Juno: Goddess of Marriage

On this beautiful summer solstice, in this glorious month of June, so named to honor the patroness of marriage, the faithfully loyal and powerfully formidable Roman goddess Juno ~ I offer this…

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Mary Sutton
Moon Magic

What exactly is Moon Magic? It is a conscious, committed action-oriented practice designed to keep our emotional awareness in present time, laser-focused on what we want to manifest in our life and/or heal and integrate into our Self, in rhythm with the Moon’s cycles. It’s also FUN!

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Mary Sutton
The Moon and Her Phases

Throughout early culture, art and mythology the Sun was seen as the God/masculine energy life force and the Moon was seen as the Goddesss/feminine energy life force, both equally important and both equally necessary.

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Mary Sutton
The Four Survival Archetypes

The four survival archetypes are:  the Child, the Victim, the Prostitute and the Saboteur. The child archetype can further be expanded to include: Orphan, Wounded, Magical/Innocent, Nature, Puer/Puella Eternis (Eternal Boy/Girl) and Divine.

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Mary Sutton
Aspects: Relational Geometry

The relationships created between planets or between planets and house cusps, based upon their position within the 360 degrees of the Zodiac circle, are what are commonly referred to in Astrology as ASPECTS.

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Mary Sutton
The Modalities or Qualities

As we have seen, the signs are divided into four elements; now they are further divided into three modalities or qualities. Each element has three phases of manifestation in physical life. The three categories are: Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable.

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Mary Sutton
The Four Elements

The four elements of creation are fire, earth, air and water. They each have their own compositions and purposes. They can all create and they can all destroy. The blend of the elements in one’s astrological chart gives insight into one’s temperament.

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Mary Sutton
The Houses and Angles

The sky above is a 360° circle that functions as a Cosmic clock. There are 12 signs of the Zodiac (Aries-Pisces) and each sign occupies a “house” that is a 30° portion of that complete sky circle.

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Mary Sutton
The Planets

In traditional Astrology there were 7 planets, which included the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Those seven planets were what the human eye could see and therefore were what the human mind could know.

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Mary Sutton