Pisces New Moon 2023

This month's NEW MOON falls in the Water sign of Pisces at 1 degree 22' on February 20th, 2023 @ 12:06 AM MST/2:06 AM EST.

Here's the PISCES NEW MOON chart:

Sun/Moon in Pisces @ 1 degree 22' conjunct Aquarius Saturn

Mercury in Aquarius: Now is the time to listen to those bolt-out-of-the-blue ideas. What unique ideas are you considering that express your individuality and innovative style? What's your vision?

Venus in Pisces: This is a dreamy time to connect and feel another person's feelings. This placement gives a heightened sense of compassion and unconditional love. It's easy to lose yourself at this time. Merge carefully. Tune into your intuition.

Mars in Gemini: Oh, so many choices! Mars in Gemini is speeding forward, making up for the lost time of retrogradation. Just remember, it's okay to change your mind and go in a different direction. You may be going in many different directions at one time! Breathe and get your bearings. It's an excellent time to catch up with friends or siblings.

Jupiter in Aries: Expand the awareness of your journey by accepting whatever Cosmic gift comes your way. They all allow you to explore your unique path and maybe do some healing. Enjoy! Life is an adventure, and it is big and bold now.

Saturn in Aquarius: Use Saturn as a tether to reality this watery Pisces New Moon. Build better ideas that responsibly serve you and others.

Neptune in Pisces: It is a graceful time to immerse yourself in Universal beauty. There is much compassion, forgiveness, music, art, delight, and illusion to merge with at this New Moon. Take a Cosmic dive into the Divine ocean and follow your intuition wherever it leads. Go with the flow, live in harmony, and create peace within and without.

Pluto in Capricorn: Responsible transformation continues. Finish up what needs doing so Pluto can shift into Aquarius without excess baggage. What are you building anew?

Chiron in Aries: Heal misconceptions about yourself. Forge your own path to healing.

This NEW MOON is strong in WATER. There will be many feelings swirling about, so it will be essential to anchor oneself to reality. Remember, life is NOT happening TO us; it is happening FOR us.

This New Moon is an opportunity to engage the lessons we have learned about the rules/laws of our group/society and to separate illusions and dreams from reality. This Pisces time is spiritual and intuitively heightened. Use it to connect to your highest Self and contribute to the world from that space.

Aquarius Saturn is conjunct this Pisces New Moon, giving us some boundaried structure to all the compassion in the ethers. Saturn offers direction on tapping into the deep well of compassion and forgiveness available for others and ourselves at this time. Saturn asks that we do the necessary work so the flow of unconditional love can dissolve all that does not belong. Dissolution of any obstacles to this cosmic love is both for us and for society at large.

Venus and Neptune are conjunct with each other in Pisces, adding to this moment'smoment's warm and loving feeling. What are your dreams/fantasies about relationships, money, values, and resources? Use the Saturn anchor of this New Moon to make your dreams a reality and bring Heaven down to Earth.

Another critical aspect of this Pisces New Moon is Aries Jupiter conjunct with Aries Chiron. This conjunction offers a gift of healing wounded feelings around self-identity or feeling alone on your journey. It supports you in finding your way along your unique path.

As NEW MOONS are for creating new emotional beginnings, this Pisces New Moon invites us to plant seeds of compassion and forgiveness for all members of society and to grow a world rooted in unconditional Divine love.

Check which house this NEW MOON falls in your natal chart to understand what area of your life will be affected.


Categories for Pisces:

Merging; immersion; cosmic; consciousness; expansive; cosmic ocean; unconscious mind; collective; archetypes; dreams; sleep; fantasy; illusion; unknown; prisons; hospitals; self-undoing; confinement; peace; ultimate freedom; divine; mysticism; atonement; singularity; spirit; guides; confusion; imagination; chaos; bliss; ecstasy; surrender; inner peace; angels; divination; channeling; akashic records; solitude; compassion; disconnect; misinformation; deception; longing; escapism; drug/alcohol addictions; hypnosis; movies; imagery; sensitivity; dreamy; kind; secret enemies; self-sacrifice; idealism; victimhood.

On the physical plane: Pisces rules the feet and toes.

Sample New Moon Wishes:

  • I easily express loving forgiveness and compassion in the world.

  • I readily anchor my emotions so I may use them most healthily.

  • I am easily open to my intuition and find my highest good.

  • I effortlessly surrender to the Cosmic flow and find peace.

  • I readily offer forgiveness when appropriate.

Trust your intuition and see where it leads…

Mary Sutton