Aries New Moon 2022


This month’s NEW MOON falls in the Fire sign of Aries at 11 degrees 30’ March 31, 2022 @ 11:23 PM MST/April 1, 2022 @ 2:24 AM EDT.

Happy Spring 2022!

Aries Sun/Moon conjunction March 31st/April 1st conjunct Aries Mercury and Chiron

Spring is in the air! It's time for a fresh start, a do-over, if you will. This New Moon is strong in the element of FIRE, making it extra passionate, fired up, and ready to go. Sun/Moon/Mercury/Chiron are all conjunct at this New Moon, working together to bring something new into existence, creating opportunity for a different path forward, one that can begin our unique healing journey.

A common theme we have been working with for a while now is the idea of self and others. This New Moon is no exception. Aries's powerfully independent and self-oriented energy conflicts with the Aquarian energy of the collective self, society as a whole. We are still tussling with where we stop, and others begin. And while (hopefully) we are busy rectifying this internally, our projections onto our world continue. Aries warrior energy is engaged on the other side of the globe, with one country deciding its self-interests are more important than another society's freedom and community. Self-love, not self-interest, is the key to disengaging this old conflictual pattern. At some point in developing human consciousness, we will understand that when we strike at another, we strike at ourselves. We are all connected in this, different facets of humanity, collective pieces of a sacred One. Until we get this right, we are bound to repeat history and continue to war with each other.

Aries Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is conjunct Aries Sun/Moon/Mercury, suggesting that perhaps it is time to heal the wounded masculine (Aries ruled by Mars) that continues to lead via aggression, death, and destruction? New ways are waiting to be forged. When is a better time to start anew?

This New Moon energy brings forward the idea of individuality, where we are strong, and where there is pain left to resolve. Until we grasp the concept that we are individuals within a collective, the wheels on the bus continue going ‘round and ‘round. May we choose to act consciously, moving ahead toward independent but civil actions that meet the needs of both individuals and society. For now, though, self-interests remain on display.

On April 16th, the Full Moon in Libra @ 26 degrees 46' will appear and perhaps shine its light on the unfairness, inequality, and barbarianism in which we, as a whole, still engage. The Full Moon is a time of release, letting go, and making room for what is to come. Perhaps we will release any indecision that keeps us from relating in civil, kind, and just ways with ourselves and others.

Libra is the energy of justice, relationships, and diplomacy. Release any imbalances in your relationships that deny your right to count too! Release being unfair to yourself, unkind to yourself, putting others ahead of you, and not figuring yourself into the equation—release apathy to your own condition, rebalance the scales!

Sun in Aries until the 21st, then Sun in Taurus

Sun in Aries is a quick-moving, energetic time. It is a time of new beginnings, moving forward, and striking out on our own. It is a wandering time, a time of adventure and new explorations. It is an excellent time to begin a new routine, start a new habit, or simply "get moving." Use this Aries Sun time to do those things you have been procrastinating. Be aware that Aries also rules anger, quick-tempers, rash actions, and war. Consciously use your head (governed by Aries) to keep your wits about you and take courageous actions that propel you forward versus falling into the raging abyss.

The Sun moves from the Fire sign of Aries into the Earth sign of Taurus on April 21st. Taurus energy can stabilize and potentially snuff Aries’ raging fire; may that be the way we choose. I would love to say that the war will peter out and die down, but Taurus is a fixed sign with staying power, so digging in and sustaining may occur instead.

Mercury in Aries until the 12th, then Mercury in Taurus until the 30th, then Mercury shifts into Gemini on the 30th

April is another month where we experience the changing nature of Mercury, the planet of communications and perceptions. Expect to experience the passionate, fiery nature of quick-tempered, rash Aries Mercury at the beginning of April. While Aries Mercury is pretty quick to get over any verbal altercations, sometimes there are quite a few. Take care to slow things down and follow your unique and intuitive guidance at the beginning of the month to avoid getting carried away by argumentative or egocentric words.

On April 13th, Mercury shifts into Taurus, which slows things down without effort, deliberating and unhurriedly processing any communications coming through the ethers. Mercury Taurus is slower, more manageable, and occasionally stubborn energy. Once Taurus Mercury concludes it is correct, it is often immovable. It does not argue the way Aries Mercury will; it will simply dig in and not budge. Taurus Mercury communicates what we value and what we want to possess. Pay attention to the messages it shares toward the middle of the month. It may enlighten you about something you value or want.

Mercury feels right at home in its sign Gemini by April 30th. Expect communications to lighten up and anticipate enjoying lively conversations with friends and acquaintances. Although, you should expect that there may be some deception (misinformation) in the air. Gemini Mercury can be a bit of trickster energy, so make sure you are in on the joke at the end of the month and don’t get fooled along the way.

Venus in Aquarius until the 6th, then Venus shifts into Pisces; Venus/Mars conjunction at the beginning of the month (separating)

Venus and Mars have been traveling in conjunction for a couple of months now, asking us to reflect on how we get what we want and how we relate with others. I suspect there have been a few opportunities to understand yourself better within relationships these past few months. Did you discover if you are more of a lover or a fighter? If you tend toward Venus, you are more of a lover. A lover of beauty, art, civility, and culture is probably shocked by the destruction seen in the world right now. Why can’t we simply get along?

Venus/Mars traveled through Capricorn, teaching us lessons about how we interact with others, what responsibilities were ours, and which belonged to another. When we traveled through Aquarius, they allowed us to broaden our friend groups, consider how we get what we want as individuals within a society (a long-running theme by now), and engage our independence. After the 6th, as they shift into Pisces, they offer us the opportunity to develop compassion, consider where we lose ourselves in relationships, and ask us to delve into any illusions we have surrounding what we want and how we go about obtaining what we want. They begin separating as the month progresses, so any loose ends you have this month concerning lessons learned these past few months bless and release. This extended Venus/Mars journey has served us all very well.

Mars in Aquarius until the 16th, then Mars shifts into Pisces; Mars/Venus conjunction at the beginning of the month (separating)

If you side with Mars, you are more of a fighter and might be angered by the state of the world as it upsets your warrior spirit. Or you may feel there are no other options but to engage with intense fierceness. Whatever your alignment, this lengthy conjunction has asked us to weigh the sides of love and beauty versus war and aggression. Where do you come down on the issue? Is there a time to be a lover? Is there a time to be a fighter? Are we and/both versus either/or? (Hint:  YES)

Pisces Mars is the energy of a spiritual warrior. Mars in Pisces feels a bit out of its element, very much a fish out of water. Mars is a fiery planet in a water sign; sometimes, this can feel like disjointed action, and sometimes it feels like overwhelm. You may start to do something, be taken off course, and then forget you have even started something. It's okay. This too shall pass! Pisces Mars energy is spiritualized action that compassionately acts on behalf of us all. May we utilize it well, pursuing what we want via the best version of ourselves, tending to our needs but not squelching the needs of others.

Jupiter in Pisces

Jupiter was the traditional ruler of Pisces before the discovery of Neptune, so it is delighted in this sign. Jupiter in Pisces has been asking us to develop and show more compassion, kindness, forgiveness, and lightness to the world. It asks us to see where we are open to deception and lies, where illusion takes the upper hand, and to choose in a more enlightened, spiritual manner what we believe and where we put our faith. Humanity is at a crossroads that can result in its upward evolution if we wake up and recognize our true nature. We are spiritual beings here for a physical experience, be aware of what soils your spirit. And remember, we are created in the image of our Creator/Creatrix; therefore, we ALL have Divine DNA. Use yours wisely.

Saturn in Aquarius

At this New Moon, Saturn is traveling with Venus/Mars emphasizing the lesson of love and beauty, war and aggression. Saturn in Aquarius continues to teach us lessons about society, humanity, and responsible independence. It also helps us learn about our unique calling and what we have to offer the world at this time, standing at the crossroads. What lessons in your life contribute to the good of us all? Aquarius Saturn is fixed in how it approaches learning, but it offers reliable, enlightened learning that achieves success for all. The lessons we are learning may seem detached and a bit rough, but they are necessary for growth. Tough love from the Universe but lessons that serve us well once learned. Lessons that carry us upwards in humanity's evolution.

Saturn, being a taskmaster, is not easy. Please review world history if you believe we should be over this already. Evolution, and changes throughout revolutionary times, is a slow and deliberate process involving steps backward and forward. Please be patient with your world. We are here to do God/Goddess' work, not complete it. What work is left for you to do? With this Aries New Moon energy at your back, get started!

Uranus in Taurus

Uranus is a changer, breaking down structures that no longer serve. Uranus continues in Taurus, creating earthquakes every corner we turn, breaking up stagnation, and clearing the way for new paths to open. Beware of the explosiveness of the times, remembering that while we do not control what happens, we do control how we react to what happens. Continue to expect the unexpected; who thought we'd be where we are now?

It is essential to value hope and progress as we watch our world evolve and change. The changes and breaks that Uranus brings are always progressive. Although we may have to go through dark times to get there, they bring enlightenment. Mother Earth is asking us to pay attention, give up our self-centered, self-interest-serving ways and broaden our perspectives to include changes that respect our planet and each other.

Uranus is square (challenging) Mars at the New Moon, an opportunity for explosive anger and fighting. Meeting the challenge means recognizing the need to take new and evolved action, thus creating forward movement upon a new path. After all, Aries can forge a new direction and pioneer a new way to guide us all! May the world experience the grace of meeting this challenge.

Neptune in Pisces

Pisces Neptune is working with Pisces Jupiter to spiritualize the world at this time, offering us an opportunity to lighten and brighten our world. We see this in action through the compassion and concern for the victims and refugees of this pointless attack. Pisces Neptune reminds us of our true nature and calls like a siren to follow it. Neptune also positively aspects transformational Capricorn Pluto on this New Moon, gently thrusting us forward without being the wiser. Go ahead, set your alarm, roll out of bed, open your eyes, and consciously create the world you wish to see with the Divine! Snap out of the unconscious slumber of self-interest and awaken to our expansive spiritual nature is supported by the Cosmos at this New Moon. Begin. 

Pluto in Capricorn retrogrades April 29th until October 2022

Pluto continues in Capricorn throughout this year. It turns retrograde at the end of the month and will stay that way through the fall. Pluto in Capricorn, responsible transformation, may feel like it is taking a step backward when it retrogrades. But fear not, changes may simply go underground and reconstruct those things we cannot easily see. Retrograde periods afford us the opportunity to pause and reflect. Changes to the structures and government that we have seen unfold since 2008 continue to change throughout 2022, even in retrogradation periods. As the United States continues to experience its Pluto return, we find ourselves questioning power in all its forms, forcing us to look at self-serving power issues versus societally uplifting ones. We are asked to identify where we can and must do better. Watch for the pitfalls of extremism. We are evolving as a country, as designed to do. We are neither beholden to outdated traditions and institutions that no longer serve nor chaotic revolutions with no progressive, equitable vision.

We will get a preview of Pluto in Aquarius in 2023 before it permanently changes signs in 2024. At that time, we will have to deal with the split in society exposed during this time. There is always more work to do!

As NEW MOONS are times to set new intentions, use the fiery energy of Aries to start taking the action you have been putting off for some time now. NOW is the time to act!

 Here are the reminders:

 Check to see which house this New Moon falls in your natal chart to understand what area of your life will be affected.

 Aries rules the head and face.

Categories for Aries 

New beginnings; actions; courage; leadership; pioneering ideas; trailblazing; energized; rushing headlong into things; impatience; rashness; assertiveness; honesty; risk-taking; going it alone; Self; independence; anger; explore; boldness; self-expression; power; physical; headstrong; initiates; warrior energy; competitive; enthusiasm; undaunted; strength; battle; alert; natural leader; progressive; forge ahead; drive and dedication; experiential; quick-tempered; rash; combative; hardy; enterprising; active; ambitious; industrious.

 Soul lesson = LOVE IN ACTION

House meanings:

1st: Body; Physical appearance; How others see (the image you project); Ego

2nd: Values; Material goods; Self-Esteem/Self-Worth; Money

3rd: Siblings/Cousins; Short trips; Communications; Perceptions

4th: Home and family life; Parent; Foundations; Inner life

5th: Children; Fun/Joy; Creativity; Love affairs; Entertainment/Arts

6th: Work; Health; Day-to-day routine/habits; Service

7th: Marriage; One-on-one relationships; Business partners; Enemies/Rivals

8th: Death and taxes; Other people's money/Inheritance; Intimate relationships/Sex; Occult

9th: Higher education; Long-distance travel; Foreign affairs; Spiritual beliefs

10th: Public standing; Career/Profession; Achievement/Success; Parent; Highest calling

11th: Friends; Hopes and dreams; Community; Social causes; Groups

12th: Self-undoing; Unconscious; Hidden realms; Attainment of peace; Places of confinement

Sample New Moon Wishes:

I easily begin starting projects I have been procrastinating.

I readily increase my physical activity.

I constructively use my anger to take action.

I easily assert my independence.

I readily find the courage to move forward.

HANDWRITE 10 wishes on a piece of paper, read them aloud, and then safely burn them (the wishing part); do this conscious intention-setting within 8 hours of the New Moon.

“Let this or something greater come to pass.”


Mary Sutton