Virgo New Moon 2022

This month's NEW MOON falls in the Earth sign of Virgo at 4 degrees 04' August 27th, 2022 @ 1:17 AM MST/4:17 AM EDT.

Discipline yourself to practice gratitude daily.

Virgo Sun/Moon conjunction

Virgo can be a particular sign, ready to observe and report just what needs correction in its never-ending search for perfection. It also can help us clean out, organize, and bring order to whatever jobs, closets, or lifestyle choices we have been procrastinating.

Virgo is an Earth sign that is grounded and practical. It concerns itself with making order out of chaos and can be pretty persnickety about doing so. But Virgo loves to serve and is in its best form when it may help in a humble, practical, and efficient way.

This New Moon in Virgo is a time to begin anew and refresh. The archetype of the Virgin, a woman complete unto herself, represents the sign of Virgo. She is independent and does not need another, except in the context of someone to serve. While her virginal qualities have been sullied only to suggest her sexual innocence, her overall innocence and purity are her true character. She represents purification and cleansing, new beginnings, and becoming re-born. Virgo is an excellent time to start again, fresh. File away any unnecessary baggage you have been carrying and engage in a do-over. Cleanse yourself so you may be whole, holy, and ready to serve the world.

This New Moon is strong in Earth, a great time to get grounded if you've been feeling untethered recently. This Virgo New Moon is a good time suitable for building anew and stabilizing yourself, your life, and your world.

There are two significant planetary patterns to this Virgo New Moon, a T-square to Uranus and a Grand trine, the former being a challenge and the latter helpful support.

The T-square to Taurus Uranus involves Leo Venus and Aquarius Saturn, suggesting lessons to be learned via our relating styles and relationships that will help us better understand our independence, individuality, and eccentricities. We may even get a glimpse of our place in society/the world. Release any old emotional chaos to get out of this bind and find your freedom.

In the background, a Grand Trine involving Libra Mercury, Gemini Mars, and Capricorn Pluto supports us to speak a little more gently, act a tad more friendly, and reset how we interact with others and ourselves. Remember first to be gentle with yourself.

This Virgo New Moon also squares Gemini Mars, giving us a boost to taking action and priming us to react quickly but perhaps critically. Watch for a war of words at this New Moon or being torn between this activity or that. Meet this challenging aspect by choosing your words carefully and picking the action that brings the most socializing fun, gathers the best of your friends, and offers a light-hearted opportunity for yourself. Avoid the trickster energy by lightly committing to flexible plans should you want to change your mind.

FULL MOON in Pisces @ 17 degrees 41'

The Full Moon in Pisces arrives on September 10th @ 2:59 AM MST/5:59 AM EDT and encourages us to surrender to the immense cosmic ocean. We are not the ones in charge. We must simply work with what the Universe gives us, trusting in something much bigger than ourselves to know best.

This Full Moon has two challenging aspects, so buckle up and expect a wild ride. There is a T-square to Mars and a Yod to the Sun at this Full Moon. Let's dive in!

The T-square to Gemini Mars involves the Pisces Full Moon, Virgo Sun, and also drags in Virgo Venus. Don't be too hard on yourself! Allow the preciseness of Virgo to reside alongside the diffusion of Pisces, in an and/both way. Taking action to integrate our light and shadow while not preferring one over the other is essential. We are all human, doing our best to live a good life. Don't be too hard on yourself or others. We are all trying to stay afloat in these tumultuous times. Be kind.

There is also a Yod to the Virgo Sun at this Pisces Full Moon, which again emphasizes the need to be kind to ourselves. There may be powerful lessons concerning the pressure we put on ourselves to be perfect, to "get it right." It is humbling to admit that we are not perfect, nor will we be in our human form. But it is necessary to make peace with this truth as it frees us up to be of divine service to the world in which we chose to incarnate. Balance your imperfect human self with your higher perfected Soul and live life from that vantage point moving forward! The results may truly astound you! There is meaning and hope from the Soul's perspective.

We all continue to shift through these unique and morphing times, all of us struggling to hold on, let go, survive, and, hopefully, evolve. Reflect on where you are working harder than necessary, and try another tactic to see if that helps. The sands continue to shift, making finding solid ground much more difficult. Ultimately, we must find a balance in ourselves. When we do so, then we may be of service to the whole and create a new world lovingly and graciously, if not imperfectly. We are human, after all.

Sun in Virgo until the 24th, then Sun in Libra on the autumnal equinox

Sun in Virgo is a contemplative time conducive to cleaning up things and starting over. If at first, you don't succeed, as the adage goes. Virgo is also the time of abundance; the labors of spring and the waiting over summer come to fruition. There is much to celebrate, plenty to share, and always more work to do. Virgo is associated with Ceres, the goddess of grain and harvest. The end of the summer is a thankful time, provided we don't get lost in the imperfection of it all. The Sun in Virgo begins the transition to the next stage of our year.

The Sun stays in Virgo until the season changes at the autumnal equinox, September 24th. Then the Sun moves into Libra, and fall begins. Libra is a time for others in our lives, ending the solitary contemplative aloneness of the Virgin.

Mercury in Libra turns retrograde (Rx) on the 10th and retrogrades back into Virgo at the equinox on the 24th. Mercury will stay retrograde until October 2nd

Mercury in Libra is polite. It may be indecisive, but it's nice about it. But, when Mercury goes retrograde, it is a time of being nice and polite to yourself with your thoughts, words, and beliefs. Retrograde periods slow things down and turn them within so we may sort our ideas in peace. Whatever has been left undone from the end of the Virgo Mercury period will reveal itself when Mercury revisits the sign. No need to fret. It is simply an opportunity to do over, clean up any messes, and tidy up any loose ends. Mercury will go direct at the beginning of October; therefore, we will go within all of September.

Venus in Leo moves into Virgo on the 6th and then into Libra on the 30th

Leo Venus stays with us only for a week, then she yields to Virgo Venus. Leo Venus is much more fiery and flamboyant than Virgo Venus, who is more reserved and quiet. Virgo Venus will be more subtle, grounded, and willing to be of service than Leo Venus. Relating and relationships will be more serious, less fun, more practical, and a bit more boring. Enjoy the stability while it lasts.

Mars in Gemini

Gemini Mars divides itself between more than one action. I want to do this, I want to do that, but I need to do such and such, and I must get that thing done. The key is to keep your options open, flexible, and changeable when required. Mars in Gemini is quick-moving energy that feels scattered, rushed, and preoccupied. This New Moon is strong in Earth, so it is possible to be grounded and accomplish much. The task is to stay present when Gemini Mars wants to go in every direction. This energy is an opportunity to get a lot of things done or start many tasks that may or may not come to completion. Use Virgo's discernment to strategize the most necessary items, and remember to laugh when you inevitably go off course! Within its folly, Gemini Mars reminds us to lighten up and not take life so seriously (even if Virgo disagrees)!

Jupiter in Aries Rx

Aries Jupiter retrograde puts the brakes on our eternal optimism. However, it allows us to focus and see where we need to tweak ourselves. Jupiter in Aries supports our independence, originality, self-development, and genuine optimism. We are living in a time of extremes. The key to returning balance in our lives is accepting and/both. The truth is, when the glass is half full, it is also half empty. Where we put our focus is how we create our world. Be mindful and open to receiving Jupiter’s grace.

Saturn in Aquarius Rx

The struggle between Saturn and Uranus continues, and with its continuance, the battles between old and new, status quo and progress, and the rule of law versus chaos. As always, remember not to throw the baby out with the bathwater! This square exemplifies the times we are in, challenging and changing.

Uranus in Taurus Rx

The energy of expecting the unexpected remains with us and continues to keep us on our toes. What are you holding onto that needs to be released? Is what you are holding onto keeping you from fully stepping into yourself? Where are you resisting change? Look within to see if the brilliance of Uranus illuminates anything new.

Neptune in Pisces Rx

Pisces Neptune continues to create illusions, disillusionment, and confusion. The energy of this Virgo New Moon, standing in opposition to Pisces, provides a tether for a moment so we may catch our breath, if just briefly. Connect and surrender to your higher power, your guides and angels, and trust that they will carry you when you feel you can no longer carry yourself. Pisces Neptune retrograde is the time to turn compassion inward and be kind to yourself.

Pluto in Capricorn Rx

Capricorn Pluto continues to break down that which no longer serves. The breakdown of our structures, institutions, and platforms that no longer are safe or supportive continues. This energy of destructive transformation combined with the Taurus Uranus energy of seismic activity is intense and fatiguing. But these are the times we are living in; the Earth is a cosmic construction zone. It is imperative to remember that this is nothing personal. We are in a time of human evolution, with the Earth also evolving. We are becoming more aware of how interconnected we are with all living beings, the planet included. This, too, shall pass. In the meantime, be kind to yourself and each other. Place your focus on what you want to create. And move forward in grace.

After the 10th, we will have six retrograde planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Frustration may occur with the world seemingly turning backward. But, remember, it is simply an illusion, a necessary pause so we may stop and take account. BREATHE!

As NEW MOONS are for creating new emotional beginnings, use this Virgo New Moon to create space for your life to spread out and flourish. Celebrate your abundance! Fill yourself with those things that serve you and the world better! Uproot deadwood, clean your emotional closet, tidy your mind, and make room for new beginnings.

Here are the reminders:

Check to see which house this NEW MOON falls in your natal chart to understand what area of your life will be affected.

Virgo rules the bowels and intestines, the abdomen, the digestive tract, and digestion.

Categories for Virgo:

Service given or received; health; diet; exercise; routine work; ritual; food; the body; illness; workaholic tendencies; nature; healing; routine; order; systems; analysis; focus; attention to detail; practicality; purity; perfectionism; criticalness; worry; discrimination; neatness; carefulness; conscientious; over-critical; over-thinking; employment/employees; hygiene; medicine


House meanings:

1st: Body; Physical appearance; How others see (the image you project); Ego

2nd: Values; Material goods; Self-Esteem/Self-Worth; Money

3rd: Siblings/Cousins; Short trips; Communications; Perceptions

4th: Home and family life; Parent; Foundations; Inner life

5th: Children; Fun/Joy; Creativity; Love affairs; Entertainment/Arts

6th: Work; Health; Day-to-day routine/habits; Service

7th: Marriage; One-on-one relationships; Business partners; Enemies/Rivals

8th: Death and taxes; Other people's money/Inheritance; Intimate relationships/Sex; Occult

9th: Higher education; Long-distance travel; Foreign affairs; Spiritual beliefs

10th: Public standing; Career/Profession; Achievement/Success; Parent; Highest calling

11th: Friends; Hopes and dreams; Community; Social causes; Groups

12th: Self-undoing; Unconscious; Hidden realms; Attainment of peace; Places of confinement

Sample New Moon Wishes:

  • I easily change my diet and eat more healthily.

  • I readily strategize, organize, and execute a new routine that creates stability for myself.

  • I eagerly exercise and take care of my body.

  • I willingly serve others with humility.

  • I easily use discernment, NOT criticism, when dealing with myself and others.

HANDWRITE 10 wishes on a piece of paper, read them aloud, and then safely burn them (the wishing part); do this conscious intention-setting within 8 hours of the New Moon.

"Let this or something greater come to pass."

Mary Sutton