Gemini New Moon 2022

This month’s NEW MOON falls in the Air sign of Gemini at 9 degrees 03’ May 30, 2022 @ 4:30 AM MST/7:30 AM EDT.

Time to spread your wings and fly!

Gemini Sun/Moon conjunction

Gemini is a mutable Air sign ruled by the planet Mercury. When its winds blow, it brings change to our thinking and ideally clears the cobwebs of outdated, stodgy ideas. Gemini rules communication. It shares ideas, words, and thoughts in a simple but important way. Gemini communications can be confusing and convoluted, often talking in circles, using many words but not saying anything of substance. Gemini governs neighbors' and neighborhoods' light-hearted chit-chat, the social banter. It is the energy of the trickster who enjoys a good joke. An image of Gemini energy is that of a butterfly flitting from bush to bush, stopping by for a short while only to move on quickly to the next, the next, and the next. Gemini tends to be an exceptionally social and friendly sign. It feels good to get out and blow the dust off! If you have been stuck in the house and want to get out and socialize, this Gemini New Moon may be just the ticket.

The symbol of Gemini, the twins, is one of only three human representations in the zodiac. The story of Castor and Pollux is one of sibling love and the nature of the human condition, being both god and man. A lesser-known portion of the myth surrounding the twins is that there were not one but two sets, Castor and Pollux, the half-brothers, and Helen and Clytaemnestra, the half-sisters. While the sign of Gemini teaches us about our duality, it also has much to teach us about our quaternity, being human and divine, masculine and feminine. That in itself is a fresh and lovely idea. We are all that, not one or another—no need to pick and choose.

This New Moon supports working to bring back civility and social conversation that is friendly, light, and respectful. Gemini challenges us to change our ideas and perceptions and how we communicate what we think we know. Communication involves both speaking and listening to be successful. If you are doing more of one than the other, take a break, switch it up, and see what happens. Change the narrative, lighten up, and remember your social graces.

Craft your words skillfully, and use them to create beauty. Currently, we are witnessing an ugly attack on the sovereignty of the feminine. Embracing the idea that we are humanly divine, masculine, and feminine enables us to stop attacking ourselves in the guise of suppressing the other and allows us to bring ourselves back toward an integrated whole, personally and collectively.

On June 14th, the Full Super Moon in Sagittarius @ 23 degrees 25' will appear. This Full Moon will create a T-square to Neptune, challenging our faith and ability to surrender to the truth. It also challenges us to believe in something bigger than ourselves and integrate all lessons learned concerning how we perceive our relationship to the feminine and our planet. We may awaken to where we hold fanatical beliefs that need to mature. What do we value? The month of June will be an excellent time to figure it out and release that which no longer serves.

Sagittarius governs beliefs, faith, truth, exaggerations, fanaticism, and wisdom. Pay attention to what the Full Moon shines its light on for you to see! Super Full Moons bring more emotions to the foreground than other lunar phases, emphasizing them, somewhat like eclipse energy. What animates you at this time? To what are you directed to pay attention? Are you finding stability in this chaotic world, and if not, what do you need to do to ground yourself? What do you need to do to heal yourself and your social circle?

Sun in Gemini until the 22nd, then Sun in Cancer

The Sun begins June in Gemini and remains there until it enters Cancer on June 22nd. Gemini is a mutable sign, falling at the end of the spring season, finishing things up just before moving into a new season's summer cycle. Spring is definitely in the air when Gemini breezes in. We find ourselves gearing up for summertime when things slow down, and we can relax a bit more.

Gemini is a time for friends, socializing, light conversation, silliness, and delight. And, if it's too hard to calm down given the way the world is today, it also rules communications. Speaking up, having conversations that need discussing, and conveying ideas are all possible at this time, provided we do it amicably. With Mercury (planet of communications and ruler of Gemini) in Taurus, we may find we are stubbornly holding onto our opinions without yielding, but as the month progresses, that can shift.

Mercury retrograde (Rx) in Taurus until the 3rd when it goes Direct, then Mercury in Gemini on June 14th, Mercury is in the retrograde shadow until June 19th

Speaking of Mercury, it begins the month in retrograde and goes direct on June 3rd. It will take until June 19th before it comes out of its retrograde shadow, coming back to the degree it was before marching backward. Mercury moves into Gemini on June 14th and, being in the sign it rules, is in a more suitable placement.

Mercury in Taurus can be stubborn and unyielding in its opinions and talking points. Once the energy shifts, communications lighten up, are more flexible, and find common ground. YAY! What did you learn about the things you value, your relationship with money, or why you're stubborn and won't let things go in this past retrograde period? How are you handling the significant changes that have come into your life? How are your mental/emotional status and your healing journey? Mid-June is the time to shift things forward. Mid-June, the conversation changes even though it may be a challenge to find the words at first.

Venus in Taurus until the 24th, when it moves into Gemini

There is beauty in the material world, and Taurus Venus loves it. Venus in Taurus loves the pleasures that life has to offer. Enjoy the finer things in your life at this time. Or, if the world seems too topsy-turvy for you to relax and enjoy, put your money toward the cause or charity you value. When Venus moves into Gemini, expect your social life to tick upwards. Gemini Venus may not be able to decide what it wants to do precisely, but it will have a good time deciding! Be careful not to play people against each other, telling one something and the next another. Placing people at odds with each other may seem tantalizing but be cautious of others' feelings. Gemini is a jokester, but not everyone always gets the punchline.

Relationship energy turns from steady and reliable to unpredictable and flighty. Remember to enjoy the ride and don't take it personally. Everything and how we relate to it is changing, as it must.

Mars in Aries, Mars conjunct Jupiter

Mars is strong in Aries; the sign it rules. There is abundant warrior energy in the air. Use it wisely. This is an energy that moves forward quickly and efficiently. Use this time to get things done—no procrastination with this placement. Aries Mars is a fiery, quick to take action energy. This is a great time to initiate those plans you have wanted to bring into reality. Get moving. The Universe has your back, supporting you as you go.

With Aries Mars conjunct Aries Jupiter, there is impatience in the air. Take the time necessary to be confident in your vision before you act. Breathe. Then use your actions to initiate the grace you wish to manifest for yourself and others.

Jupiter in Aries, Jupiter conjunct Mars

Jupiter moved into Aries to give us a preview of 2023. Do you like what you see? If not, change it up. Jupiter is the overarching vision, and Aries is forging a new path. So enlarge your vision for your life and the world, and replace the old one with a new, fresh, expansive, and unique one. There is no time like the present to change the energy you put into the world. Jupiter in Aries offers us the opportunity to create anew, begin a new path, and move away from what separates us from our Divine nature, unconditional love. Aries Jupiter may also highlight the same old aggression we have seen for thousands of years, conflict, war, and fighting over what we think we control. Moving into 2023, wisely choose how you want to use this powerful energy boost!

Saturn in Aquarius turns Rx on the 4th, lasting until October 2022

Saturn in Aquarius has been asking us to consider lessons of the collective society. How do we live responsibly and independently in the world? Do we embrace rules so that we can have true freedom? If you feel that boundaries or regulations interfere with freedom and independence, you are missing the point of constraints; they give form to experience. Saturn is the tent pole we place the tent over. Without that structure, our tent flaps wildly in the wind.

Uranus in Taurus

Uranus continues its trek through Taurus, breaking up things that are stuck or unyielding. Continue to expect the unexpected, surprise changes at home, fluctuations in our financial situations, changes in our world, or other things that turn our lives upside down. The Universe asks us to remain stable in unstable times, ground ourselves in the eye of the storm, and roll with the punches.

Neptune in Pisces turns Rx on June 28th

When inner planets retrograde, they affect us personally, dependent on the planet and sign, encouraging us to go within and introspect. Outer planets tend to appear retrograde more often than personal planets, and their influence becomes more subtle, affecting the collective more than the individual. Pisces Neptune is exceptionally compassionate, empathetic, and forgiving energy. It can also be confusing, illusionary, and deceptive. I believe we are experiencing both in the world at this time.

Pluto in Capricorn, Rx

Capricorn Pluto remains retrograde, changing things undercover, behind the scenes, and in the deepest recesses of our experiences, despite things looking status quo. As we witness the changing of our institutions, we must remember that change can be messy and sometimes necessary to evolve. Responsible transformation is the best use of this energy. Where in life do you need to apply this? Where is your responsibility? Your power? How do you use both most efficiently?

As NEW MOONS are the time for new emotional beginnings, Gemini offers us the opportunity to lighten up, have a conversation, and change our perspectives. Gemini reminds us we are social beings and brings with it curiosity about what that truly means. Remember our dual nature, and embrace the Divine paradox of your quaternity.

Here are the reminders:

Check to see which house this NEW MOON falls in your natal chart to understand what area of your life will be affected.

Gemini rules the lungs, tongue, the organs of speech and breathing, and the hands and arms.

Categories for Gemini:

Communication; siblings; neighbors; childhood; cousins; short trips; perceptions; speaking; writing; teaching; learning; transportation; cars; flitting energy; curiosity; mental ideas; listening; variability; glibness; jokes; tricks; quick movement; nervousness; questioning; trickery; lies; deceptions; trickster; duality; two-sides; two-faced; variety; indecision; quick-witted; brotherhood; brothers/sisters; computers; electronics; books; letters; telegraphy; exchange of ideas/knowledge; young people; students; writers; teachers; lecturers; journalists; thought influencers; travel; conveyors of information; negotiations; childhood friends; impulsivity.


House meanings:

1st: Body; Physical appearance; How others see (the image you project); Ego

2nd: Values; Material goods; Self-Esteem/Self-Worth; Money

3rd: Siblings/Cousins; Short trips; Communications; Perceptions

4th: Home and family life; Parent; Foundations; Inner life

5th: Children; Fun/Joy; Creativity; Love affairs; Entertainment/Arts

6th: Work; Health; Day-to-day routine/habits; Service

7th: Marriage; One-on-one relationships; Business partners; Enemies/Rivals

8th: Death and taxes; Other people's money/Inheritance; Intimate relationships/Sex; Occult

9th: Higher education; Long-distance travel; Foreign affairs; Spiritual beliefs

10th: Public standing; Career/Profession; Achievement/Success; Parent; Highest calling

11th: Friends; Hopes and dreams; Community; Social causes; Groups

12th: Self-undoing; Unconscious; Hidden realms; Attainment of peace; Places of confinement

Sample New Moon Wishes:

  • I easily have difficult conversations promoting social communion.

  • I eagerly explore things with heightened curiosity.

  • I quickly find my words.

  • I readily record my thoughts, feelings, and ideas in my journal.

  • I easily communicate new ideas and perspectives, considering both sides of any dilemma.

HANDWRITE 10 wishes on a piece of paper, read them aloud, and then safely burn them (the wishing part); do this conscious intention-setting within 8 hours of the New Moon.

"Let this or something greater come to pass."

Mary Sutton