Libra New Moon 2022
This month's NEW MOON falls in the Air sign of Libra at 2 degrees 49' September 25th, 2022 @ 2:56 PM MST/5:56 PM EDT.
Ground yourself in the ideals of harmony and peace.
Hello Autumnal Equinox, Welcome! Happy Fall, Everyone!
Libra Sun/Moon conjunction
On September 22nd, we received the gift of a breath of fresh air as the seasons shifted, and we began our journey toward shorter days. The fall equinox is a beautiful time that reminds us to find our balance again. With the activity and energy of the summer behind us, we begin to settle into a more constant rhythm, balancing action with routine, doing with being.
The Libra New Moon on September 25th brings home this idea of restoring balance and harmony within our lives. The Air sign of Libra encourages our relationship ideals to realign and find their equilibrium. Libra supports us in finding the mid-point between them and us and helps us hold that center. Libra is fair-minded, socially adept, a lover of beauty, and a defender of justice. She encourages us to develop the right relationship with ourselves and then extend that to those we encounter especially one-on-one. Libra revels in relating to others in a balanced and just way, listening to another's point of view, and considering it when weighing an idea or considering a course of action. When out of balance, Libra becomes a people-pleaser without boundaries, making the world feel unjust, unfair, and exhausting. Finding the middle ground is the gift of Libra.
Libra, ruled by the planet Venus, supports the artist within to express herself and create pleasantry. As a cardinal sign, Libra encourages us to begin finding the beauty within and without. This New Moon is strong in Earth and Air, allowing us to bring our creative ideas down to Earth and ground them so we may fashion something of substance from our thoughts. Ideas can get a firm foothold at this New Moon.
With Mercury retrograde at this New Moon, lasting through October 2nd, we go within to find our boundaries, teasing ourselves away from others, so we may better relate. But, separating us from others may be a challenge. There are two significant aspects of this New Moon, a grand trine in Earth that offers subtle but grounding support for necessary changes and a T-square to Gemini Mars, where we find a challenge. The T-square to Gemini Mars involves Virgo Venus and Pisces Neptune, so knowing if we are acting from our desire or someone else's may leave us guessing and somewhat confused. We may not be able to make up our minds, potentially leading to the inability to move in any direction. Remember to look within to meet this challenge and take a minute or so in prayer for guidance.
The Sabian symbol for the missing leg of this square states, "Pelicans disturbed by the garbage of people move their young to a new habitat." This phrase suggests if the situations you find yourself in are toxic, get out! Find your inner peace this Libra New Moon, even if it requires significant change.
FULL MOON in Aries @ 16 degrees 33'
The Full Moon in Aries arrives on October 9th @ 1:55 PM MST/4:55 PM EDT and encourages us to ACT. At the New Moon, there was confusion about which direction to take and what action to embrace. At this Full Moon, the discipline to act is supported by Aquarius Saturn in a grand trine with the Libra Sun and Gemini Mars. Our heads will have more clarity, and the direction to move is sharper now. We still may be able to see more than one choice but the discipline to see which option aligns with our ideals comes into sharper view.
Take the action which aligns with YOU. This time is a time of new possibility, the hope for better things, and a new way of life. Choose the action that moves you forward at this time without apology.
Sun in Libra until the 24th, then Sun in Scorpio
Sun in Libra is a refreshing time, a new season, and a time to relate anew. Libra is the season to right wrongs, correct imbalances, and return to a pleasant, peaceful equilibrium. Libra is about relationships with others, how we socialize, how civil we engage, and how fair with are with each other. Where do we need to correct course in how we relate with each other? The Sun in Libra nudges us to interact harmoniously, politely, respectfully, calmly, and considerately with each other.
This New Moon engages Virgo Mercury/Venus with the Libra Sun/Moon, suggesting we look at where we may be too critical in our opinions of others. Perhaps speaking more directly and efficiently versus judgmentally with each other is in order. After all, as the saying goes, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, supposing one wants to catch flies.
The Sun remains in Libra until October 24th, when it will move into Scorpio. Scorpio is a transformational time when that which no longer serves dies away to make room for whatever comes next. Scorpio is when we fully experience the dying off of the summer season.
Mercury in Virgo retrograde (Rx) until October 2nd when it turns direct. Mercury moves into Libra on October 11th, then moves into Scorpio on October 30th
Mercury begins the month of October retrograded in Virgo. October 2nd, it will turn direct, and by October 17th, it will be out of its shadow and back to where it was before turning retrograde. Whew!
Mercury moves back into Libra on October 11th, where it will stay until it moves into Scorpio at the end of the month. Mercury in Virgo is exacting. It speaks sharply and sometimes critically. It does not suffer fools and expects perfection, so it is often disappointed with the human experience. But, when Mercury moves into Libra, the mood shifts and lightens.
Libra Mercury recognizes the beauty of being human and is more forgiving and kinder in its words. Mercury is happy in Libra. Being an Air sign, it is more comfortable with ideas, communications, comments, and verbal exchanges. The civility of Libra Mercury is welcome once the leaves change and we gather more indoors, in closer quarters with each other. There is a pleasant crispness to the words used to socialize and relate.
On October 30th, Mercury leaves Libra and moves into Scorpio, where it intuitively rests and discreetly observes. Mercury in Scorpio is uncannily piercing and knows what cannot be known. It is much heavier and more serious energy than Libra Mercury, so the change will be felt when it shifts.
Venus in Libra moves into Scorpio October 24th
Venus begins the month of October in Libra, the sign she rules. She is happy there. In Libra, Venus strives for beauty, peace, harmony, and grace. She rules partnerships and marriage, as well as finances and money. Venus is an excellent time of the year to beautify your surroundings, be it home, workspace, or a space in your meditation garden. Libra Venus likes to socialize, visit the museum, attend the symphony, or catch the latest art show in the city. While Venus is in Libra, enjoy the finer things in life, wherever you can, within your budget.
Venus moves into Scorpio on October 24th, and the energy is different. Scorpio Venus is somber and complex, penetratingly deep. Relationships become more intense when Venus shifts into Scorpio, which can be more explosive and possibly more controlling. Yet, there is a deep and undeniable connection, with Scorpio Venus able to relate to even the most difficult topics, making connecting at this time memorable and lasting.
Mars in Gemini turns retrograde on October 30th, where it will stay until January 2023
Gemini Mars is an excellent time to journal and write down your thoughts, ideas, and what you want to communicate. Sometimes putting it down on paper (or on the computer) makes it easier to discern a course of action. Mars in Gemini may take two steps forward and one step back, then zig to the left and zag to the right! Mars in Gemini, which way do I go?
Alas, sometimes confusion is the goal. Gemini Mars can be trickster energy, confusing itself with sleight of hand or smoke-and-mirror tricks. Be aware that you may trip yourself up this month. It's okay. Laugh when you take yourself too seriously, then get up and move in another direction until you find your way. And if you don't, consider the adventure of it all. Lessons about what not to do are worthy lessons too. We can always learn from our mistakes.
Jupiter in Aries Rx
Aries Jupiter remains retrograde. Has it been hard to be optimistic or happy-go-lucky? Or do you only have enough optimism to get you by, with nothing left to share? Grace is a perplexing concept. It truly is a gift from the Heavens, designed to bolster our spirits and lighten our loads. It is given to us only when the Universe deems it necessary, whether or not we feel worthy.
The challenge with Jupiter retrograde is that we may be graced and not recognize it. And that is the consideration while this energy remains backward. Find the areas in your life where you are blessed and graced by the Divine. It may be small or monumental. Whatever it is, find your grace and be grateful. How has grace shaped you? What have you learned about yourself through contemplation at this time of going within?
Retrograde Aries Jupiter is an excellent time to begin a spiritual practice, individual to you.
Saturn in Aquarius Rx, turns direct October 23rd
The Saturn/Uranus square continues its challenging aspect, bringing with it the labor contractions of the world in its attempt to birth something new. No, we are not through this laborious process yet. But it, too, will pass. And, when it does, we will enter a new phase of humanity, challenged and changed.
Aquarius Saturn direct will continue to work toward the betterment of society as a whole. It is the work of the people, the community where we gather and socialize to build that which serves us all.
Uranus in Taurus Rx
The changes we have been undergoing as a society are necessary and Divinely ordained, AKA, written in the stars. What is unwritten, though, is how we choose to go through these changes and how we come out in the end. Expecting the unexpected allows us to be flexible and change course when obstacles or unforeseen circumstances complicate our way.
Uranus, the great light-bearer, shows us the way by lighting up the darkness and showering illumination on what once was hidden. It is good to see things anew in the light. Sometimes the light dispels the frightening shadows, revealing only everyday items that cast scary outlines. Occasionally the light spotlights what needs to be repaired, restored, or realigned. Whatever changes Uranus brings, those changes evolve humanity, whether we recognize it or not, or whether or not we like those changes. It is important to remember this, especially now when so much seems out of our control. The Universe has our back while the roller coaster continues!
Neptune in Pisces Rx
Love your neighbor as yourself. But what happens when we don't love ourselves? The illusion of separation is perhaps the most challenging confusion of all. Neptune in Pisces is working to dissolve the idea that we are separate and disconnected. It stands in opposition to Virgo, Mercury, and Venus at this New Moon and asks us to look deeply within and resolve this illusionary trick that keeps us from being at peace within ourselves and our world.
Pluto in Capricorn Rx, turns direct October 8th
Capricorn Pluto continues transforming those things that need to change so we may advance. After October 8th, expect to see the changes that were happening just under the surface come more into the light. Remember, Capricorn loves to succeed, so Capricorn Pluto continues hammering away at what needs to go. The Universe is not out to punish us. It is simply supporting us so we may choose to advance. Look to see where you are stuck in your life and release that which no longer serves. It is for your good.
As NEW MOONS are for creating new emotional beginnings, use this Libra New Moon to create peace and harmony in your world. Begin something beautiful! Settle into a more balanced and fair life.
Here are the reminders:
Check to see which house this NEW MOON falls in your natal chart to understand what area of your life will be affected.
Libra rules the kidneys and bladder, and lumbar area.
Categories for Libra:
Relationships; culture; beauty; sophistication; balance; equality; harmony; fairness; justice; injustice; out of balance; tipped scales; co-dependency; marriage; business partners; art museums; genteel society; music; agreements; negotiation; peace; cooperation; grace; inability to commit; indecision; fence-sitting; mediation; flip-floppy; back and forth; cooperation; one on one relationships; social graces; cultural interests; equilibrium; moderation; gentleness; charm; accommodation; peacemaker; tact; companionship.
House meanings:
1st: Body; Physical appearance; How others see (the image you project); Ego
2nd: Values; Material goods; Self-Esteem/Self-Worth; Money
3rd: Siblings/Cousins; Short trips; Communications; Perceptions
4th: Home and family life; Parent; Foundations; Inner life
5th: Children; Fun/Joy; Creativity; Love affairs; Entertainment/Arts
6th: Work; Health; Day-to-day routine/habits; Service
7th: Marriage; One-on-one relationships; Business partners; Enemies/Rivals
8th: Death and taxes; Other people's money/Inheritance; Intimate relationships/Sex; Occult
9th: Higher education; Long-distance travel; Foreign affairs; Spiritual beliefs
10th: Public standing; Career/Profession; Achievement/Success; Parent; Highest calling
11th: Friends; Hopes and dreams; Community; Social causes; Groups
12th: Self-undoing; Unconscious; Hidden realms; Attainment of peace; Places of confinement
Sample New Moon Wishes:
· I easily begin a new creative project.
· I readily embrace balance in my life.
· I happily socialize this month.
· I easily find harmony in my relationships.
· I come into the right balance within myself, simply.
HANDWRITE 10 wishes on a piece of paper, read them aloud, and then safely burn them (the wishing part); do this conscious intention-setting within 8 hours of the New Moon.
"Let this or something greater come to pass."
Find your Zen.