Taurus New Moon 2022
This month’s NEW MOON/Partial SOLAR ECLIPSE falls in the Earth sign of Taurus at 10 degrees 28’ April 30, 2022 @ 1:28 PM MST/4:28 PM EDT.
Don’t miss Jupiter, Venus, Mars, and Saturn as they line up in the morning sky for your viewing pleasure!
Taurus Sun/Moon conjunction joins Uranus
Taurus is a fixed Earth sign that has staying power. It is generally about creating something permanent and lasting. As Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, goddess of beauty and love, it is easy to see how the energies at this time are contrary to what they could be. Taurus is Pachamama energy, an Earth Mother who is loving, nurturing, protective, and sustaining, showering us with her riches. However, add Uranus to the mix, and suddenly everything is topsy-turvy! Stubborn chaos continues to affect our world. And the earth-shaking images of war work to wake us to what we want to change precisely. Do we want to continue relating to each other in such chaotic and destructive ways? Perhaps it is time to see where we still need to seed beauty within our lives and our world.
This New Moon occurs along with a partial Solar Eclipse, signaling the changes that establish themselves at the end of this month will unfold over the next six. The garden you plant at this New Moon will bear fruit in the fall. Be aware of the seeds you sow and tend your garden along the way to reap the best rewards. Grow beauty. The world needs it ever so much!
Taurus directs us to focus our attention on the material plane and ask ourselves, "What do we value?" Once you start prodding this question, do your answers accurately reflect your personal life, self-esteem, and how you conduct yourself in relationships? If so, then you are in tune with Taurus energy. If not, there is ground-breaking to be done, and this New Moon is the time to begin.
When farmers plant new fields, they begin with tilling the soil to break up the old dirt, turning under expired plant remains to create receptive ground ready to nourish new seeds. This Earth preparation is the energy of the Taurus New Moon and Uranus, breaking up any fixed spots that need shaking loose so fresh soil can nourish new growth. Be open to any flashes of insight into where you are stuck, where your inner soil needs tilling. It is okay to break up any stagnation that keeps you from living your values and loving your world. Clear away what no longer serves and open to creating beauty in your world, whether through art, music, good food, saving for, or buying, something that you want. The Taurus New Moon is a great time to begin. It is strong in the Earth element, giving a solid foundation with which to work. As Venus rules finances, it is a great time to assess yours and save as needed.
On May 16th, the Full Moon in Scorpio @ 25 degrees 18' will appear, aligned for a Total Lunar Eclipse, or Blood Moon. The Full Moon will create a T-square with Saturn, suggesting we are still struggling to transform our stubborn places responsibly. Again, the eclipse at this alignment reminds us that we will unfold the happenings of this Full Moon time for the following six months. The Full Moon is a time for releasing that which no longer serves.
Scorpio is the sign of life and death matters, empowerment and disempowerment, destruction and transformation. Releasing resentments, power struggles, and manipulations are in order. Perhaps at the end of these six months, we will see the end of an ugly period of humanity's evolution? Envisioning the beauty we wish to see in the world and acting our parts helps make that transition possible. Where will the Scorpio Full Moon's light shine and illuminate what needs transforming in your world? Pay attention to what comes up on May 16th.
Sun in Taurus until the 21st, then Sun in Gemini
While the Sun is in Taurus, we are present in our bodies and sensations, grounded in our world, whether we like it or not. Taurus is a slow-moving, steady plod that moves us ahead with determination. Taurus energy is not quick to yield; it is in it for the long haul. It can stubbornly double-down, refusing to move at anyone else's pace. It is not quick to anger but will charge without abandon should the bull see red.
Sun in Taurus is an excellent time to ground and steady yourself. It is a time to sense what your body is indicating to you, more food, less television, less social media, and news, more relating in ways that soothe your Soul. It is a great time to pursue artful pleasures, sing and dance, dress in your finest, or ingest a delectable gourmet meal. It is equally desirable to evaluate your resources, tighten your purse strings if needed, and put your money where your values are should you be able to spend. Focus on your finances, saving or spending, at this New Moon.
Gemini is a breath of fresh air following earthy Taurus. It moves us from a bodily sensate focus to an intellectual mentality and a new perspective—the mood changes when the Sun shifts into Gemini on May 21st.
Mercury in Gemini until the 23rd, then Mercury in Taurus; Mercury goes retrograde 5/11-6/1
Mercury rules Gemini, so it is at home here. The quickness of thought, fun, socializing, and changing your mind are part of this placement. Mercury in Gemini can be glib, gossipy, and a tad deceptive. Be aware that not everything you hear is true.
When Mercury goes retrograde on the 11th, it is a time of turning inward and contemplating. Have your words been true, or do you enjoy engaging in the little white lie now and then? Have the communications you have been ingesting taken a toll on your nervous system? Do you need to clean up the information you have allowed to seep in? Gemini Mercury retrograde is an excellent time to cleanse your nervous system and detox from all the information, or misinformation, circulating. Purging unhealthy information helps soothe and heal your overall design.
When Mercury retrogrades back into Taurus on the 23rd, thoughts slow down and are less scattered. Whatever lesson might have been missed in April or early May circles back, so you may pick it up this time. Pay attention to repeating lessons.
Venus in Pisces until the 3rd, then Venus in Aries; Conjunction Venus/Jupiter at the New Moon
Venus in Pisces is about US; Venus in Aries is about ME. When Venus shifts from Pisces on the 3rd, the focus on relationships changes. There is a more "what's in it for me" vibe about relationships that will present itself. Striking out on your own adventure may be in order. Venus in Aries is an independent lass who takes care of herself. Aries Venus asks you to look at where you are being too dependent within a relationship and where you need to become a tad more self-sufficient, perhaps even selfish. It is a time to decide what you want to do that sounds fun and adventurous, then do it, even if it has to be solo. Enjoy your time with yourself. If you don't find yourself fascinating and fun to be around, who else will? Work on being your own best friend this month.
Mars in Pisces until the 25th, then Mars in Aries
Embrace acting with compassion and kindness, especially with yourself. Mars in Pisces has a bit of a time getting going. But, if you are gentle with yourself, you will take action and get things done. Pisces Mars does the right thing, even if it struggles. It is the energy of the peaceful warrior. It is a fiery planet in a water sign; the image of a wet blanket comes to mind. You may encounter those who are wet blankets or be one yourself. Just be gentle and understand that the energy shifts at the end of the month when warrior Mars moves into its natural sign of Aries. Energy will pick up then, and so will activity. Enjoy the slower lull of the moment, and be kind to yourself.
Jupiter in Pisces until the 11th, when it transitions into Aries; Conjunction Venus/Jupiter at the New Moon
Since late December, Jupiter has been in Pisces but will move into Aries mid-month, offering a preview of next year's energies. Pisces Jupiter has given us a lot of confusion and pause for concern. The wisdom of humanity seems to escape us at present, given the war raging in the world and the unnecessary violence we are witnessing. Where is the compassion and spirit that this energy brings? Perhaps when Jupiter moves into Aries, we will be able to see a better path forward, a way to take action that honors us all. Jupiter in Aries is forward movement, setting out on a path less traveled.
Jupiter retrogrades back into Pisces in October, finishing the year here until it is time to shift signs for good. Pay attention to Aries Jupiter's wisdom and apply it more effortlessly when it settles in toward the end of the year. Watch for insight concerning individuality, freedom, new beginnings, and paths previously unforged. Aries Jupiter is the energy of social advocacy. It offers its fortune to those seeking freedom and independence.
Saturn in Aquarius
Saturn continues its journey through Aquarius, bringing structure to chaos, lessons to humanity, wisdom to society, and the hard work of social progress and evolution. Are we there yet? Ugh, no. When we use this energy at its highest, there is brotherly responsibility to all of life. We have the self-discipline necessary to be responsible citizens and members of society.
Saturn is a harsh taskmaster. Aquarius Saturn is offering humanity a test. Until we get it, it will repeat itself. Once we get it, we can move onward and upward. Just an FYI, Saturn entered Aquarius in March 2020. That is when this curriculum began. It will not leave Aquarius until March 2023, so we still have a ways to go!
Uranus in Taurus
Taurus Uranus continues its uneasy arrangement, chaos versus stability, uprooting the status quo, destruction to beauty, and uncertainty of values and resources. Traveling with the Sun/Moon at this time, expect even more of the same, remembering that the breaking down of what no longer serves is unpredictable and messy. Continue to expect the unexpected seismic jolts lobbed our way. Referring to the aforementioned farmer analogy, the Universe is razing the ground to prepare it to grow anew. It is necessary but destructive work. But, building anew can be in a new, unusual fashion and offer more stability and beauty than before, should we so choose. These are enlightening times that show us where we have been successful and where there is much more work to do.
Neptune in Pisces
Neptune in Pisces has offered much confusion, misinformation, sacrifice, and potential for compassion and forgiveness. Pisces Neptune is a beautiful energy that evokes our higher angels. It encourages us to act from our highest self for the highest good. We must remember who we are, spiritual beings, and act accordingly in times of much confusion. There has been much disruption to grab our attention. Use your heightened intuition to sort it all out. As we see more and become more aware, we must do more and serve better. "When you know better, do better." ~ Maya Angelou (Her name has ANGEL in it!)
Pluto in Capricorn, Retrograde
Capricorn Pluto continues retrograde this month for the entire month. Responsible transformation begins within each one of us. Pluto Capricorn asks us to "Be the change you wish to see in the world." The changes that occur when Pluto is retrograde are occurring underground, unseen. But, they continue to morph despite being out of sight. Responsible change happens when we know there is something we must do differently, then summon all of our courage to move forward with that change and begin. There is a beautiful quote about the longest journey beginning with the first step. As Pluto moves us forward in these final degrees of Capricorn, let us reflect on what it has been asking us to do. Then, let's simply do it, one step at a time.
As NEW MOONS are times for emotional beginnings, use the stabilizing energy of Taurus to create the beauty you wish to see in the world. Live in harmony and create.
Here are the reminders:
Check to see which house this NEW MOON falls in your natal chart to understand what area of your life will be affected.
Taurus rules the throat and neck, the voice, and the vocal cords.
Categories for Taurus:
Material goods; money; banks; beauty; solid ground; ownership; possessions; values; self-esteem; self-worth; sensuality; textures; textiles; comfort; pleasure; boundaries; patience; persistence; perseverance; stubborn; slow to anger; fixed; tenacious; stability; endurance; forceful; firm foundation; enduring structure; trustworthy; steady; composed; self-reliant; constructive; practical; humorous; kind; magnetic; careful; unyielding; obstructive; lazy; dogmatic; finances; smells; tastes; flavor; attachment; possessiveness; being stingy.
House meanings:
1st: Body; Physical appearance; How others see (the image you project); Ego
2nd: Values; Material goods; Self-Esteem/Self-Worth; Money
3rd: Siblings/Cousins; Short trips; Communications; Perceptions
4th: Home and family life; Parent; Foundations; Inner life
5th: Children; Fun/Joy; Creativity; Love affairs; Entertainment/Arts
6th: Work; Health; Day-to-day routine/habits; Service
7th: Marriage; One-on-one relationships; Business partners; Enemies/Rivals
8th: Death and taxes; Other people's money/Inheritance; Intimate relationships/Sex; Occult
9th: Higher education; Long-distance travel; Foreign affairs; Spiritual beliefs
10th: Public standing; Career/Profession; Achievement/Success; Parent; Highest calling
11th: Friends; Hopes and dreams; Community; Social causes; Groups
12th: Self-undoing; Unconscious; Hidden realms; Attainment of peace; Places of confinement
Sample New Moon Wishes:
I easily create loving and stable relationships.
I regularly ground myself when things feel out of control.
I easily create a comfortable home for myself.
I easily stick to my values.
I happily sing more.
HANDWRITE 10 wishes on a piece of paper, read them aloud, and then safely burn them (the wishing part); do this conscious intention-setting within 8 hours of the New Moon.
"Let this or something greater come to pass."
LOVE your Mother…Happy Mother’s Day! May 8, 2022.