Leo New Moon 2022

This month’s NEW MOON falls in the Fire sign of Leo at 5 degrees 39’ July 28th, 2022 @ 10:55 AM MST/1:55 PM EDT.

lead with your heart!

Leo Sun/Moon conjunction

Welcome to the Summer of Love 2022. The Pluto in Leo generation (AKA babyboomers or now, just "boomers") taught us a lot about free Love. Don't forget; they were hippies way back when! Then they grew up, and many became the establishment players they railed against in their youth. Interesting.

Each generation coming in under its Pluto sign brings a different energy to change and transform the world. The Leo Pluto kids of the '60s and '70s led their generation's "counter-culture revolutions" and created the first "summer of love." They eagerly explored what they wanted while rejecting their Cancer Pluto parents' family values and upbringing and forging their own way.

The baby boomers wanted things to change. However, the overall vibe was that they felt they were more important as individuals than as societal group members, the Leo-Aquarius axis. They wanted autonomous power and became known as the "Me" generation. They developed and flourished a new, more individualistic attitude, and here we are today, dealing with the challenges created from that modern "Me first" generational attitude.

Forgive me for my brief history lesson, but if you do the math, that Pluto Leo group is aged 66-83, and they are our leaders today. And some are now railing against the ideas and beliefs they promoted in their youth. Again, interesting.

Looking at the world, we can see the effects of narcissistic abuse on the environment, our communities, our economy, our families, our children, and our Earthly fate. Like all signs, there is a light and shadow side to Leo. We have touched on the shadow side of self-centered behavior that willfully gets what it wants at the expense of everyone else. Now, let's explore another way.

Leo is about inclusivity, acceptance, Love, artistic expression, creativity, and having fun. Leo is about courageous leadership, having the courage to take charge and get in the mix, to do things from a place of unconditional Love for all. In its highest form, Leo encourages unconditional self-love. Our typical example of self-love is ego-driven, and its greed-filled tendencies often can be disastrous. It is often selfish, and there is a considerable difference between selfishness and true self-love.

True self-love leads from an open and creative heart with the innocence of a child. It looks like trust, acceptance, and creative expression, and it is fun, silly, simple, and pure. True self-love nourishes and comforts the Soul. But do not mistake its kindness and generosity as weak; true unconditional Love is more powerful than imagined and is the greatest gift we can give ourselves, each other, and the world today.

If you feel there is not enough Love in the world, this New Moon is the time to begin adding some by first, unconditionally loving yourself. Remember, Charity begins at home. We can't truly love another until we courageously love ourselves unconditionally, cautiously, and without self-indulgence.

The Full Moon in Aquarius arrives on August 11th @ 19 degrees 21' and reminds us to slightly detach from the collective to figure out who we are as individuals. This Full Moon is strong in fire, meaning passions will run high, and we could get stuck in our, or others', drama. This time is when we must look inward and decide if how we are thinking, acting, and learning truly follows our inner compass. Are we being true to who we are? How do we describe ourselves when trying to put our best foot forward? If you are patient, are you practicing patience? If you are loving, are the words you use and the actions you engage in loving ones? If you are willing to change, are you stuck in old patterns, repeating them time and again? What do we need the light of this Full Moon to shine upon so we have a clearer idea of ourselves as loving individuals?

A T-square to Taurus Mars/Uranus consisting of Aquarius Saturn and Leo Mercury means there is a challenge involving perceptions/lessons/actions/and changes. Releasing the fixed idea (Aquarius) that we are selfish when we are not acting for the whole may be in order, especially if our actions are unpredictable and volatile. Are we benefitting the whole if we fill it with anger and crazy? The short answer is no. Take a step back, reflect on how you best serve the collective society, and implement those ideas, eliminating those that don't help you or them. Release fixed ideas that you know what's right and open to your heart's wisdom.

Sun in Leo until the 24th, then Sun in Virgo

The Sun in Leo is the peak of summer. Leo is a fixed fire sign and will rule August until the Sun moves into Virgo on the 24th. Leo summer is the time to have fun, play with friends, engage your creativity, and express Love.

Leo is a time to take care of ourselves first and do so with flair! But, loving yourself and being in Love with yourself are two very different things. Be proud of yourself, but not arrogant. Have self-confidence and positive self-esteem, but support others too. Understand you may be the life of the party, but the world still doesn't revolve around you. You get the picture.

Leo is an excellent time of the year simply to have fun. Enjoy it while it lasts! Engage your inner child and play.

Mercury in Leo until the 5th, then Mercury in Virgo until the 27th, then Mercury in Libra

August is another month with three unique vibes. Mercury in Leo may be flamboyant and dramatic, prone to exaggerations and self-concerns. There is a lot of passion expressed around this Leo New Moon. Make sure it is courageously kind-hearted.

Mercury moves into Virgo on August 5th, where it is decidedly more serious and grounded. Virgo notices the details and knows when things are said inaccurately. Sometimes it feels as if every conversation is criticizing and perfectionistic. This is just Virgo energy making things work and run smoothly. Sometimes constructive criticism conversations need to be had and turn out to be very informative. Precision is in order when Mercury is in Virgo.

Mercury moves into Libra at the end of the month on August 27th. The dramatic flair of Leo Mercury shifts into the critical eye and attention to detail of Virgo Mercury, and then we experience the balancing act of Libra Mercury. Libra Mercury says just enough, not too much, and not too little. It strives to bring civility to conversations and social grace to interactions. Toward the end of the month, talk revolves around trips to the museum, concert going, or having a wine tasting as summer winds down. Expect to engage your friends in more refined activities versus Leo's child-like fun and Virgo's work-oriented energy.

Venus in Cancer until the 12th, then Venus in Leo

Relationships may become overly emotional and dramatic this month. Cancer Venus remains conjunct Cancer Black Moon Lilith at the New Moon, so emotions around women and women's issues continue to run high. Venus in Cancer is an emotional time; it is easy for our feelings to ignite our passions, so be aware. Also, Cancer Venus is square Aries Jupiter/Chiron, which means there may be challenges within relationships that bring up childhood issues, especially concerning your need for freedom and independence. There might be many hurt feelings at this time.

And, we can't look for much relief when Venus shifts into Leo because, while Leo isn't quite as emotional as Cancer, it does have a flair for expressing its dramatic passions. Another way to use this energy is to relate to others from a place of fun, loving-kindness, and creativity and step away when things get too heated or you begin to take slights personally. Just remember, everyone thinks they are right.

Mars in Taurus until the 21st, then Mars in Gemini

Taurus Mars is slow to get moving, take action, or give up old habits. When Mars shifts into Gemini on the 21st, things quicken. Mars in Taurus is a slower pace and methodical way to get things done. Mars in Gemini is a bit more scattered, rushed, and ungrounded. It may take more than once to complete something as friends, socializing, and flitting about take precedence.

At the New Moon, Taurus Mars squares Aquarius Saturn and conjoins Taurus Uranus. The Mars/Uranus conjunction is part of the T-square aspect mentioned earlier. This configuration is such a curious set of aspects as Uranus, the traditional bringer of change, is in Taurus, a very stable, unchangeable sign. And Saturn, the traditional keeper of the status quo, is in Aquarius, the sign of progression and evolution. Taurus and Aquarius are fixed signs, meaning they don't change easily. I suspect we are seeing this play out in the world today with the resistance to moving forward and releasing that which no longer serves to create space for evolution. Add to the mix fixed Leo Mercury, and it appears that to get forward progress, we must change our thinking. Apparently, easier said than done.

Retrograde Jupiter in Aries

Retrograde Jupiter in Aries is showing us that action needs to occur to move forward out of this jam. The retrograde nature suggests we look at where we are stuck and contribute to the lack of forwarding movement within the collective.

Jupiter in Aries offers excellent support to move forward and innovate a new way, a new path onward. There is support for developing our individual selves, forging our way ahead that is unique to us. There is support for incredible strides in activism and progressive agendas. Jupiter will permanently move into Aries at the end of this year, signaling a lurch forward. What do you want to create anew next year? Use this retrograde time to ponder such thoughts and put a plan into place for 2023.

Retrograde Saturn in Aquarius

Now is the time to contemplate your place in this world. Again, turning inward, what obstacles do you see in the way of your progress? What keeps you stuck and unable to innovate a new set of rules for yourself? What lessons about being an individual in society, and the collective at large, are you refusing to entertain? What do you have to offer to help society rebuild anew?

The structures supporting our society and the world are changing. There is a terrific push to undo that which no longer serves and rethink our world. But, as I have mentioned, they will collapse inward without structure to support the new changes. Saturn's hard work and determination are imperative to building something of worth and endurance. It is key to helping build a strong and lasting foundation.

Uranus in Taurus turns retrograde on July 24th

Once Taurus Uranus turns retrograde on July 24th, we will have five planets moving backward, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. The social planets joining the transpersonal planets bring the transformation of the world at this time, closer to home. They bridge what is going on "out there" and what is happening "here."

Taurus Uranus has brought sudden, unexpected chaos to our stable world, our security. "Expect the unexpected" has been its motto. And it has not failed to deliver. These hits will keep coming well through 2025, teaching us to ride the wave and develop alternate plans, keeping us alert and ready. These cosmic "earthquakes" are determined to uproot the old while rearranging the familiar landscapes of our lives. This upending is why it is imperative to know what you want to create in the aftermath and bring it closer to your heart. When Earth’s soil is ready, we must plant that will feed us all.

Retrograde Neptune in Pisces

As always, we can be dazed and confused by Pisces Neptune, OR we can use it to bring compassion and peace to this planet. Usually, there is a little of both. Use this time to look within and see where you can improve the percentage of peace and compassion you bring into the world when engaging with others. It never hurts to have more Divine beauty in the world, despite the Earthly lack of perfection.

Retrograde Pluto in Capricorn

Retrograde Capricorn Pluto continues with its transformation of those structures which no longer serve. We also see the desperate grasp at power and control over others that this energy is exposing and challenging. Capricorn is authority, and Pluto is destruction and transformational change, revealing those still trying to wrest power from their neighbors. One example is the government usurping women's free will and choice as if they could. Editing another's free will and choice cannot last, as it is out of alignment with Divine Order. However, we may not see the end of this in our lifetimes, but let’s hope we do. In the meantime, what structures do you want to contribute to rebuilding in a fairer and more just way? So much to ponder while these planets of social change walk backward through the sky.

As NEW MOONS are a time for new emotional beginnings, Leo reminds us to find our inner leader and take action on something which ignites our passions. In other words, BE the LEADER you wish to see in the world today. Lead with a heart full of courage and Love with all your heart.

Here are the reminders:

Check to see which house this NEW MOON falls in your natal chart to understand what are of your life will be affected.

Leo rules the heart, spine, spinal column, upper back, and inflammation.

Categories for Leo

Loyalty; regal; pride; leadership; fun-loving; childlike; childish; entertainment; glamour; art; creativity; joy; unconditional love; arrogance; generous; philanthropic; inspirational; magnetic; aspiring; hopeful; chivalrous; lion-hearted; courageous; fearlessness; magnanimous; sincere; dictatorial; condescending; promiscuous; fussy; honor; open; fiery; impetuous; warm-hearted; kind; supporting; dignity; independence; self-confident; good organizers; drama; flamboyance; boastful; flattery; pleasure; enjoyment; brilliant; children; romance; art and artistic expression; fun; play; games

Soul lesson = LOVE

House meanings:

1st: Body; Physical appearance; How others see (the image you project); Ego

2nd: Values; Material goods; Self-Esteem/Self-Worth; Money

3rd: Siblings/Cousins; Short trips; Communications; Perceptions

4th: Home and family life; Parent; Foundations; Inner life

5th: Children; Fun/Joy; Creativity; Love affairs; Entertainment/Arts

6th: Work; Health; Day-to-day routine/habits; Service

7th: Marriage; One-on-one relationships; Business partners; Enemies/Rivals

8th: Death and taxes; Other people's money/Inheritance; Intimate relationships/Sex; Occult

9th: Higher education; Long-distance travel; Foreign affairs; Spiritual beliefs

10th: Public standing; Career/Profession; Achievement/Success; Parent; Highest calling

11th: Friends; Hopes and dreams; Community; Social causes; Groups

12th: Self-undoing; Unconscious; Hidden realms; Attainment of peace; Places of confinement

Sample New Moon Wishes:

• I readily say YES to adventure and fun.

• I easily engage in cardiovascular activity that strengthens my heart.

• I am easily proud of myself and my accomplishments and love myself unconditionally.

• I eagerly express my creativity.

• I readily join that drama club I've been eyeing.

HANDWRITE 10 wishes on a piece of paper, read them aloud, and then safely burn them (the wishing part); do this conscious intention-setting within 8 hours of the New Moon.

"Let this or something greater come to pass."

Mary Sutton