Emotional Healing 2020

There is no doubt about it, 2020 has been one tough year! It has been difficult on so many of us that we cannot wait to turn the page and hope that 2021 will be better. But what if it is not? What do we do then?

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Mary Sutton
Libra New Moon Healing Rituals

Because the world is a bit HOT right now, working consciously with the energies the Universe provides is really important. We do not want to make matters worse and add more toxicity to the collective. Here are a few ideas to get you started so you can get through these tumultuous times with greater PEACE and LOVE.

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Mary Sutton
Let There Be Light

The month of October gifts us with two Full Moons, one on the 1st and another on the 31st. These Full Moons will act as illuminating bookends for the month, casting light on things previously kept in the dark. The energy of the Cosmos suggests we will know more at the end of the month than we do in the beginning.

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Mary Sutton
In Service of the Soul

We begin the month of September in the service-oriented sign of Virgo. Virgo is a mutable Earth sign and is associated with purity, cleansing, orderliness, systems, service and humility. It falls into the 6th house of the chart, which is associated with day to day routine (the work to be done), rituals, health, wellness and holistic being.

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Mary Sutton
Mars in Aries: Love in Action or Mars Attacks?

As I have mentioned in previous months there are big energies exacting change on the world right now, big Capricorn lessons are being unfolded as we speak. And this month Mars in Aries is going to square that set of big actors, setting up a challenge we must all face and overcome if we are to learn these lessons well enough to graduate to the next level.

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Mary Sutton
Eclipses: TRUST what you KNOW

There are two types of eclipses, Solar and Lunar. Both eclipses occur when the Earth, Sun and Moon align at the Moon’s nodal axis during New and Full moons respectively (Solar eclipse = New Moon; Lunar eclipse = Full Moon)

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Mary Sutton
Mother May I?

In May 2020 we have 4 planets Retrograde (appearing to move backward) and that may indicate some backward movement here on planet Earth as well. Mother May I…take one giant step/one baby step out of lockdown? Yes, you may…OR No you may not? Who knows? We shall see.

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Mary Sutton
GRATITUDE for the Essentials

If you can imagine Jupiter in Sagittarius as the downhill portion of a great roller coaster ride with all its squeals, screams, excitement and joy and Jupiter in Capricorn as the jerky re-entry into the coaster station once the ride is over, you get the picture.

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Mary Sutton
Responsibility to ALL

On March 21st, 2020 Saturn moved from the sign of Capricorn into the sign of Aquarius. In traditional Astrology Saturn rules both Capricorn and Aquarius. Saturn is the planet of discipline, control, restriction and limitation; it is the Lord of Karma and the Keeper of Time…

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Mary Sutton
March Madness

Prayers, love and gratitude to all the health care providers, all the essential business employees and all the comforters who are holding it together for the rest of us at this time, know that you are being held by many. We do believe in Earth Angels. Thank you.

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Mary Sutton
The Power of LOVE

When we talk of LOVE we generally speak in terms of idealized Neptunian love, merging with another, two becoming one or losing oneself in love. But what of Plutonian love? This love story is a bit more gritty and dismal then the love stories with which we usually associate Love, Cupid, hearts, flowers and Valentine’s Day.

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Mary Sutton
Happy New Year: Make a Re-SOUL-ution

The Soul speaks in hushed quiet tones, hoping that we will slow down and silence ourselves long enough for it to be heard. Instead of creating resolutions to DO things different this New Year 2020, perhaps commit to a re-SOUL-ution to BE different this New Year?

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Mary Sutton
Winter Solstice...JOY to the world!

The winter solstice occurs this year on December 22nd, 2019 and marks the first official day of winter in the northern hemisphere. This time of year marks the increase in daylight, the waxing of light filled hours. The time of year when it truly is darkest before the dawn!

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Mary Sutton
Grace, Gratitude and Greed

As the Sun moves from Scorpio toward Sagittarius we are affected by the uplifting energy of the planet Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet associated with JOY, abundance, gifts and talents in its better light; excess, overindulgence, exaggeration and too much expansion in its more challenging light.

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Mary Sutton
October...Find the Time to Breathe

Once October comes it feels as if the New Year is upon us…time moves quickly and it is up to us to slow it down. Take a moment and sit with this image…allow your mind to wander along your journey’s path…and BREATHE.

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Mary Sutton
Fall Equinox: Finding Balance

At the fall equinox we enter into the time of year when the days get shorter and the nights get longer. This is symbolically when we enter the dark portion of the Earth cycle, the going within and the slowing down time. Fall is the advent of dark whilst spring is the advent of light.

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Mary Sutton
Mercury Retrograde: Adjusting Perceptions

In Latin, “retro” means backwards and “gradi” means to walk, so technically when a planet is retrograde it appears to be walking backwards across the sky. Of course, this is merely an optical illusion as all the planets rotate around the Sun in a forward motion. However…

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Mary Sutton
The Moon's Nodes: Balancing Life Lessons

The nodal axis in Astrology is not made up of planetary bodies or fixed stars; rather it is two points that take into account the Sun, the Moon and the Earth’s relationship at the time of our birth. The point’s locations are determined by where the lunar orbit passes through the plane of the ecliptic, or the plane of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun.

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Mary Sutton