunct Capricorn Mars until March 12th

Capricorn Venus has brought us many lessons about how to be more practical in our relationships, how complicated relationships can be, and how to have discipline within them, first with ourselves, then others. Venus begins the month of March in Capricorn, then moves into Aquarius within about a week. Due to retrogradation, Venus has been in Capricorn since November 2021, so when she shifts signs, it will be noticeable.

Aquarius Venus is okay with doing it alone. She has a streak of independence about her and isn't afraid to use it! Relating via Aquarius is less messy, although sometimes it can seem cold. Doing things your way without concern for others may feel a bit rebellious, but sometimes the situation calls for it. Venus in Aquarius is a great time to gather with friends or do things with like-minded Souls. You come together, have fun, share some ideas, split the check, and head in different directions to your separate homes, unless you live in a commune. The main difference between Venus and how she interacts in each sign is practical responsibility and chaotic rebellion, or being who others say you should be versus being your authentic self! Enjoy the change while it lasts.

Mars in Capricorn until the 6th, then Mars shifts into Aquarius; Capricorn Mars conjunct Capricorn Venus until March 12th

Despite their different orbits, Mars in Capricorn is hand in hand with Capricorn Venus. Within 1 degree of each other, they will travel for 28 days; a matched set until March 12th. The combination is noteworthy because they typically pass by each other quickly and continue their separate ways. After Venus’ long time spent in Capricorn encouraging us to be responsible in our relationships, Venus and Mars together offer us the opportunity to take necessary action to secure what we value and want. Mars is exalted in Capricorn; therefore, we will get the highest results when our actions are based on the most practical and truest values.

Mars too shifts from Cap into Aquarius on the 6th, ushering in a new way to take action. Were you following the rules until now? It's time for a change. Aquarius Mars is a bit of a rebel warrior, taking action for humanity, or simply an agent of chaos. Following the beat of your own drummer this month and marching to your own tune, Mars in Aquarius is independent and does what he likes.

Jupiter in Pisces

Jupiter is at home in Pisces, its ancient ruler before the discovery of Neptune. Jupiter, the planet of joy, abundance, and expansion, bathes the world with compassion in Pisces. Jupiter continues its trek through Pisces, cozying up to this New Moon, making it all the more tender. Now is the time to dream big and make your wishes come true; the extra pixie-dust that Jupiter bestows grants wishes, or minimally, gives you a happy boost!

Saturn in Aquarius

Saturn continues its journey through Aquarius, reminding us to be responsible to the communities in which we live. Aquarius Saturn is socially responsible energy that asks us to think about the good of the whole and work to serve it well. Saturn is conjunct Mercury at the New Moon, asking us to speak conscientiously, maturely, and sensibly. Saturn is the taskmaster of the Zodiac, showing us where lessons are meant to be learned. Aquarius is the sign of Brotherhood. What lessons still need to be learned regarding our fellow wo/man? Learn the lesson well, and we all get a recess; don’t, and it is back to the books! Saturn in Aquarius teaches us that with boundaries, we attain true freedom.

Uranus in Taurus

Taurus Uranus continues its journey generating unexpected earthquakes as it continues moving forward. Uranus breaks up stagnate areas of our lives that need to change. Taurus desires to create stability and permeance. So, these two are currently working on our problems from two different angles. Once Uranus tosses its lightning bolts at the ground, what is left will be building blocks worthy of being built upon again. What exciting times we are living in!

Neptune in Pisces

Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces, continues to amaze and confuse. This placement has so much spiritual potential but much room for deception too. Neptune is a dreamy blue planet enshrouded in mystery. It is visionary and altruistic. But one can get lost in its allure and fly off into the ethers. Fortunately, there is a strong earth component to this New Moon to keep us grounded and tethered to reality. That makes it safe to nestle into your grandest dreams and imagine a way to make them real.

Pluto in Capricorn

These are fascinating times to be living in, witnessing history as it unfolds. The Pluto in Capricorn return in the chart of the United States is here, and it continues to work at transforming our ideas of power within our government and institutions. What needs to change, and what needs to remain to be improved upon, evolved? The responsible use of power, growing to use power properly, is the opportunity being gifted to us by the heavens. May we responsibly wield power in our lives and not accrue power by taking from others.

Using this time to responsibly empower yourself through personal transformation is the best gift you can deposit into the collective cosmic bank!

As NEW MOONS are times to set new intentions, allow your imagination to dream big dreams, then, bring them down to Earth!

Here are the reminders:

Check to see which house this New Moon falls in your natal chart to understand what area of your life will be affected.

Pisces rules the feet and toes.

Categories for Pisces 

Merging; immersion; cosmic; consciousness; expansive; cosmic ocean; unconscious mind; collective; archetypes; dreams; sleep; fantasy; illusion; unknown; prisons; hospitals; self-undoing; confinement; peace; ultimate freedom; divine; mysticism; atonement; singularity; spirit; guides; confusion; imagination; chaos; bliss; ecstasy; surrender; inner peace; angels; divination; channeling; akashic records; solitude; compassion; disconnect; misinformation; deception; longing; escapism; drug/alcohol addictions; hypnosis; movies; imagery; sensitivity; dreamy; kind; secret enemies; self-sacrifice; idealism; victimhood.


House meanings:

1st: Body; Physical appearance; How others see (the image you project); Ego

2nd: Values; Material goods; Self-Esteem/Self-Worth; Money

3rd: Siblings/Cousins; Short trips; Communications; Perceptions

4th: Home and family life; Parent; Foundations; Inner life

5th: Children; Fun/Joy; Creativity; Love affairs; Entertainment/Arts

6th: Work; Health; Day-to-day routine/habits; Service

7th: Marriage; One-on-one relationships; Business partners; Enemies/Rivals

8th: Death and taxes; Other people's money/Inheritance; Intimate relationships/Sex; Occult

9th: Higher education; Long-distance travel; Foreign affairs; Spiritual beliefs

10th: Public standing; Career/Profession; Achievement/Success; Parent; Highest calling

11th: Friends; Hopes and dreams; Community; Social causes; Groups

12th: Self-undoing; Unconscious; Hidden realms; Attainment of peace; Places of confinement

Sample New Moon Wishes:

I easily engage my active imagination and dream big!

I easily tap into Divine compassion for all.

I readily go with the flow.

I easily forgive.

I effortlessly allow myself to feel unconditional love.

HANDWRITE 10 wishes on a piece of paper, read them aloud, and then safely burn them (the wishing part); do this conscious intention-setting within 8 hours of the New Moon.

"Let this or something greater come to pass."

Dream BIG dreams…and make magic happen!


Mary Sutton