Cancer New Moon 2022

This month’s MICRO NEW MOON falls in the Water sign of Cancer at 7 degrees 23’ June 28th, 2022 @ 7:53 PM MST/10:53 PM EDT.

Welcome Summer Solstice!

summer begins June 21st at 2:26 AM MST/5:26 AM EDT

Cancer Sun/Moon conjunction

Happy Summer! As the Sun moves into Cancer on the 21st, we welcome a new season and the start of a new cycle. Cancer is a cardinal water sign ruled by the Moon. So, a New Moon in Cancer is an extra special time for new emotional beginnings. The Cancer New Moon occurring on June 28th is a Micro Moon, the opposite of a Super Moon. The Micro Moon appears far from the Earth upon rising, hopefully tempering the many emotions for which Cancer is known. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with having many emotions, this New Moon is strong in the water element. Sometimes water comes quickly and forcefully, swamping us, taking us under, and making us feel overwhelmed as if we are drowning. If that is how it has been for you recently, use this New Moon Cancer to reset your emotional cycle.

While a square aspect is usually challenging, this Cancer New Moon squares Aries Jupiter, the great benefic, bringing a softer touch of grace and luck our way. YAY! The challenge may be to separate yourself from other people’s emotions or not let other people’s actions affect how you feel. Or, perhaps you’ve simply had too much input from others affecting your inner peace, and it is time to act, think, and feel for yourself so that you may have the peaceful experience you need and rightly deserve. Whatever the calling, be prepared to dive deeply into your feelings and how they affect the actions you may or may not take.

On June 28th the Cancer New Moon supports all things feminine, as Cancer is a feminine sign ruled by the feminine Moon. The Moon, representing Mother, reminds us to nourish, nurture, and care for ourselves. Slow down, take a moment to reflect, and notice what is needed to bring yourself peace. Have you been eating properly, staying hydrated, and getting enough rest? Think of the things your Mother would ask you if you told her you were feeling poorly, and heed her advice. If you do/did not have a nurturing Mother, find your inner Mother or surrender to the Divine Mother’s guidance and love. It is time to listen to what your inner feminine is trying to tell you and begin applying her healing love.

This New Moon is conjunct Black Moon Lilith, who I do not mention often, but I feel it necessary to note now. BML represents the banished woman, the castaway who would not conform. Given all that is happening in the United States currently, surrounding women’s autonomy over their own bodies, I believe Lilith is being felt. The emotions running high and wild over women’s issues are asking for acknowledgment at this Cancer New Moon. Perhaps doing a water ceremony to bring peace to your feelings about this issue is in order? Despite any setback that seemingly may occur, the natural progress of humanity is toward evolution, and women are powerful when they put their feelings into action. Like water, they are a force to be reckoned with, dissolving, eroding, re-routing, and constant. Remembering that all is happening for our highest good is always in order. We may not understand why, but we know what needs doing. And at this Cancer New Moon, Lilith has our backs and is here to help.

On July 13th, the Full Super Moon in Capricorn @ 21 degrees 21’ will appear. This Full Moon creates a T-square to Aries Chiron, challenging our ability to heal responsibly. Aries, the warrior/activist, squares against the parental energies of Cancer and Capricorn, feminine opposing masculine, the mother nature versus the patriarchal nature, trying to move us all toward our independent freedom. On a personal level, the part of you that does versus the part of you that simply wants to be will express themselves in opposition so you can heal and find your personal balance.

Capricorn rules structure, material gains, legacies, stability, and rules. It also rules governments, institutions, and the status quo. As Full Moons are for releasing, pay attention to what structures in your life, your surroundings, your career, and your stable base are due to be let go. What has become stale and no longer serves you responsibly? What has been handed down to you by your parents or the authorities in your life that stands in the way of your individual actions, ideas, needs, and healing? What will the Full Moon shine its light on for you to see, bless, make peace with, and release?

Sun in Cancer until the 23rd, then Sun in Leo

Cancer is a cardinal sign that kicks off a new season. The Sun begins July in Cancer and remains until it enters Leo on the 23rd. Summertime is when we slow down, take a moment to connect, gather, nourish our Souls, and tend our relationships. We relax a bit more, feel a bit more nostalgic, spend time with family and friends, and vacate the busyness of our lives to the best of our abilities.

Cancer is a time for family, slowing down, finding peace, and nurturing ourselves. It is no surprise that summer revolves around water fun, sports, and swimming. It is a time to cleanse ourselves from the constant grind of life that requires us to move quickly, be productive, and get things done. The Moon represents the feminine nature, and slow, steady, and nurturing is the goal. Summertime, when the livin’ is easy. ENJOY!

Mercury in Gemini until the 6th, then Mercury in Cancer until the 20th, then Mercury in Leo

This is one of those months when communications take many forms. We have been experiencing the wordiness of Gemini Mercury, busily sharing ideas and gossip while enjoying being social. Mercury moves from Gemini on the 6th and shifts into Cancer, and the conversations turn nostalgic, sentimental, emotional, and might get weepy.

Cancer Mercury deals more with feelings and emotions than Gemini Mercury does. Expect emotional outbursts, crying spells, and conversations charged with various feelings. Remember that words can also bring peace of mind and express caring and compassion for others. Heartfelt emotions are readily conveyed with Mercury in Cancer. Who will you have kind words for mid-month? Soothe someone with your words and create calm.

On the 20th, Mercury moves into Leo and expresses itself with passion and inspiration. Beware of always speaking selfishly and opt to embrace the unconditional love that Leo has to offer to change it up a bit! Speak with authority from the heart, and you will communicate the highest that Leo Mercury offers. And don’t forget to lighten up and have FUN conversations, FUN exchanges that light up your inner child in the best way possible. Play with your words and enjoy yourself.

At the New Moon Gemini Mercury is square Pisces Neptune, creating a whole lot of confusion and misunderstanding! Clarify yourself and laugh at the miscommunications, trickster energy is light-hearted. Take a breath and remember, this too shall pass.

Venus in Gemini until the 19th, then Venus in Cancer

Venus in Gemini is social. She relates a bit superficially but with many, many people. Gemini Venus is a good time to find new friends, expand your social circle, and chat with strangers. It is a good time to connect with siblings and catch up. You may find some people in your social circle speak out of both sides of their mouths or are a bit two-faced. But this is good to know because it means you still can be social but may not want to divulge your deepest, darkest secrets. The first trick is on them, but if you keep spilling the tea, the others are on you! While Venus is in Gemini, maybe stick to surface talk just to be safe!

Venus in Cancer is nourishing, soothing, comforting, and compassionate. It may be clingy or possessive, but if you want loyalty, now is the time to find it. When Venus is in Cancer, we relate to people emotionally, through our feelings. It is a great time to dish with girlfriends and to call and connect with your mom or sisters. Venus is Cancer hopes we relate to ourselves with tenderness in a way that nourishes our hearts and Soul. It is a great time to go swimming with friends, stay hydrated with buddies, and watch good tear jerkers. Whatever you do, relate in a way that brings peace.

Mars in Aries until the 6th, then Mars in Taurus

Mars is at home in Aries. It is quick, action-oriented, impatient, and can get aggressive if it isn’t getting its way. There is much energy to use when Mars is placed in its sign. But, when Mars shifts to Taurus, it is an entirely different way of getting things done. Unlike the ram, the bull moves slowly, deliberately, and calmly and does not yield. It can be stubborn and occasionally lazy, putting off to a later time things that need doing. Slow to move and equally slow to anger, Taurus Mars makes a plan and then executes it in due time. So, if things have felt go, go, go lately, welcome Taurus Mars to stop activity in its tracks, reset the speed, and pick up a more manageable pace.

Taurus loves beauty, food, and the finer things in life. Taurus Mars takes action to begin enjoying the things that make life beautiful. Mars in Taurus is an excellent time to start your painting, play your music, create your art, or enjoy a fine meal. It’s an ideal time to save money to afford those finer things, save or spend, depending on your bank account.

At the New Moon, Aries Mars is square Capricorn Pluto, challenging us to move ahead, transforming as we go. The best use of any anger that emerges is to meet that challenge.

Jupiter in Aries through July turns Retrograde on the 28th, lasting until November 2022

Jupiter will continue in the sign of Aries throughout July, turning retrograde on the 28th. This retrogradation will last until November 2022. As Jupiter is higher vision and Aries is forging a unique and individual trail, bring the new image you wish to create into reality! Not sure just exactly what your vision is? Use the retrograde period to go within and explore.

Aries Jupiter brings grace to actions. It is a jumpstart to forward movement and trailblazing a new way ahead, creating a new path with cosmic fortune. Sure, it can be an expansion of anger and aggression, lest we forget we have free will and choice concerning how we use this powerful energy. Aries is a fearless force, rushing in where angels fear to tread. It is passionate and headstrong. What are you determined to fearlessly create that mirrors the grace of the Universe? Explore that inner vision without fear or hesitation to find your unique path forward.

Saturn in Aquarius, Retrograde through October 2022

Saturn in Aquarius has been teaching us about living in a society with others. It is presently retrograde and will remain so through October of this year. The lessons go inward and become less collective and personal, quieting themselves, so they are learned successfully during a retrograde period. Sometimes it seems like the lessons are MIA when we look at society. But they are simply in shadow, waiting to be re-discovered and hopefully practically applied.

Saturn is the planet of restrictions and rules in the social-minded rebellious sign of Aquarius. However, Saturn once ruled Aquarius and its placement there is comfortable. Seemingly opposites, status quo versus change, Aquarius Saturn reminds us that to live responsibly within a society; there must be rules. It helps us to remember the needs and rights of others, which form the basis for true brotherhood and cooperation.

Interestingly the Saturn/Uranus square we have been dealing with for a while now is summed up nicely in Aquarius Saturn. Fear of change stands in the way of societal evolution. But change without boundaries leads to chaos and pandemonium, where most needs remain unserved. Using the determination of Saturn to successfully learn about others, their needs, and how we can all peacefully co-exist in Aquarian brother/sisterhood is worth contemplating during this retrogradation. Using what we know is in order so we may grow.

Uranus in Taurus (Direct)

Earthquakes and the shattering of normalcy continue to expect the unexpected, while Uranus remains in Taurus. Taurus Uranus is an evolutionary energy that progresses humanity forward, shining a blinding light on things that should no longer stay. Changes to our homes, bodies, finances, Earth, and food supply are all front and center in the news right now. Harnessing the energy of Uranus is nearly impossible. Rather learning to go with the sudden, unexpected twists and turns it hands us is the way to deal with this energy. It is best to channel and ground Uranus to tap into its gifts. Life is happening right now to us all. It is not personal. It is simply breaking us down where we need to be broken so that we may rise stronger and more evolved. It is hard to remember this at times, but we are here to grow our Souls.

Neptune in Pisces, Retrograde through December 2022

Neptune in Pisces remains retrograde, creating an opportunity for us to bring within the compassion we wish to experience in the external world. Charity begins at home, as the old saying goes. Give yourself grace, forgiveness, compassion, sympathy, and never-ending Divine love, filling yourself up so you may be at your best in this world.

We have experienced such chaos and confusion since Neptune moved into Pisces. I remember thinking it would be the beginning of world peace, forgetting the concepts of human behavior, free will, and choice. However, ever the optimist (Pisces Neptune influenced, of course!) I still believe we can soften toward the lighter attributes of this energy by being the kindness and compassion we want to see in the world. World peace begins with one individual’s inner peace spreading outward. After all, we are the world! Make peace within.

Pluto in Capricorn, Retrograde through October 2022

Same old, same old, we continue the transformations of structures and governments, authorities and authoritarians, rules and institutions that no longer serve and are due for an upgrade. It is difficult sometimes to trust that breakdowns within traditions are necessary from time to time. It seemingly feels as if all the transformations and changes will never stop coming, but they will in their own time. Until then, we remember we are individuals within a system that need to reboot as well, responsibly changing those things within us that no longer work.

Worried that you won’t recognize the world once all the smoke clears? Hold onto the vision you wish to create and imagine a better version as you open your eyes anew. Empower yourself to co-create with the Divine and bring heaven down to Earth with your thoughts, words, actions, and deeds. Build a better world, one loving act at a time. And begin within.

As NEW MOONS are a time for new emotional beginnings, Cancer reminds us to nourish and comfort ourselves first, nurturing others with our overflow. Embrace your inner feminine and tend to yourself like you wish your Mother would or how you know Divine Mother does!

Here are the reminders:

Check to see which house this NEW MOON falls in your natal chart to understand what area of your life will be affected.

Cancer rules the breasts and the stomach.

Categories for Cancer

Feelings; moods; loyalty; Mom/motherhood; home; family; nurturing; caring; empathy; “I feel”; being moody; intuition; receptivity; sensitive; retreating; emotional security; nourishment/food; protection; emotional health; impressions; imaginative; smother love; loyalty; clinging; crabby; thrifty; inner life; instincts; tenderness; awareness of needs; caretaking; fear of rejection; fluid ebb/flow of feelings

Soul lesson = PEACE IN ACTION

House meanings:

1st: Body; Physical appearance; How others see (the image you project); Ego

2nd: Values; Material goods; Self-Esteem/Self-Worth; Money

3rd: Siblings/Cousins; Short trips; Communications; Perceptions

4th: Home and family life; Parent; Foundations; Inner life

5th: Children; Fun/Joy; Creativity; Love affairs; Entertainment/Arts

6th: Work; Health; Day-to-day routine/habits; Service

7th: Marriage; One-on-one relationships; Business partners; Enemies/Rivals

8th: Death and taxes; Other people's money/Inheritance; Intimate relationships/Sex; Occult

9th: Higher education; Long-distance travel; Foreign affairs; Spiritual beliefs

10th: Public standing; Career/Profession; Achievement/Success; Parent; Highest calling

11th: Friends; Hopes and dreams; Community; Social causes; Groups

12th: Self-undoing; Unconscious; Hidden realms; Attainment of peace; Places of confinement

Sample New Moon Wishes:

  • I easily nourish myself and stay hydrated.

  • I readily feel my emotions.

  • I promptly schedule my mammogram.

  • I easily digest my feelings.

  • I easily and lovingly bathe myself in peace.

HANDWRITE 10 wishes on a piece of paper, read them aloud, and then safely burn them (the wishing part); do this conscious intention-setting within 8 hours of the New Moon.

"Let this or something greater come to pass."

Mary Sutton